It's been a loooooong time.




538 days logged out. Man, where does the time go? This old vet needs to be brought up to speed. I was here for the Dom Revamp, liked it very much. After that, everything kind of gets hazy. So much to take in...

So tell me, guys, what's been up?



For Doms? Electricity Control if you have Going Rogue. Before that, Earth Assault. And there's the Alpha Slot for level 50s this Issue (although all ATs can go for the Slot). Outside of those I don't recall any changes for Doms since the Great Revamp.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



A lot has changed actually, its that gradual changes that have taken place up till now may cause may cause a long time absentee being overwhelmed. Welcome back by the way.



Originally Posted by Vidszhite View Post
538 days logged out. Man, where does the time go? This old vet needs to be brought up to speed. I was here for the Dom Revamp, liked it very much. After that, everything kind of gets hazy. So much to take in...

So tell me, guys, what's been up?
It lives!

WB Vidz. Send me a PM in game @DarkCurrent if you want to hook up some domi action on Pin. Running some alpha unlocking and TFs for shards these days. I can show you the ropes if you need some help.

HTTT consolidated into one base with just 3 regulars holding down the fort. Let me know if you need an /sgi (your doms were probably /kicked if you were absent that long).

Look for me tonight around 8 PM eastern.

Please buff Ice Control.



If no one has mentioned it Doms get APPs now. All I can say is Ice Mastery.... Ice Mastery Everywhere.... oh and welcome back

Dreaded Wail hits things freakin' hard.. i like to hit things freakin' hard... so.. id go Wail... SAVE THE WAILS!!!! - Solar_Lunata



Originally Posted by SonicRemedy View Post
If no one has mentioned it Doms get APPs now. All I can say is Ice Mastery.... Ice Mastery Everywhere.... oh and welcome back
I actually noticed the new APPs when I respecced for Inherent Fitness. Energy Transfer is the FIRST power!? O_o Oh I've been wanting Energt Transfer, Torrent, and Explosive Blast for I can't even tell you how long. This is the greatest thing ever.


Also, my main is on Infinity, and he's got IOs now. Is there any way I could transfer him to Pinn? Hate to miss out on HTTT, but I'd REALLY hate to start the same guy over when I love his concept so much. It wasn't so painful back when the only thing my Pinnacle dom didn't have was levels. Now he's missing HOs, IOs, badges, temp powers, unlockable costume pieces and levels.



Originally Posted by Vidszhite View Post
I actually noticed the new APPs when I respecced for Inherent Fitness. Energy Transfer is the FIRST power!? O_o Oh I've been wanting Energt Transfer, Torrent, and Explosive Blast for I can't even tell you how long. This is the greatest thing ever.


Also, my main is on Infinity, and he's got IOs now. Is there any way I could transfer him to Pinn? Hate to miss out on HTTT, but I'd REALLY hate to start the same guy over when I love his concept so much. It wasn't so painful back when the only thing my Pinnacle dom didn't have was levels. Now he's missing HOs, IOs, badges, temp powers, unlockable costume pieces and levels.
You can transfer toons from one server to another for a charge.



First thing we did after I got settled into HTTT again was get my alpha slot. I'd forgotten how much I love this game.




Nice to see one of the old HTT doms back in the game. I actually wouldn't mind hanging out with HTTT again. If I can get this old klunker of a computer going again. Or better yet get a new computer for X-mas!

APP's are awesome that and the Dom revamp pretty have turned most Dom's into what they should have been all along.

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



Indeed; conceptually speaking, if you wanted to make a 'fire' character, the dominator is your best bet. Same for cold. The other classes can get close, but nobody can do the whole mix of power variety that a dominator can get.



Power Customization is the greatest thing ever. I saw people complaining on test that /Energy only got one new animation, but it works so much for Power Burst.

Speaking of which, I just noticed that since our Energy powers are now just the same tintable versions everyone else gets, the "hit" sound effects we have are the good ones that everyone else gets.

Is it just me or did Power Push get a new animation? It looks WAY cooler than I remember. I thought it used to wave back and forth, not split into three bolts and swirl clockwise.



Originally Posted by Vidszhite View Post
First thing we did after I got settled into HTTT again was get my alpha slot. I'd forgotten how much I love this game.
Yeah it was cool have a dom team together again. Trapdoor was a little upset though .

Please buff Ice Control.