Appreciation Flashback...
*thumbs up post* very well said I'm gonna miss playing with you D:
I don't know the details of your leaving, but I sure am glad you came back. Its been an honor and a pleasure getting to know you
Always a pleasure playing with you MAH. You're happy to help anytime people need.
You're still the man MAH, don't forget it.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

Awesome list MaH... such amazing players and a good group of friends as well.
Kock-A-Doodle-Doom!!!! err I mean thanks!
MAH <3 Its good to have you back.
Awwww....MAH you're so sweet. It's always fun to play when people are having fun themselves.
I'm glad you're back as well, little one. Mo and I love your effervescent attitude an infectious laugh.
Awwww....MAH you're so sweet. It's always fun to play when people are having fun themselves.
Sweet my bum...He didn't refer to you as a "piece"!
18. Amily, weve only been around each other a few key times, and Ive enjoyed each and every moment, I can tell your going to grow to be a very influential piece on this server, and I cannot wait to see what the dynamic duo of Kahmily will come up with next ![]() |
Awesome post man! Good times.
Oh I thought I mentioned it to you... I'm leaving. (edit: I don't want to hijack this thread though or anything, please carry on >.>)

well later shin was fun getting to know u and playing with u hope u come bak to the game!
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
Oh I thought I mentioned it to you... I'm leaving. (edit: I don't want to hijack this thread though or anything, please carry on >.>)
WHY????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!? !?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!!??!!??!?!?!?!?

Very cool you took the time and thought MAH, thx for making me always feel so welcome to your vent and being one of the few with the constitution to tolerate my lesser moments.
There are times it's easy to discount people, cuz it's 'just a game'. (Cuz RL 1st) That's one thing about the strong hands of Champion server, it's truly a community! Even for my stint away I wondered how some people I've met via this vehicle were doing.
Just wanted to throw thanks and props your kind and honest words, good summation!
Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"
"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead
Its late at night and I'm bored out of my mind and so I started looking around the forums for all the previous posts I've made, and I came across this old thread, i know there is a more recent one but this one seemed appropriate because the other one was only like a month ago >.> ( and couldn’t help but want to thank you all again for how awesome you was one of those things where I read all the old posts about myself and felt all spechul and I realized you all deserve that same feeling so here goes nothing, no special occasion other than your awesome and you deserve to feel that way...

I love when you’re in game and not in vent all I have to do is send a tell saying “<3” and your reply is something along the lines of “yes dear” and you login to vent moments later…

