Some Power Suggestions
The Power Set would simply have to be Cutlass & Pistol, a good mix of melee & ranged attacks, nothing else would serve a Pirate! A broad swirling swish with the cutlass could be the AoE. Maybe even a lone blunderbuss attack for ranged AoE.
. . . <Snip!>
Pirates: Mastermind Seriously. We already have robots, zombies and ninjas. The pirates are being sorely misrepresented. Obvious choices would be deckhands for minions, buccaneers for leutenants and a first mate who may be like a swashbuckler instead of a big dumb brute. Add a little finesse into our sets! Personal attacks are likely to be a pistol but please try something different and toss in a sword too. instead of the ranged 'weak attack', 'better attack' and 'aoe attack' MMs usually skip over how about at least one of those being a bit of swashbuckling? I personally would love to see your daring first mate swing in on a rope when you call him/her. Yar! <Snip!> . . . . |
Perhaps the buffs could be the Pirate MM passing out a jug of rum and/or flipping each pet a gold piece!
Oh Oh! !
We need a Circus Ring Master set too, with Clowns (1st) and critters (2nd) (Lion & Elephant for example) and perhaps a knife throwing Juggler or Strong Man (3rd). (Hm m m Maybe a Bearded Lady instead!) The Clowns could have attacks like Horn, Joy Buzzer and Squirting Flower!
Ok, so perhaps I am being silly, but I really would like to see the Pirate set!
Yeah, that sounds like it would make a good dominator secondary. Plenty of Swashing and buckling.
Not to be rude, but none of these ideas are new, except for Fel Armor.
Spear and Whip probably won't happen, for animation reasons. It'll take a lot of time/money to change all the different animations to make those powersets possible.
I wouldn't mind seeing Fel armor though, it'd be nice to see another toggle super-armor tier 9.
Edit: I'll give you props on going over the powersets, though. Much better than just shooting out names.
Considering what they've been able to pull off with a whip in the Demon Summoning attack powers, I think we're a lot closer to having a full Whip set, to be honest. But for that matter, most folks were expecting Dual Pistols to be a slightly modified version of the Thugs set Pistol attacks, not a completely new full set of attacks and animations.
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

I could see Whip as a powerset, and the swing from chandelier option would just be a teleport like the Shield Charge with a slightly different animation.
Hi there! I've been playing the game on and off since beta and I know a few power sets that I would like to see added. I reccomended way back in the day that heroes should be able to 'fall' and villians should be able to 'redeem' so even if that took 5 years it happened. So, on a 1 for 1 record now let me try here! I'll try to not offer up any silly suggestions, only things I think belong in the game and deserve attention.
Spear: Tank/Brute/Scrapper/Stalker
I know many of us have wanted this since we first saw Valkerie in Steel. Much later we saw Cimerorans using them yet we have been denied! No longer! Stabs are obvious, a multi-stab short range cone seems appropriate. Perhaps a sweeping cone knockdown/KB. I see a lot of cone attacks because it's a weapon with range so why not use it? Of course at some point allow a spear throw. We are heroes and villians so throwing the spear naturally means you pull out a backup *cough*.
Magnetic Control/Domination: Controller/Dominator
Another favorite idea since beta. Plenty of possibilities here for buff, debuff, repel or *gasp* for the first time ever an attract move. A slowing field laid on the ground like caltrops but for -move and -recharge would be cool. Maybe even a similar field toggle like the various bubbles. You walk up to the magnetic controller and even the iron in your blood weighs you down! The final pet would either be a magnetic force similar to singularity or a more golem-like metal construct.
Pirates: Mastermind
Seriously. We already have robots, zombies and ninjas. The pirates are being sorely misrepresented. Obvious choices would be deckhands for minions, buccaneers for leutenants and a first mate who may be like a swashbuckler instead of a big dumb brute. Add a little finesse into our sets! Personal attacks are likely to be a pistol but please try something different and toss in a sword too. instead of the ranged 'weak attack', 'better attack' and 'aoe attack' MMs usually skip over how about at least one of those being a bit of swashbuckling? I personally would love to see your daring first mate swing in on a rope when you call him/her. Yar!
Fel Armor: Tank/Brute
What infernal wishes he had. A bit of a mix between fire tank and dark armor but with an overlying theme of demonic power. The final move could even change your form, either like granite armor or like peacebringers/warshades can, into a spiffy demon. And a thought, one of their powers could be a personal version of the demon MM's hell on earth. As the tank/brute is doing their thing, little short-lived demons are materializing around them to pitch in.
Radiation Armor: Tank/Brute
Now this one I feel has been needed tor awhile. The concept being a tank which functions not by defense or resistance or a mix of buff and debuff, but just by debuff. A radioactive aura could function for -range to force things into melee, along with taunt to ensure they aren't wiped out before the debuffs work. Things standing by them are afflicted with either a nice bit of -acc/tohit or -dmg, emulating a tank with defense or resistance, respectivly. A personal accelerate metabolism wouldn't be bad, like super strength's rage. In fact, it would be neat to see a SS/Rad tank using both rage and their AM at once. They might have a self-rez combined with fallout as their final power, or perhaps its just a debuffing equal to something like moment of glory or invincibility, as everything eound them flails around uselessly.
Thats my two cents. Anyone want to comment on any of these? I would love to see a red name pop in here, at least to say hi after all this time, hehe.
Had another idea
based a bit off of the demon summoning attack powers (MM got guns before we got dual pistols, afterall), various mid-range strikes along with entangling attacks and perhaps even disorients *CRACK*. A bit on the silly side here but maybe the final move could be swing whip into air, snag something irrelevant, then swing and strike in an area at your destination. The ol' whip swing, chandalier not included.