Chance for +Recharge in Shield Charge?
Where did you see the proc activate? Was it a combat message, or did you see your personal recharge increase?
I haven't tested it personally but as far as I know, the +rech boost is granted to the pseudo-pet and therefore does nothing directly for your character.
I'm not totally sure because I haven't actually used it in that power before, but if it works like other procs in summoned entity powers like Shield Charge, that buff is being applied to the "psuedo pet" that is actually doing all the hit rolls. Even if you do see the proc fire off in your buff bar, which may happen since psuedo pets show up in the buff bar, it's buffing Shield Charge, not you.
And on a more general note, it's much more worth while putting that proc in a faster recharging power if you have one for it. But I'm sure you probably already know that :P
I saw the +100% increase in the Combat Attributes field. It jumped from 52.5% to 152.5% for a short bit (I didn't time it but figured the short 10 sec span that it gives).
I guess I will be using my respec to shuffle it around.
Arc 52555: Tower of Darkness
Arc 139668: Bob's Crazy Car Dealership
I got 5 sets of Obliteration in shield charge and set bonus up to 30% global recharge without hasten and it have a pretty nice recharge ratio, awesome damage and low endurance.
Its great for shield charge.
I use Force Feedbacl: Chance for +Recharge in my Super Strength tank, and I love it!
The Proc is a 10% chance for a +100% recharge for 5 seconds.
When slotted into an AOE attack, such as Foot Stomp (for Super Strength), each opponent hit by your Foot Stomp gives you a 10% chance for the Proc to activate.
So, if my Foot Stomp hits 10 enemies, I get a 10% chance from enemy #1, 10% chance for enemy #2, etc... This does NOT mean that I get a 100% chance for the Proc to fire off. Rather, each enemy hit has an independent chance of firing. Also, you do not get a multiple stacking of this Proc from the single Foot Stomp.
What is really great about having this Proc in Foot Stomp is that, the base recycle time on Foot Stomp is 20 seconds, and the radius of Foot Stomp is pretty big. With 5 pieces of the Obliteration set in the power, Foot Stomp comes up every 10 seconds. With Hasten added on top, I can Foot Stomp every 7.5 seconds. IF the Proc fires off on a particular Foot Stomp, my next Foot Stomp comes back up in like 6 seconds.
From observation, with a good number of mobs surrounding my Tanker, I will see the Proc fire off just about every other Foot Stomp. (I will also often times be perma-Hastened as an end result)
The Proc is also nice to have in Thunder Strike (Electric Melee), but Thunder Strike has a significantly smaller radius than Foot Stomp.
The problem with slotting this Proc into Shield Charge is that, the base recycle time is a whopping 90 seconds. With 5 slotting Obliteration and Hasten up, you can get this down to 34 seconds, but the 5 seconds of +100% recharge rate you get from the Proc, while nice, does not significantly impact your character's performance the same way that it does for Foot Stomping tankers/brutes, since the Proc will not come up anywhere near as often for Shielders.
I will way that I do like the Proc in Shield/Electric toons. Between Thunder Strike, Shield Charge and Lightning Rod, you get many, many opportunities for the Proc to fire off.
Hope this helps,
I think it's an issue with the pseudo-pet, but not the one most are thinking. This proc in most AoEs goes off frequently since it checks against every foe. With shield charge, it still does that, but since the AoE caster is the pseudopet, that doesn't transfer to the player (which several have noted). That doesn't explain the fact that it still works occasionally, though. I think what accounts for that is that, apparently, when you use a pseudopet/pet power that has a (self-affecting) proc in it, there is a chance for the proc to go off once when you summon the power as well. So the higher chance for the proc to go off from hitting multiple foes is useless since it affects the pet, not you, but you still have a single chance for it to go off when you actually summon the pet.
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
I think it's an issue with the pseudo-pet, but not the one most are thinking. This proc in most AoEs goes off frequently since it checks against every foe. With shield charge, it still does that, but since the AoE caster is the pseudopet, that doesn't transfer to the player (which several have noted). That doesn't explain the fact that it still works occasionally, though. I think what accounts for that is that, apparently, when you use a pseudopet/pet power that has a (self-affecting) proc in it, there is a chance for the proc to go off once when you summon the power as well. So the higher chance for the proc to go off from hitting multiple foes is useless since it affects the pet, not you, but you still have a single chance for it to go off when you actually summon the pet.
Moral of the Story: Put the Force Feedback Proc in a power that directly targets the enemy like Fire Sword Circle or Footstomp not in a power that generates a Pseudo-Pet like Shield Charge or Lightning Rod. (At least I think Lightning Rod is a Pseudo-Pet power, sorry if I'm wrong on this one.)
