Did you ever get your email items back?

Chaos Creator



I sent petitions in and explained exactly which character and what exact IO's I had sent along with how much influence I lost and never got a single thing back.

Anyone else less than happy with the whole email debacle?

Or did you get everything back and no problem?



I got my stuff back once. the second time the GM wanted to know silly things like what server I was on last.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
I sent petitions in and explained exactly which character and what exact IO's I had sent along with how much influence I lost and never got a single thing back.

Anyone else less than happy with the whole email debacle?

Or did you get everything back and no problem?
What is the date of the last e-mail you received, automated or otherwise?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



This is the last email I got from them and yes, I had cut and pasted the reply EXACTLY as they said - here they have my email and yet they tell me they can't read it.

I give up.

Emails are missing


We weren't able to receive your response because it was entered outside of the response lines. Please send your response again using the following instructions:

1. Click the "Reply" button on your e-mail client like you normally would when replying to an e-mail.
2. Enter your response between the, “Please enter your reply….” lines provided in this message. NOTE: The lines might not appear in the area where you would normally type a response. Go ahead and enter your reply between them anyway.
3. Click the "Send" button.

Your response is attached to this e-mail for reference.


**** Please enter your reply *below* this line ****

**** Please enter your reply *above* this line ****

email.htm [~1K]
-When did you send the e-mail messages that you're reporting?
The Wednesday morning they did the rollback

-Were these e-mails that were already being stored at the time of the server maintenance or were they sent the same morning?
They were sent that morning from character Onyx Thorne
-What characters were you last online with just prior to the 11/18 server maintenance, and about what time?
Onyx Thorne

The IO's were 5 level 21 Kinetic Combat and 10 million influence



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
This is the last email I got from them and yes, I had cut and pasted the reply EXACTLY as they said - here they have my email and yet they tell me they can't read it.

I give up.

Emails are missing


We weren't able to receive your response because it was entered outside of the response lines. Please send your response again using the following instructions:

1. Click the "Reply" button on your e-mail client like you normally would when replying to an e-mail.
2. Enter your response between the, “Please enter your reply….” lines provided in this message. NOTE: The lines might not appear in the area where you would normally type a response. Go ahead and enter your reply between them anyway.
3. Click the "Send" button.

Your response is attached to this e-mail for reference.


**** Please enter your reply *below* this line ****

**** Please enter your reply *above* this line ****

email.htm [~1K]
-When did you send the e-mail messages that you're reporting?
The Wednesday morning they did the rollback

-Were these e-mails that were already being stored at the time of the server maintenance or were they sent the same morning?
They were sent that morning from character Onyx Thorne
-What characters were you last online with just prior to the 11/18 server maintenance, and about what time?
Onyx Thorne

The IO's were 5 level 21 Kinetic Combat and 10 million influence
Errrm did you respond within the lines above?

You can always just login to support.cityofheroes.com and update the case there.



*sigh* I see your problem. This?

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
This is the last email I got from them and yes, I had cut and pasted the reply EXACTLY as they said - here they have my email and yet they tell me they can't read it.

I give up.

Emails are missing


We weren't able to receive your response because it was entered outside of the response lines. Please send your response again using the following instructions:

1. Click the "Reply" button on your e-mail client like you normally would when replying to an e-mail.
2. Enter your response between the, “Please enter your reply….” lines provided in this message. NOTE: The lines might not appear in the area where you would normally type a response. Go ahead and enter your reply between them anyway.
3. Click the "Send" button.

Your response is attached to this e-mail for reference.


**** Please enter your reply *below* this line ****

**** Please enter your reply *above* this line ****

email.htm [~1K]
-When did you send the e-mail messages that you're reporting?
The Wednesday morning they did the rollback

-Were these e-mails that were already being stored at the time of the server maintenance or were they sent the same morning?

They were sent that morning from character Onyx Thorne
-What characters were you last online with just prior to the 11/18 server maintenance, and about what time?
Onyx Thorne

The IO's were 5 level 21 Kinetic Combat and 10 million influence
...doesn't go there. It goes HERE:
Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
This is the last email I got from them and yes, I had cut and pasted the reply EXACTLY as they said - here they have my email and yet they tell me they can't read it.

I give up.

Emails are missing


We weren't able to receive your response because it was entered outside of the response lines. Please send your response again using the following instructions:

1. Click the "Reply" button on your e-mail client like you normally would when replying to an e-mail.
2. Enter your response between the, “Please enter your reply….” lines provided in this message. NOTE: The lines might not appear in the area where you would normally type a response. Go ahead and enter your reply between them anyway.
3. Click the "Send" button.

