Prestige Buff for SG Teams.
I like the idea.
Maybe a 5% increase in Prestige per SG member on the same team.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection
Please /sign. This would help small sg's and encourage more teaming and should be easy to set up.
While this doesn't help SGs made of one subscriber with 36 alts, its still a good idea.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
What would make SGs want to do more things together?
More SG themed stuff. Right now we have... the CoP. For years, we only had one SF (villainside) and that was taken out of the mission computer and put in the "real world."
The Mission Computer needs to actually be utilized, with items for solo, duo, small and large SG team as well as the CoP.
(As for the OP's idea... I'm not against it, but my SGs are either (a) made with people I like playing with anyway, so that's incentive enough, or (b) so large that there's always something going on *anyway.* After all, if you don't like the people and don't want to do stuff with them, why are you still there?)
As with MANY of the suggestions players have made to make the SGs/bases better, I agree with this one as well.
It seems the SGs have become the despised red-headed step child of the game of late, cast to the side, with an occasional scrap of meat thrown at them (the 100K prestige for a new Praetorian SG member, comes to mind) to keep them satiated.
THIS would be a positive step in getting SGs back in the limelight and start promoting more SG/VG team play. I've liked seeing all the TFs, Mothership raids, LGTFs, Hami Raids, etc done more in the last week than I've seen in two months; would love to see that trend continue.
This idea was posted in this thread by a new player:
If teamed with an SG member (or members) the amt of prestige those particular SG members earn while teamed together should be higher. This could be an incentive for SGs to want to do more things together, making them more active.
I think it is a fantastic idea and should be implemented as soon as possible.