Wishes for Modifications in Gravity Control...




Even swapping out DS and WH would improve this set, for both Controllers and Doms. The best thing and worst thing about DS, its a power that is as situational as it gets, which makes it very much skippable, and in many instances not the best power to use. Heck, it would be a vast improvement if it was similar to Illusions Click Group Invisibility power, but as a PS



Don't think you want Dimension Shift into a toggle. Possibilities for griefing would be too great...you're the leader of a SF, you DS the last AV then start em dancing. If you did that, the toggle would need to drop aftrer a set duration (4-8 seconds).

Wormhole is fine. You can just yank mobs and use it as a huge aoe stun, or grab a mob around a corner and use it as a pull. The location AoE idea is interesting though.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



the only problem I have with WH is that it you have to wait until 28 to get it.
Waiting that long might've made sense back before they changed the recharge and duration of AE holds way back when, but in the current system, it is a long time to get a viable soft control power, that you can use at least every other fight. Some Controller builds might be able to get away with using the AE immobilize combine with AE debuffs, but for a Dom, it really does draw agro

Moving WH to 12 I would be fine with
changing DS into something actually useful
My idea is a variation of what other have mentioned,
New Power called Gravity Shift or Gravity Flux
for a period of time, over an area you alternate low gravity and high gravity
actual in game effect would be either a targeted AE or a ranged location based AE, that produces a Knockup effect( Ice has its Knockdown, Fire has its Knockback, we don't really have an AE knockup control power already)



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Don't think you want Dimension Shift into a toggle. Possibilities for griefing would be too great...you're the leader of a SF, you DS the last AV then start em dancing. If you did that, the toggle would need to drop aftrer a set duration (4-8 seconds)....
Timed toggles already exist, and would be the perfect solution, if it's mechanically possible in an 'enemy toggle' power. (the bought jump boosters, the pool self-shifting power are timed toggles) The problem with dimensional shift is not the lockdown, but with the timing. It often leaves unaffectable foes in times when the team is ready to have at 'em... and you are left tapping the watch until they are shift back in.

A timed toggle fixes this perfectly: shift the mob you don't want yet, untoggle to bring them back into play. Giving a timed ceiling means the power has a top duration, and since toggles only start recharging after they go off, you can't permanently shift anything. (This solves both griefing and exploits, like permanently shifting recluse's towers) Giving a set period also fixes the issue of the end cost being raised to match a power that would give essentially total safety forever.



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
Don't forget that the set is shared with Controllers. It's not a great power even for them, but I'm sure some people with Gravity Controllers would not want to give it up.

Removing it just for Dominators would be a first. Aside from the changes necessary to accommodate inherents, all primaries shared between Dominators and Controllers are identical.
There is a "Gravity sucks give it some love already devs!!" thread in the controller forums right now too. Maybe they should take a hint?

Edit: link for bringing us all together...




I think that Gravity can be fixed without violating the cottage rule. I also think that the set needs some major help.

An idle thought, while I'm between things: Add a Mag 1.5 stun to the AOE immobilize. Purely additive change.



It's not ST that I feel really needs assistance - Propel could probably afford to be reconsidered ala Energy Transfer - but KD in the AOE is a non-awful idea.