Batman: Odyssey...Why am I NOT reading this?




Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I'd say Neal is *beyond* "out there". He's on the outside of the universe looking in. The guy seems nice enough, with his charity work and all, but he is certifiably insane. Go look at his website, particularly the part where he claims (with a straight face) that planets expand like balloons. Nevermind that there are decades' worth of evidence for plate tectonics, Neal says the continents match together because the Earth blew up like a child's balloon. Even Scientology makes more sense, and Scientology is the idiot stepchild of religion and science fiction that truly makes no sense.
Scientology doesn't make more sense that the expanding earth hypothesis. It was a legitimate stance to have at one time... Scientology, however, has never been.

Also... I saw some of the previews for this series and laughed at how bad it looked, not visually, but in actually capturing th character that is Batman.



I spoke to my local comic book store guy today about it....let's just say it's not flying off shelves....


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
I spoke to my local comic book store guy today about it....let's just say it's not flying off shelves....

You know, after Miller's disastrous and equally insanely-comical spin a couple years ago, I have to wonder if someone at DC just totally hates Batman. I mean, how could any reasonable editor let any of this crap get past the script stage?

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