Budget Build Ill/TA
My suggestion: Add in Fire Blast and Spectral Wounds. It adds a lot of damage to your single target attack chain: Blind-SW-Fire Blast-SW. It makes playing solo much, much, much easier, and you can contribute damage on teams when all your other controls are out. Plus, you can use Fire Blast to light the Oil Slick when Fireball misses. My Illusion/Radiation guide explains why that single target attack chain is so good.
You can easily drop Resusitate -- it is sort of the booby prize of Rez powers. If you really want a rez power, buy the Temp version and then get the one from Day Jobs (Hospital and University, I think).
Personally, I think Flash Arrow is skippable. Solo, I have Sup Invis so I don't need it. On teams, they usually run in before I can get Flash Arrow off anyways and the ToHit Debuff is pretty minimal. I skipped Flash Arrow leveling up but added it in during my last respec. I'll be dropping it from my Ill/TA on the next respec to add Recall Friend. Since Illusion makes a great spy, adding Recall Friend is great for stealthing missions.
I think that the AoE holds are worth having . . . I don't use them much, but there are times that you just need everything to HOLD. I have both EM Pulse Arrow and Flash, but I use Flash less on this character than any of my other Illusionists (Ill/Rad, Ill/Storm, Ill/Cold, Ill/Kin). Besides, the AoE Holds are the only way to get AoE Containment for Fireball. (I know that the new Incarnate slots are supposed to include an AoE damage attack . . . I suspect that Containment will not apply, but if it does, that's even more of a reason to get an AoE Hold.)
While I know you want to keep the budget down (as I do on all my characters), you may want to consider getting two of the cheapest purple sets, 5 of the Confuse set for Deceive and 5 of the Sleep set for Poison Gas Arrow. It will make building the rest of the character much easier.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
one or two purple sets isnt breaking the bank. Toon is going to be mostly Common IO's..
Personally, i still plan on keeping flash arrow in the build. I like it , and i seem to see a difference when its added to the mix.
The main focus for set bonuses in my opinion should be Recharge. Getting PA out as much as possible and being able to fire Oil Slick as much as possible.
5 Decimation for Fire Blast and Spectral Wounds is not too expensive. 5 Posi Blast for Fireball and Oil Slick (with an extra Recharge for Oil Slick). Then for Phantom Army, 4 Expediant Reinforcement with the Dam/Rech and Chance for Build Up from Soulbound (two more cheap purples). That gives you your 5 sets with 6.25% Recharge.
If you can afford it, 4 Gaze of the Basilisk in Blind, Flash and EM Pulse Arrow for 7.5% each. Blind can be finished out with some additional Acc and Damage, with an extra Acc/Hold/Rech for Flash.
5 Unspeakable Terror in Spectral Terror gives 5% Recharge. 4 Dark Watcher in Flash Arrow is another 5%. 5 Doctored Wounds in Aid Self for another 5%. A Luck of the Gambler Recharge and 5 Red Fortunes in SI. There is probably another "5%"er you can find.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
Seriously, Local man.. you need to just take some time and make one good Ill/TA guide. After reading almost everything on the subject, you have given out the most and best advice overall. Hell, you could just copy and paste your Illusion guide and just add on TA, there really hasn't been much in the way of an updated guide for it anyway and I think it would probably help alot of people.
Right now, I have APP Fire and definitely recommend it but.. working toward Villainy to test out Mu Mastery just to see how well it would do considering you get an extra pet, better shield (27% energy def vs. 20% Fire) and Ball Lightning to replace Fire Blast. Only difference between the two I see is Fire/Energy
Also I am curious if anyone has tried Group Invisibility + Celerity:Stealth Proc in Sprint for an alternate/team build. I wonder if it stacks and it will take care of that visibility downtime between casting GI.

Seriously, Local man.. you need to just take some time and make one good Ill/TA guide. After reading almost everything on the subject, you have given out the most and best advice overall. Hell, you could just copy and paste your Illusion guide and just add on TA, there really hasn't been much in the way of an updated guide for it anyway and I think it would probably help alot of people.
