Does going above def soft-cap help against AVs?




Hey all,

just wondering, if i go above the def soft-cap of 45, will that help against tougher foes?

my understanding is that even if you are at def of 45, bosses/EBs/AVs have a greater than 5% chance of hitting you, and their chance is based on level and other various buffs they have

If i go against a level 54 AV, will having a def of 50 (rather than 45) lower their chance of hitting me?

thanks in advance



In most cases, no, extra defense above the soft cap won't help. Enemies above Minion rank and up to +5 levels above you get an Accuracy bonus which no amount of defense can offset.

Some bosses/EBs/AVs may have a ToHit bonus and some may have -Defense attacks and in those cases extra defense will help.

A very few enemies, such as Turrets and Pets, start with a higher ToHit, so more defense will be needed to soft cap against them.

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thanks for the quick reply

it answers my question perfectly



A level 54 AV will still have a base 5% chance to hit a softcapped toon, but since AVs get an accuracy bonus for being an AV and for being level 54, they end up with a higher actual chance to hit the toon. It's even higher if the AV wields a weapon.



IIRC, enemies get a 10% bonus to hit you for every level they are above you. Lieutenants get 5%, and I think it goes 5% more for every rank above, making AVs have roughly +20. So a +4 AV has about a 110% ToHit a level 50 hero. If you only have 45% Def ("Softcap") they'll still have a 65% chance to hit you- roughly the same chance an elite boss has to hit a same level hero.
More def is still effective, you just need that much more of it.
Most times, this means relying on your team. If you get to about 75% Def, you're doing OK for almost anything the game throws at you.

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My thoughts on November 30.



Originally Posted by Acanous_Quietus View Post
IIRC, enemies get a 10% bonus to hit you for every level they are above you. Lieutenants get 5%, and I think it goes 5% more for every rank above, making AVs have roughly +20. So a +4 AV has about a 110% ToHit a level 50 hero. If you only have 45% Def ("Softcap") they'll still have a 65% chance to hit you- roughly the same chance an elite boss has to hit a same level hero.
More def is still effective, you just need that much more of it.
Most times, this means relying on your team. If you get to about 75% Def, you're doing OK for almost anything the game throws at you.
That's not how it works.

They don't get a to-hit bonus till they are +6(I think),they just get a Accuracy bonus for being a AV or a lieutenant. A level 54 AV will have something like a 11% chance to hit you if your defense is 45% or if it is 75%, that is why 45% is the Soft cap.

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Originally Posted by Acanous_Quietus View Post
IIRC, enemies get a 10% bonus to hit you for every level they are above you. Lieutenants get 5%, and I think it goes 5% more for every rank above, making AVs have roughly +20. So a +4 AV has about a 110% ToHit a level 50 hero. If you only have 45% Def ("Softcap") they'll still have a 65% chance to hit you- roughly the same chance an elite boss has to hit a same level hero.
More def is still effective, you just need that much more of it.
Most times, this means relying on your team. If you get to about 75% Def, you're doing OK for almost anything the game throws at you.
... That's wrong.

No creature gets a rank-based to-hit buff.

Accuracy, yes.

If you are at the soft cap, vs a +4 AV, it's (50[base]-45[your defense])%tohit, then you multiple by accuracy (2.1=1 [most power's base accuracy] * 1.4 [+4 level difference] * 1.5 [Rank bonus). So it's 10.5% min. to-hit chance against a soft-capped player for a +4AV

And for level differences, it isn't until they are +6 or more that they start getting a To-hit buff for level.

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