VEAT Cloaking Device defense in Mid's.
Mid's has the suppressed, if I remember correctly.
I notice that Cloaking Device, when toggled on, is giving something on the magnitude of 12% defense the way I have it slotted. According to Mid's it is providing me 5.7% defense. I'm guessing that it's around 12% when not suppressed and 5.7%(slotted) when it is. Is this correct?
If you have your build in-game, there should be two separate defense values for Cloaking Device. The lowest will the the unsuppressed value.
If you click the 'Effects' button with it selected you will see the unsuppressed value. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a way to make it display the suppressed value in the Totals vs. unsuppressed. I find it is best to just leave it disabled and mentally add the suppressed value to your totals.
I notice that Cloaking Device, when toggled on, is giving something on the magnitude of 12% defense the way I have it slotted. According to Mid's it is providing me 5.7% defense. I'm guessing that it's around 12% when not suppressed and 5.7%(slotted) when it is. Is this correct?
BU procs slotted in toggles also have the problem of skewing your numbers and showing inordinate amounts of accuracy, for example.
There was a recent update to Mids which allows you to toggle the display of suppressed vs. unsuppressed powers.
For those (like me) who didn't reallize this was there until starcloud pointed it out (thanks Starcloud!) you go to the effects and maths tab in the configuration menu and under suppression, turn on "Attacked". Took me a little searching to find it and it wasn't obvious at first, so I thought I would point it out explicitly. This is in version 1.91 of mids using the 19.11 database version (30/12/10 release).
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

Oh good to know! Thanks for the info Starchild and Eric.
Good info. I did not know that. Now I can stop editing the database for all defense powers with a suppressing portion. I had been deleting all effects which suppressed so that my totals would be accurate.
I notice that Cloaking Device, when toggled on, is giving something on the magnitude of 12% defense the way I have it slotted. According to Mid's it is providing me 5.7% defense. I'm guessing that it's around 12% when not suppressed and 5.7%(slotted) when it is. Is this correct?