always doing something for PVPEC, and now CAPE. I cannot imagine how much time you invest into this game and still always seem to be in a good mood, I hope you know I’m always looking to help out if you need anything let me know. We all appreciate everything you do for champion.
I love teaming with you and hanging out in vent together. I love how every 30 minutes you DC from vent, and I can just assume it was you heh
you are fun to be around and have experience in PVE and PVP making you a very rare breed on the champion server. I cannot imagine Not Vent without you.
and I'll never forget all the times we've spent together, Angie your so fun to be around, and I cannot imagine teaming with you, and you NOT going AFK then coming back with an awesome story to tell :P.. Mo, I wish we teamed together more often, I still am surprised by how many weird and unusual combinations that you can come up with for a character and still kick *** and take names 
You know you have good friends when you come back to the game and within 2 months we have managed to rebuild everything that took me 5 years to build originally....
1. 4shes, the man that words do not describe...without fail you’re always there to help and do whatever necessary to help out, all I can hope for is that I could be as good of a friend as you... and your right its totally awesome that we've been granted the MAH&4shes title for this long... even that post from 09' shows that our friendship is inseparable and one doesn't come without the other
2. Brutal, I cannot imagine ventrilo without you. ...I actually think vent with you is the only time I've ever actually cried from laughing...However, you are the most stubborn SOB I've ever met
3. 'Taker, I do not remember how my COH life functioned without you, you manage to make me smile just by logging into vent, or just by saying "sup y'all" or even the random "YEAUHH" by far the coolest guy in all of COH
4. Tabby, you along with Taker, Brutal, and Ka, make a Comedy Central look like a kindergarten class room. You take pride in your characters and the diversity that they have. By constantly rolling out new toons you keep me in check on the objective that we share, and I have a vague memory of a claws/SR mastermind
5. James T, You aren't online all that often anymore and I hope you get to feeling better, but you’re the most pure of heart person in game that I know. You never say anything bad about anybody; you always want to help in any way possible. You are one of the only people that consistently puts others wants/needs before his own. You beat up on yourself too much; cut it out your awesome James.
6. Ka, you’re a somewhat newer addition to our ventrilo crew but you fit in just right. Between your sarcasm, humor, and quick wits I can tell we will get along just fine.
7. Kaszandra, once again a newer addition to the people I love to team with, these past couple weeks that we've teamed together have been EPIC FUN, I see you log into vent and it’s like I'm a little kid again getting excited about going to the amusement park. You’re still a little quiet from time to time but that will change
8. Marshman, you’re a tricky one, you’re quiet enough to go unnoticed in ventrilo but your such a great teammate it’s hard to imagine a team without the Cleric. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve logged into vent expecting you to be there and then finding that your just down in the AFK channel :P I love your [silent mode] setting in vent late at night, I’m glad that our paths’ have crossed and I hope they continue side by side
9. Jester, I really am more and more amazed by you every day. You, like me, have ridiculously high expectations; the difference is you actually achieve your goals. Your blaster is a god, and because of this you’re the only person I know that could play a blaster for all this game time and be just as satisfied as everybody else with all these crazy alts…
10. Chop, the chicken man!!, you have to be the most INSANE farm animal I know… It could have something to do with the fact that you have a toon named Chicken Most Amazing… but who knows lol. I’ll get you that Bio eventually
11. GFunny, I don’t hang out with you as often as I’d like to, we have our differences from time to time, but you still are 10 times the person I wish I could be. I have to say you’re a great PVPr and a great consultant, I can’t imagine champion PVP without you.
12. Medic, like G I wish I could hang out with you more often and we don’t always have enough time to team and PVP and everything. I’ve heard some great things about your scrapper, I also haven’t had the chance to fight it after the recent Respec, and I’ll have to get around to that… I’ll never forget that at one point in time you were the Clown that “gave hugs from behind”
13. Enigma, as little as we get to team together I’m always impressed with your characters. I’ve bragged more on you and your characters than anybody else in the entire game keep up the PVP’n and keep the love on champion
14. Sinny, we don’t team together as often since I’ve returned to the game and I wish that were different. You’re the Most Amazing Friend; honestly I remember endless nights where it was just you and I on ventrilo for hours just talking about anything, about life. You’re stronger than you think. I love you and your family; tell lil B I say hi
15. Braije I swear there are many things I could say about you, but you are one thing for sure... And that is sure of yourself. You stand by your beliefs, and don’t let anybody stop that, you’re willing to fight a war for your friends and that is worth more in a friend than the sum of any other qualities, you’ve had more than your share of battles. I’m glad to know that we are on the same team and have been for years.
16. Force, you’ve probably become a lesser role in my game play than I’d like, but I guess that’s what happens when I go mia for a couple months I miss you man I really do, your insane builds, your humor, and your presence are all missed. We’d love to see you more often, but I know the guys in RDLV are a lucky crew to have a guy like you around.
17. Kahlan, by far the nicest guy I know…I have to say, you’ve probably influenced my game play style more than anybody in game to date. I’ve changed many things to try and keep up with you and your teams. There are no words that describe your patience or curiosity, always pushing yourself and the game to the limits. I’m just waiting until you solo a hami raid
18. Amily, we’ve only been around each other a few key times, and I’ve enjoyed each and every moment, I can tell your going to grow to be a very influential piece on this server, and I cannot wait to see what the dynamic duo of Kahmily will come up with next
19. Cherry, all you need is a recipe that requires honey because you are a busy bee
20. Stone, I didn’t really get to know you until lately, but I’ve learned you’re really cool to be around. Your knowledge seems limitless as does your willingness to help out when you can. I hope we are able to keep up the teaming
21. Jonnie, you seem to always have the one character needed to pull the team together, and you always login at the most opportune times
22. Kev, like Kahlan your patience and willingness to go to the extremes have caused you to surpass expectations, you’re always welcome on a team with me
23. Cam, you’re one of the few people in game where at any hour of the day I can just send you a tell and you’ll join me without hesitation. It’s great to have you on a team because I know that even if it’s just you and myself we can make the rest of the TF/Team run smoothly…P.S-- Thanks for inspiring my PVP widow, its slightly different but I only made it PVP because I saw how awesome yours was.
24. Shinobi, we didn’t really start teaming together until lately with our TF runs, I enjoy teaming with you and your presence is always noticed. Hah I’ll never forget we did a really really fast (I want to say close to 14-15ish mins?) ITF and the first thing you said was “it hurt us to not have a cold” you are also of the rare breed that has a good combination of PVE and PVP experience.
25. Angie/Mo, you guys are freakin awesome
26. DOLLAR, I've known you a lot longer than you've known me, when I first came to champion my main was an Emp, everybody would tell me you want to be like this guy (points to Milliondollar Healer), and that was my goal, however now that I know you and have had a chance to team with you regularly I know I couldn't ever live up to be like you, your fun to be around, your a jokester, and your always caring as can be. You always want to help out and you trust people to do the right thing even though they've proven you they don't deserve that benefit of the doubt. You along with most of the other people on this list are 10 times the person I'd like to be someday