Basalisk's Gaze at 30? (WS)

Dechs Kaison



or should I wait till 50 to start slotting that into gravity well? would the set bonus be much use before I'm rocking lvl 50 IOs? (I only have about 40 mill, so it would be tight to afford the 4 enhancements needed to get the recharge out of the set)



You should really be slotting Gravity Well for damage more than holds, but Basilik's Gaze is pretty expensive for what it is so unless you really need those set bonuses (which you probably don't unless you've already got plenty of others slotted) it's probably a waste of money.

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thanks, that was kinda what I was thinking.

things sure change when you take nearly 4 years off from the game.



Originally Posted by Haemophage View Post
or should I wait till 50 to start slotting that into gravity well? would the set bonus be much use before I'm rocking lvl 50 IOs? (I only have about 40 mill, so it would be tight to afford the 4 enhancements needed to get the recharge out of the set)
Actually for sets, 30 to 35 is the sweet spot. From what I have been able to tell, you don't see a significant enough difference between a 35 set and a 50 set to make it worth losing the bonuses if you exemp down below 47 (and the way teaming works nowadays other than trials, you will most likely find yourself down in the 30s frequently.)

Here is my obligatory example:

Here is Gravity Well with three different possible 5 piece hold sets: Basilisk's Gaze at 30, and Lockdown at 50 and 35. Mostly showing Basi's Gaze since that was what this thread started with, and to at least show the differences between 30 and 35 as well as the bonuses.

Note the enhancement differences between the level 35 and 50 Lockdown set?

Endurance Reduction: .22
Accuracy: 7.1% (The Kismet unique can make up for most of that)
Recharge: .63 seconds
Hold Duration: 1.43 seconds

The differences are not enough to make up the loss of the bonuses when exemping down. And to top it off, I see that the difference in enhancement values between the level 30 Basi set and the level 50 Lockdown set is still not that significant. Plus, you would be getting another 7.5% global recharge if that matters vs the bonuses from Lockdown.

Personally, that would be a tough choice, unless I was going to 6 slot the power. In that case, the Lockdowns would be the winner as the 3.75% ranged defense trumps the 10% regen that the 6th Basi would provide.

Finally, I feel it is best to use holds as holds, and screw the extra damage they provide. If you got a pesky boss or Lieutenant that you need to take out of action for a bit while working on the minions, you need those holds to hold and stack as much as possible (the Lockdown +Mag 2 hold proc helps there, as would the Devastation hold procs in your single target ranged attacks. Both are actually quite reliable and go off frequently enough to count on them).



I six slot my gravity well. It gets four Basilisk's Gaze, which gives a very rare 7.5% recharge bonus (that doesn't interfere with the Law of Five with LotG's). Then I put two damage IOs in the last two spots for an almost ED capped damage power.

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On my tri-form Warshade I (edit: also) slotted Gravity Well with 4 Basilisk's Gaze (for the 7.5% global recharge bonus) and 2 lvl 50 Damage IO because it hits hard and it's almost my only ST attack in human form. I like to use it as a hold on foes that would want to mez me before they even could, but it's mainly a way to finish off a minion (to cast Unchain Essence on his corpse after a (double) mire for instance). So I enhanced both aspects of this power, but not before lvl 50. I needed as much as recharge as I could to make Eclipse perma, but Basilisk' Gaze are so expensive... +_+ I think I mainly slotted it for damage before, trying to kill the target before the hold would wear off.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I six slot my gravity well. It gets four Basilisk's Gaze, which gives a very rare 7.5% recharge bonus (that doesn't interfere with the Law of Five with LotG's). Then I put two damage IOs in the last two spots for an almost ED capped damage power.

it was your guide that made me want to try a WS again (last time I tried was shortly after they came out, and they felt gimp as hell then... now I'm a raging train of death and lols)



I don't use Basilisk Gaze at all in Gravity Well, I go for a Frankenslot that gives me ED capped (or close to it): Accuracy, Damage, Recharge and Hold Duration ... plus a chance for a +2 Mag Hold Proc (for one shot Boss Holding).

Level 18: Gravity Well

  • (A) HamiO: Peroxisome Exposure (+2 Dam/Mez)
  • (19) HamiO: Peroxisome Exposure (+2 Dam/Mez)
  • (19) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
  • (21) Lockdown - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 31
  • (23) Lockdown - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 31
  • (23) Lockdown - Chance for +2 Mag Hold: Level 30
  • 2 slots: 3% DamageBuff(All)
  • 3 slots: 2.5% Enhancement(Held)

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Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
I don't use Basilisk Gaze at all in Gravity Well, I go for a Frankenslot that gives me ED capped (or close to it): Accuracy, Damage, Recharge and Hold Duration ... plus a chance for a +2 Mag Hold Proc (for one shot Boss Holding).
This slotting, while not what I personally use, certainly gets the Dechs Seal of MFing Approval.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
This slotting, while not what I personally use, certainly gets the Dechs Seal of MFing Approval.
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