Prevent UI settings from changing when using different computers
You can't stop it from happening. What you can do is use /wdwsavefile filename once on both computers, and then /wdwloadfile filename each time you log in after that.
You can't stop it from happening. What you can do is use /wdwsavefile filename once on both computers, and then /wdwloadfile filename each time you log in after that.
Your UI is saved on the character, not on the computer. If you log into a different computer and move the windows to accommodate a different resolution, they will be in that new same screen-position (coordinate-wise) when you log back in on the original computer.
Using the above commands will set your preferences for each system, and allow you to re-load them onto the character quicker each time you switch.
I was afraid it was like that. Wish it was saved locally. Would make it so much easier. What if i were only to play one toon at home and one away. They would have different settings right.
It's because they are save with the player of not character data, while resolution, a function of hardware, needs to be saved locally. For the longest time almost nothing that wasn't related to hardware was saved locally without the user telling the game to.
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As others have already said, just use the /wdw_save and /wdw_load commands.
I was afraid it was like that. Wish it was saved locally. Would make it so much easier. What if i were only to play one toon at home and one away. They would have different settings right.
If all your characters use the same window placements, it's super easy:
1. Log into your desktop computer and set the window positions, then type /wdwsave
2. Log into your laptop and set the window positions, then type /wdwsave
3. Log into either one and type /macro wdw "wdwload" (Repeat this step on each of your characters as you log in ones that need it. You'll only need to do it once per character.)
4. Whenever you log in, push the button labeled "wdw" that was created in step 3. This will load the window settings saved on the computer that you're currently using.
If your characters have different window layouts, you'll have to use /wdw_save_file and /wdw_load_file to create separate files for each character, but once you're done, it's just one click each time you log in.
(Edit to add: Your window colors are part of the window settings. using this method will make all your characters have the same color schemes, unless you use the individual characters method.)
I run into the same thing between my desktop and laptop. Interesting thing to note: The server doesn't save the window changes until YOU actually change something. That means that if you log into your laptop while the character is still in "desktop mode", and never move or resize a window, when you log back into the desktop, it will still have those settings. There's some odd things that count as "moving a window" that may not seem obvious, though, like clicking on something to move it to the front, or dragging, moving or removing a power icon on your tray.
Yes. If you have a character that only logs in at one specific computer, it will always look the same and have no impact on the other toons that you log in at other locations.
I was afraid it was like that. Wish it was saved locally. Would make it so much easier. What if i were only to play one toon at home and one away. They would have different settings right.
On a side note, it seems kinda silly for you to have to say to yourself "well, I'm at work, so I can only log into character B", so just go with the custom wdw files so you can play any toon anywhere.
I currently play using both my desktop (1365x768) and my laptop (1440x900) when I am away from home. The issue I am having is that every time I switch systems, the client brings up the UI window placements for the other one.
What I am wondering is if there is a way to keep this from happening or am I doomed to the life of resetting my UI every time I travel?