Right now, I have APP Fire and definitely recommend it but.. working toward Villainy to test out Mu Mastery just to see how well it would do considering you get an extra pet, better shield (27% energy def vs. 20% Fire) and Ball Lightning to replace Fire Blast. Only difference between the two I see is Fire/Energy Also I am curious if anyone has tried Group Invisibility + Celerity:Stealth Proc in Sprint for an alternate/team build. I wonder if it stacks and it will take care of that visibility downtime between casting GI. |
I actually have the medicine pool on my Ill/TA, and skipped Fire Shield. I don't get hit much since I rely heavily on PA, Spooky and Deceive.
I had Group Invis on my Ill/Rad leveling up . . . and now I only take Group Invis as a second invis, mostly for a LotG Mule. I don't have it on my Ill/TA. As for the Stealth IO, it would work fine as long as you weren't too close to foes when you re-cast.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
So, im really loving the TA set, seems to be so successful at being a big helper even when its unslotted and facing enemies +2...
All my other toons are no holdem limit builds, but i want to try and and keep this toon as low cost as possible, yet be capable of making a big difference in team atmospheres. Over the next few days im going to be working on the build, posting stuff as i go. Hopefully some of you will contribute some tips to different things i have to say... Illusion Set - Blind,Deceive,Superior Invisibility, Phantom Army, Spectral Terror, Phantasm (i dont know about any of you, but i absolutely hat all the Illusion trollers who cast you GI on ppl, so im not getting it....) Trick Arrows Set - Im pretty much in love with ******* out all of the arrow powers all the time.. lol. Except for EMP Arrow i see using everything else all the time... Pools - So far im looking at Speed (Hasten), Flight (Hover, Fly) & Medicine (Other,Self,Resuscitate) APP - Fire (Ball, Shield, RiseotP) Going to have a prelim build tomorrow night just to see where the powers are gonna go... |
IMO Flash and GI are skippers from Illusion, and Flash Arrow and Ice Arrow are skippers from /Trick Arrow. In my final build I took GI for a set mule. I took Ice Arrow while I was leveling; I respec'ed out of it later on when I realized it got very little use. YMMV
In order to minimize redraw I typically start a fight by dropping PA followed by "Spooky". At this point I proceed with Trick Arrow debuffs followed by AoE and ST attack chain. Basically it goes Destract>Debuff>Attack looping Debuff>Attack until everything is dead.
As Local points out, your ST attack will serve you better over the +Res Shield any day. At the peak of its performance this combo will simply not be hit.
As far as IOs go, this combo shines from sets that provide recharge bonuses; the goal of getting PA to recharge just under 60 seconds and having OSA up as often as possible (high end builds will have OSA up as often as ~45 seconds.)
Good luck on your build! Its one of my favorite Controller combos....until /Traps comes along.
So, im really loving the TA set, seems to be so successful at being a big helper even when its unslotted and facing enemies +2...
All my other toons are no holdem limit builds, but i want to try and and keep this toon as low cost as possible, yet be capable of making a big difference in team atmospheres.
Over the next few days im going to be working on the build, posting stuff as i go. Hopefully some of you will contribute some tips to different things i have to say...
Illusion Set -
Blind,Deceive,Superior Invisibility, Phantom Army, Spectral Terror, Phantasm
(i dont know about any of you, but i absolutely hat all the Illusion trollers who cast you GI on ppl, so im not getting it....)
Trick Arrows Set -
Im pretty much in love with ******* out all of the arrow powers all the time.. lol. Except for EMP Arrow i see using everything else all the time...
Pools -
So far im looking at Speed (Hasten), Flight (Hover, Fly) & Medicine (Other,Self,Resuscitate)
Fire (Ball, Shield, RiseotP)
Going to have a prelim build tomorrow night just to see where the powers are gonna go...