Your response is attached to this e-mail for reference.


**** Please enter your reply *below* this line ****

-When did you send the e-mail messages that you're reporting?
The Wednesday morning they did the rollback

-Were these e-mails that were already being stored at the time of the server maintenance or were they sent the same morning?
They were sent that morning from character Onyx Thorne
-What characters were you last online with just prior to the 11/18 server maintenance, and about what time?
Onyx Thorne

The IO's were 5 level 21 Kinetic Combat and 10 million influence

**** Please enter your reply *above* this line ****

email.htm [~1K]
The entire support ticket system follows a special format. if you don't follow the directions, they just get blank e-mails. It might be worth quoting myself:
Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Sounds like you need to check and fix your support settings. Once you file a ticket you need to keep that ticket hot. Each one has something like a 24-hour timer on it. Once the timer is exhausted, it is assumed that your problem is solved. The onus is on YOU to keep things going. It is YOUR responsibility to keep after them regarding the nature of your petition. DO NOT open a NEW TICKET, just respond to the old one--even if it is just, "So, how's the fix going?" or "Find anything yet?"

If a ticket HAS expired, you can often start it back up again by replying to the appropriate e-mail. When you DO reply (whether to update or to reopen a ticket), make sure you put all the appropriate information in between the two marked lines. Everything else is auto-generated and the GMs WON'T SEE IT if you put it anywhere else.

If you DO NOT want to use the e-mail support system, make sure your Knowledge Base/Support password is up to date (or generate one if necessary) and do all your reporting through the support website: http://help.ncsoft.com

Good luck.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Yes, please sigh and roll your eyes all the while YOU don't realize I DID EXACTLY WHAT THEY REQUESTED.


You then make the assumption its MY fault. No I can and do follow the instructions - EXACTLY.

I am not going to repeatedly send the information when they have the freaking email in the EXACT format they requested. So, yes blame me for deleting my emails without notice and then not being able to roll it back and leaving it all up to the CUSTOMERS to tell you what you did wrong.

It never occurred to you the same people that hosed up our emails may also hose up the responce?

No, I have seen so many people blame us the gamers for the issues that are in this game and yet not once over the years when it was FIXED by a later update have I seen the apologists go back and give an apology - to the gamer.

No pile on and blame me. You make an assumption I did not follow the instructions - I DID.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
We didn't ASSUME anything. The quote that YOU posted shows it done WRONG. If you did it right, why didn't you post the email where it's done correctly?
I have to agree with this. If someone complains that the enhancements that they slotted aren't doing anything and then they use as evidence an image of a full enhancement tray and empty power slots they have pretty much invalidated the argument. There would be no reason to show empty slots as proof of them being correctly placed so it would be common sense to assume that they person who posted the image was incorrect.

And we have the exact same thing here. An image of an email that was incorrectly replied to being used as proof that the email was correctly replied to. A picture is worth a thousand words and all that. Also there have been people here in the past who have done the exact same sort of thing and then after it has been pointed out to them said "Oh, I didn't see those reply below/above comments before."

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



This isn't the first time Infernus Hades has done this and it won't be the last. If I recall correctly he had gotten all hot and bothered about people asking for hijackthis and cohhelper, etc because it implied he was an idiot and he knew how to read a hijackthis report.

Apparently he doesn't know how to read an email.



I'm not blaming anyone.

I don't have an ax to grind or any sort of grudge.

I don't even have a dog in this fight. Translation: I don't care whether or not you get this fixed. It has no bearing on me, my game, or my life. I don't care.

I was trying be helpful. And, by the way, the quote you've posted indicates both clearly and simply that you're not following directions. Which, by the way, is okay. You may have wondered how I learned all these things about the support system. It was through making my own mistakes, and having people help me.

But if that's too much trouble for you, and too difficult to read...*shrugs* I don't care. Good luck.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I emailed a full set of apocs to a friend two weeks ago. They didn't arrive. I petitioned with the nane of the sending toon and the name of the receiving toon and the server concerned and the time of another email i sent a little beforethat did get through, and yesterday the full set was transferred to one of my toons. The entire process was characterized by speed, care and politeness onthe part of the support team.

I did post all replies in between the correct lines. They received all my emails.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



i think this is the problem:

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
This is the last email I got from them and yes, I had cut and pasted the reply EXACTLY as they said - here they have my email and yet they tell me they can't read it.
are you cutting and pasting the 'below/above this line' lines into your reply field?

If so, maybe you should file a petition on the subect of not being able to successfully file a petition that they can read.




The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



i just go directly to the support site. and yes after over a week of toing and froing i got my stuff back