Quesada Out, Alonso in as new Marvel EiC




Originally Posted by Night_Fyre View Post
The real question is, what will the panel at Comic Con now be called? Cup O' Joe is out. How about "Spinning the Axel"?

*ducks head*
Axel's Follies



Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
Axel's Follies
While playing the theme song from Beverly Hills Cop II.



From what I can get from WF's post it just means that Quesada is just going to be more busy with managing deals and events outside of the comic side of Marvel, which is what a CCO does. Probably the biggest problem I have with Quesada is his writing, his horrible horrible drive a person to Cthulhu levels of madness style of writing.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Maybe we can finally get around to portraying super powered beings as fairly stable folks again. Instead of the trembling, gristly bag of neuroses they've been written as since about 1982 or there abouts

Give me my kind and caring Doctor Strange back, you hacks! He doesn't have to be petty and arrogant to kick mystical ***!

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
I give you your daily dose of nerdrage.

Also, most of the BND Spider-Man books were better than the JMS ones (Bob Gale's issues excepted). Nyah. :P
my carefully constructed, well thought out reply;
no they're not, so neener!



For me the biggest letdown with BND books was that they really didn't deliver anything special. Quesada and I think some of the BND ASM writers were going on and on about how a married Peter Parker just hinders the stories they want to tell and that a single Peter Parker would allow for better storytelling. To me I didn't see any kind of improvement, and really didn't see a difference in story between a married Spider-Man or single Spider-Man.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius