Troll Raves
This is not the troll rave you are looking for.
Some time after i18? I think?
I'm not sure what causes them but I'm goin through the same thing. I think they stopped around the same time the winter event started. I thought they were somehow substituted as the zone event. I wasn't going to complain until efter the event was over.
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According to Paragon Wiki, Troll Raves only happen at night. I was of the mistaken belief they had something to do with a low-level mission you get that says "Stop the troll rave in Skyway," which is just a defeat trolls mission.
I've been pursuing this badge on one of my alts on freedom for the past 2 weeks.
I usually only have about an hr of time to play but I haven't seen any.
According to Paragon Wiki, Troll Raves only happen at night.
I could swear I've run into them during daytimes.... huh.
But in any case, I haven't been looking for them in particular, so I honestly couldn't say what the deal is now.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
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The regular street trolls are out at any time, however the 'glowing' raving trolls are only out in Skyway during in-game nighttime. They usually do have an event message when they happen. I haven't been in game in a week, so not sure if they haven't turned back on since the Winter Event, but they were working fine before it.
Come to think of it, I haven't seen any Steel Canyon fires lately either.
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My guess would be some zone events get disabled during other events, like how the above mentioned events won't happen during a zombie invasion, they also won't happen during the winter event.
I wanna see the Winter Lord take on a Hellion Arson!
So when was the last time anyone has seen a Troll Rave on Justice???
I have been actively looking at the hero event channel and not a thing in almost a week now.
Anyone else not seeing this?
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