More Suckerpunch Goodness






Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
We get it, you're not a film snob. You just dump on anything that has special effects and isn't a dialogue driven character piece.

I shall take your forum handle at face value, and bid you adieu.

And Happy New Year! Yay booze!
Um, when asked what movies I thought were good in this very thread, I mentioned liking Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World quite a bit, which is very special effects heavy. I also mentioned Sunshine, which is filled with special effects. took the time to find some choice pieces of my dialogue but not quite enough time to actually read what I was saying. Probably a good idea to read everything someone says so that in the future if you want to make a valid point, it won't come across as you being lazy or that you're just trying to be smarmy. Unless that's what you were going for, in which case, good for you.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Bananas are a type of food grown from plants.
Tomatoes are a type of food grown from plants.

Scientifically speaking Bananas are classified as fruits.
Scientifically speaking Tomatoes are classified as fruits.

Bananas have peels that while edible are often removed before eating.
Tomatoes have peels that while edible are often removed before eating.

Banana peels tend to change color as they ripen.
Tomatoes peels tend to change color as they ripen.

Now with all those similarities would you actually say that bananas and tomatoes TASTE exactly the same?

Yes, I'd have to say your comparisons between Synder and Bay are GROSSLY oversimplified.
I don't really care if you don't like either one, but at least don't like them both for the reasonably obvious reasons...

I admitted that I was probably oversimplifying my reasons for comparing the two directors but...well, you just schooled me. I still don't like Snyder's work, but I'll think twice before comparing him to Bay in the future.



Was thinking about this a bit further, and more than just the adherence and passion to original works for his adaptions, Snyder to me has a lot more artistic flowing stylized elegance to his explosions, violence, and visual effects.

Just because you blew something up doesn't mean it's artistic. Nor is a fight scene necessarily elegant and flowing.

Look at the fight scenes from 300 or Watchmen. They're almost more choreographed dances than fighting. Compare to the chaotic randomness of Transformers. It's sometimes hard there to even tell what's going on. I'm not even going to touch Bay's horrid mechanical designs this time.

I get much more of an artistic sense from Snyder's visuals than I get from Bay's. Neither director tends towards any sort of deep dialogue driven work, but Snyder I think has much better style.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



and I'll be the freak who likes both of them.

Does not always detect CoH