Odd AI?




I do not remember the specifics but some play over the weekend had me thinking "that is unusual" during play, but I did not pay enough attention and do not remember the specifics

Then last night, while waiting for an ITF to fill I went over to tease the Romans on the wall. I had not done that in a while, and I thought it was odd that they didn't have their powers pre-triggered and ready, as they had last time I'd been there. I was on an ice/ blaster and also noted that I was able to hit them with a basic [Freeze Ray] and hold them, which certainly seemed strange. Then during the ITF, [Freeze Ray] continued to work in the middle of battles when normally I remember mez resistance being a notable trait, but only periodically - as if sometimes they had their resist running and sometimes they didn't. Strange. I moved on...

...to a tank I solo x8 on, looking forward to some shards and other goodies. The mission was Malta and relatively painless only gunslinger after gunslinger after gunslinger and not a single teleport. Not one.

Anyone else seeing AI activity that makes them go 'huh?' or is it just me? Or did I just miss a change in a patch (a quick search didn't reveal anything to me, but my search fu may be debuffed by my coffee level being too low).

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



I've been fighting a bunch of malta recently on my defender and, I too, haven't noticed any teleporting from the gunslingers. They're not as teleport happy as, say, sky raider porters but they usually at least jump once in a while.



I had a gunslinger port on a mission Sunday, but only because I retreated to get away from a slew of incendiary missile happy, purple conning Zeus bots (forgot I set difficulty for Father Xmas to +1/x2 the previous time I played him) long enough to use Heal Self.

The rest of the time gunslingers either got close enough to fall for my ice patch or I would freeze em solid and let my icicles wear him down while play with his friends. Didn't even notice defeating the "prime boss" because of my "epic" (as in time consuming) battles Vs Zeus bots.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Have experienced weird npc AI on my SS/Inv Brute and WP/DM Tanker whilst running CoT missions. If I jump into a spawn with a mix of Demons, Guides and Casters and taunt the group, the Casters will fire off an initial attack then will proceed to just stand there doing nothing until I physically attack them. My taunt auras don't seem to have any effect either, and this has nothing to do with the aggro cap, because I've experienced this with only a group of 2-3 critters. It's always the Casters that stop attacking.




There are 2 types of gunslingers: LT class and Boss class. Only boss class is teleporting.



Originally Posted by Scene_EU View Post
Have experienced weird npc AI on my SS/Inv Brute and WP/DM Tanker whilst running CoT missions. If I jump into a spawn with a mix of Demons, Guides and Casters and taunt the group, the Casters will fire off an initial attack then will proceed to just stand there doing nothing until I physically attack them. My taunt auras don't seem to have any effect either, and this has nothing to do with the aggro cap, because I've experienced this with only a group of 2-3 critters. It's always the Casters that stop attacking.
Now that you mention it, I think my weekend oddity was noticing CoT not jumping into the fray while running tips on a corr.

Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
There are 2 types of gunslingers: LT class and Boss class. Only boss class is teleporting.
Nord, are you saying that only Bosses can 'port? If so, that's news to me but may explain some of what I encountered. I'll have to test that. I don't remember noticing any difference in the past (boss vs. Lt), but Malta arcs are something I normally find a way to bypass with most characters.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Nothing to add on the Malta, but I've been soloing a new Blaster and been surprised by being able to cleanly snipe-pull a LT or even boss that's only a short distance away from the rest of the spawn. It didn't happen all the time, but quite a few times I thought, "wow, just the one aggroed?"

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Romulus Augustus...we killed his army behind his back, then one of his AV tagalongs, then he finally noticed...and...ran up the mountain away from us, then around...and away again and again and again...



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Nord, are you saying that only Bosses can 'port? If so, that's news to me but may explain some of what I encountered. I'll have to test that. I don't remember noticing any difference in the past (boss vs. Lt), but Malta arcs are something I normally find a way to bypass with most characters.
While paragonwiki lists teleport power for both Lts and Bosses, I've never seen Lt teleporting. And I farmed malta alot on my VEATs.



They broke aggro?