BAF Possible Strategy.
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/macro find "target_custom_next enemy alive Surgeon$$target_custom_next enemy alive Commando"

Ice Ember
Having a few good storm-whatevers +2 with Interface & Judgement camping the two main lanes either side of the TCourts will account for a huge amount of non-mando defeats.
As everyone quickly works up the I-ladder each of these trials will be become more and more sleepwalks.

Having a few good storm-whatevers +2 with Interface & Judgement camping the two main lanes either side of the TCourts will account for a huge amount of non-mando defeats.
As everyone quickly works up the I-ladder each of these trials will be become more and more sleepwalks. |
We've simply split our groups at the three doors. Have AoE users spam them on the outgoing prisoners while Scrappers/Tankers/Stalkers patrol the paths to get strays contained. The worst run I've had with a tuned group was three escaped prisoners. Siege and Nightstar are pretty much cakewalks for the most part.
Lambda definitely seems like it needs far more coordination than BAF.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
They are alrerady with some groups.
We've simply split our groups at the three doors. Have AoE users spam them on the outgoing prisoners while Scrappers/Tankers/Stalkers patrol the paths to get strays contained. The worst run I've had with a tuned group was three escaped prisoners. Siege and Nightstar are pretty much cakewalks for the most part. Lambda definitely seems like it needs far more coordination than BAF. |
Agreed. I'd definitely like to see a mission strategy for that one. I've been on about 5 runs so far and all fail to get Marauder. Though we did get very close last night.
Two Force Bubbles will keep minions completely out, with no chance of pushing in. Commandos will walk through both like they're not there.
What does seem to work nicely is to put Trollers/Doms/Tanks/MMs on the spawn doors to thin out the exiting mobs, and have blasters/scrappers/brutes/stalkers roaming between the exits and the spawns taking out Lts. that make it through the first line. Fenders and Corrupters cover the exit areas like goalkeepers, where Scourge and pitiful defender damage will get the most use on wounded mobs. This approach has yielded several 0 escape runs. The important part is making sure primary damage focuses on the LTs though. Death is the only debuff they understand.
Alternatively, you can just have everyone pile on the spawn points and spam AoEs; that works occasionally too, but it can be a crap shoot, and all it takes is one to get away to blow the badge. Works pretty well if you're just looking to make it through the phase though.
Marut, 50 FF/Rad/Power Defender - Champion
Leader of The Earthguard
Leader of The Galactic Empire
Just make sure u slpit up ur group at the very least 3 ppl to each door, and 1 person a few feet before each escape point. and ull be fine, unless of course ur on a PuG with alot of retards. Then all u can do is pray.
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
Split the AV's and handle the reinforcements... and you get a masters. As far as the door.. split some to doors and just catch 'em on the sidewalks too easy
Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"
"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead

On a related note, I'm starting to enjoy playing my WP/SS tanker again; I just need to get her Alpha slotted. I'm also considering uncasing and slotting my MA/WP scrapper.
Champion-server main alts:
Fraulein Mental -- 53 Mind/Kin CTRL -- 908 badges
Sunset Smash -- 50 WP/SS
And this is why, after years of playing my main (a mind/kin with like 1400 hours of playing time), I suddenly dislike playing controllers. Too much of the new content has been rigged to be absolutely immune to controls. Really, the only thing I'm accomplishing by throwing out an AOE is drawing enough aggro for a mediport.
Yep, I feel your pain. Unfortunately for me the toon i had closest to 50 when I came back was Doc Stone. Not that there is anything wrong with her, she's an awesome character! But after watching most of the commando's give her the bird as they run by t'is not boding well for future BAF-Like trials and such.
2 perma 51 mind doms make everything 'stand-still'

This event has anti-control scripting on the Refugees.
A MA can help greatly if followed. (Main Assist, and no not the same person as the MT -- Main Tank or Aggro Magnet)
i.e. designate someone to be the Leagues 'target-thru' .... maybe multiple ones to handle each 'grouping' if needed/desired.
After analyzing the exit points for the BAF Trial, I'm thinking of testing the Escapee phase using 3 bubblers with Force bubble. I'm thinking if a Bubbler can park themselves with Force Bubble at the Exit points to prevent enemies from escaping. This would be inclusive of all the Control/Mezz placed at spawn points to deal with minions, and allow damage dealers to strictly focus on Commando Lieuts. Anyone want to test this with me?
1396 Badges... here's hoping this won't be the end! SAVE PARAGON CITY