Question about alpha slotting




2 questions actually:

I just slotted the 1st tier of spiritual into my alpha slot on my troller - I had his combat attribute for overall recharge being monitored at the time and I noticed that when I slotted it the number didn't move at all - why would that be?

Second, on an SR character, if one is at the soft cap for defense is it worth slotting the alpha for defense anyway? Since so many teams run vs. +3s and such I notice I am getting pounded even at the soft cap. Wouldn't the extra def help against DE, AVs, etc?



Originally Posted by Emnity View Post
I just slotted the 1st tier of spiritual into my alpha slot on my troller - I had his combat attribute for overall recharge being monitored at the time and I noticed that when I slotted it the number didn't move at all - why would that be?
Because the effects of the alpha slot are not reflected by global bonuses, but by enhancement bonuses. You'll see the differences if you check your powers in the enhancement management screen (recharge reduction on powers where you have none slotted, for instance, or higher numbers on powers where you do.)

Second, on an SR character, if one is at the soft cap for defense is it worth slotting the alpha for defense anyway? Since so many teams run vs. +3s and such I notice I am getting pounded even at the soft cap. Wouldn't the extra def help against DE, AVs, etc?
Extra defence will help against enemies with to-hit bonuses (level-wise, that only comes into play at +5 or more) or if you're frequently defence debuffed (with SR, this is likely largely a non-issue). When I slotted the Tier-2 Accuracy/Defence alpha in my Shield Brute, the net effect was an extra 3% defence (IIRC, SR gets better defence numbers from raw powers than Shield, so the effect on SR may be a bit more). It's really up to you whether that's "worth it" or not, though 3% isn't going to be enough to overcome even the smallest to-hit bonus in the game (it will mitigate it, however).



Alpha slots don't affect global stats. Instead they act like an enhancement is going into every power that it is possible to go into.

Also only a very small amount of the 1st tier is unaffected by ED, meaning that if your powers already had decent slottings of recharge each power wouldn't get much benefit.



I appreciate the help guys.



There actually appears to be a bug with the Spiritual enhancement in the Alpha slot.

I encountered it just today on my villain Stalker, and recalled hearing others mentioning that they didn't see improvement in recharge. I had the Cardiac enhancement slotted when I got the shards I needed for Sprirtual. I crafted the Spiritual and replaced the Cardiac in the Alpha slot. After a couple of missions I noticed no perceivable effect on any of my powers. This build had only basic IOs, and no set bonuses so it was pretty apparent. I confirmed this by switching back and forth between Incarnates slots and timing the powers with a stop watch. Hovering over the powers showed no improvement in recharge time either.

After doing this for a while I did one last attempt at switching, but this time I did it differently. This time I first REMOVED the Cardiac enhancement, then slotted the Spiritual as opposed to just replacing the Cardiac. This time when I hovered over the powers, they showed a recharge bonus and there was a noticable improvement.

It's not game breaking by any means and only seems to effect some players. I bugged this and PMed this information to Castle, so hopefully it is something they can resolve quickly.



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
There actually appears to be a bug with the Spiritual enhancement in the Alpha slot.

I encountered it just today on my villain Stalker, and recalled hearing others mentioning that they didn't see improvement in recharge. I had the Cardiac enhancement slotted when I got the shards I needed for Sprirtual. I crafted the Spiritual and replaced the Cardiac in the Alpha slot. After a couple of missions I noticed no perceivable effect on any of my powers. This build had only basic IOs, and no set bonuses so it was pretty apparent. I confirmed this by switching back and forth between Incarnates slots and timing the powers with a stop watch. Hovering over the powers showed no improvement in recharge time either.

After doing this for a while I did one last attempt at switching, but this time I did it differently. This time I first REMOVED the Cardiac enhancement, then slotted the Spiritual as opposed to just replacing the Cardiac. This time when I hovered over the powers, they showed a recharge bonus and there was a noticable improvement.

It's not game breaking by any means and only seems to effect some players. I bugged this and PMed this information to Castle, so hopefully it is something they can resolve quickly.
Well, I just checked mine, and it's working. Removed the Spiritual, saw that powers were recharging slower, and put it back in. Powers were back to recharging faster.

How well are your powers slotted for recharge? If they're close to the ED cap already, Spiritual is only going to boost them so much beyond ED levels. I wonder if there's some goofup with the 5 minute cooldown between changing Alpha Slot enhancements?

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Well, I just checked mine, and it's working. Removed the Spiritual, saw that powers were recharging slower, and put it back in. Powers were back to recharging faster.

How well are your powers slotted for recharge? If they're close to the ED cap already, Spiritual is only going to boost them so much beyond ED levels. I wonder if there's some goofup with the 5 minute cooldown between changing Alpha Slot enhancements?

Had powers slotted the full range from none to 95+, all with non set IOs. Not a single power presented any additional recharge when the Spiritual enhancement was replacing the Cardiac. It only presented +rech when the Cardiac was first manually removed before placing the Spiritual. As I said, not game breaking since it does have a work around, but can be confusing for some people.

This doesn't seem to be a problem for everybody. It may be AT or power set specific, or some other factor. I have talked with two other people in game that had a similair issue with Spiritual, and looking through the forums showed others that had experienced this.



Update to this.

When I logged off yesterday my same Stalker had the Spiritual enhancement slotted in alpha. When I logged him in today, the first thing I did was check his powers. The Spiritual enhancement was again presenting no bonuses. I removed the enhancement from the slot and put it back in and bonuses started showing again.

It seems to be an issue with the game recognizing the Spiritual enhancement unless certain things are present or are done.



Huh, weird. I don't really have a way to check it, either. I'm not going to go for more than one type of Alpha boost on my Blaster with Spiritual, and my main tanker that has Cardiac will probably get Spiritual eventually... but he's working on the second Cardiac Uncommon (if I'm reading things right, you need two rares for that final ultra rare level). Kind of leery of moving forward until I know for sure, though.

I might do it just to test this, though. It's not like I don't like playing my main, and it'll help me revise my guide for Alpha slot info.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Emnity View Post
2 questions actually:

I just slotted the 1st tier of spiritual into my alpha slot on my troller - I had his combat attribute for overall recharge being monitored at the time and I noticed that when I slotted it the number didn't move at all - why would that be?

Second, on an SR character, if one is at the soft cap for defense is it worth slotting the alpha for defense anyway? Since so many teams run vs. +3s and such I notice I am getting pounded even at the soft cap. Wouldn't the extra def help against DE, AVs, etc?
Nothing in the universe will help against DE if they get their pet rocks out, except for resistances and healing. If I remember correctly, the DE do normally have much higher TH numbers than normal, so +def will help some (I believe its something like 68% vs. the standard 50%).

Also, I remember hearing that Battle Maiden had a 47% TH against a soft-capped person, and she hits hard defense is always good. No matter what your choice of mitigation abilities, you've got a hole in it, or some mob can come along and BLOW a hole in it.