Beowulf -
Too many Alts, not enough 50's. Story of my life...

I'd rather slot a power as good as Shield Charge for enhancement percentages instead of slipping a low-percentage proc in there.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Thank you Muon_Neutrino for giving a very logical reason why I was seeing it firing at times. It makes perfect sense now.
As for lower numbers, the numbers for 5 pieces of Scirroco's Dervish are not bad since it has a chance for as the 6th pieces. Obilit has less Accuracy but more Recharge and the difference in damage is minimual (~1% after ED).
I will work to respec it out now that my question has been answered.
It is too bad that the proc cannot go into FSC. I will most likely move the 5 Scirrco's Dervish to FSC (seeing as I need it for the set defense bonus) and add the Armaggedon's Chance for Fire damage.
Thanks for all the good information.
Arc 52555: Tower of Darkness
Arc 139668: Bob's Crazy Car Dealership
So, if my Foot Stomp hits 10 enemies, I get a 10% chance from enemy #1, 10% chance for enemy #2, etc... This does NOT mean that I get a 100% chance for the Proc to fire off. Rather, each enemy hit has an independent chance of firing. Also, you do not get a multiple stacking of this Proc from the single Foot Stomp.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
I use Force Feedbacl: Chance for +Recharge in my Super Strength tank, and I love it!
The Proc is a 10% chance for a +100% recharge for 5 seconds. When slotted into an AOE attack, such as Foot Stomp (for Super Strength), each opponent hit by your Foot Stomp gives you a 10% chance for the Proc to activate. So, if my Foot Stomp hits 10 enemies, I get a 10% chance from enemy #1, 10% chance for enemy #2, etc... This does NOT mean that I get a 100% chance for the Proc to fire off. Rather, each enemy hit has an independent chance of firing. Also, you do not get a multiple stacking of this Proc from the single Foot Stomp. What is really great about having this Proc in Foot Stomp is that, the base recycle time on Foot Stomp is 20 seconds, and the radius of Foot Stomp is pretty big. With 5 pieces of the Obliteration set in the power, Foot Stomp comes up every 10 seconds. With Hasten added on top, I can Foot Stomp every 7.5 seconds. IF the Proc fires off on a particular Foot Stomp, my next Foot Stomp comes back up in like 6 seconds. From observation, with a good number of mobs surrounding my Tanker, I will see the Proc fire off just about every other Foot Stomp. (I will also often times be perma-Hastened as an end result) The Proc is also nice to have in Thunder Strike (Electric Melee), but Thunder Strike has a significantly smaller radius than Foot Stomp. The problem with slotting this Proc into Shield Charge is that, the base recycle time is a whopping 90 seconds. With 5 slotting Obliteration and Hasten up, you can get this down to 34 seconds, but the 5 seconds of +100% recharge rate you get from the Proc, while nice, does not significantly impact your character's performance the same way that it does for Foot Stomping tankers/brutes, since the Proc will not come up anywhere near as often for Shielders. I will way that I do like the Proc in Shield/Electric toons. Between Thunder Strike, Shield Charge and Lightning Rod, you get many, many opportunities for the Proc to fire off. Hope this helps, -Kokoro |
This IO got nerfed pretty hard when people with big AoE KB powers (like hurricane) were using it to give themselves amazingly high recharge with stacking/chaining it. It was an obvious oversight in the original design of the IO. Unfortunately, it was kind of over nerfed IMO.
I still find that the proc works great in powers that it works correctly in (like Fissure on my Fire/Kin).
It might not be as great as it use to be but it is still nice and when fighting big groups it normally can kick off every group or so.
Arc 52555: Tower of Darkness
Arc 139668: Bob's Crazy Car Dealership
At first I thought that the Chance for +Recharge from the Force Feedback set wasn't working at all in Shield Charge but right after I was starting to ask the question of some people I saw it fire off. But it really does not seem to be firing off that much when I use Shield Charge. I have never seen it fire off when Hasten was also running (which would be a very wierd bug), and it seems only a few times.
All of this could be just user observation which we all know can be unreliable.
I do know that when I fire off Fissure on my Fire/Kin which also has the proc in groups composed the exact same as what my Fire/SD is fighting, I see it fire off a lot.
Would it be that Shield Charge is only checking against some of the group? (Possibly the smaller radius that has the bigger damage part of Shield Charge?)
I am thinking of swapping the set I have in Shield Charge. I currently have 5 Scirrico's Dervish and the Chance for proc. I would replace it with a full set of Obilteration. I would just basically swap out the sets in my FSC and Shield Charge (minus the Chance for +Recharge since it cannot go in FSC).
Thanks for any clarification people can give me.
Arc 52555: Tower of Darkness
Arc 139668: Bob's Crazy Car Dealership