PvP/farming build?




Are there any builds that can both farm and be decent in pvp? i would think a fire/fire scrap could. I know a fire/ss tank can but i already have one.



Originally Posted by F T W View Post
Are there any builds that can both farm and be decent in pvp? i would think a fire/fire scrap could. I know a fire/ss tank can but i already have one.
SS/Fire brute maybe.

fire/fire scrap might be ok.

Someone mentioned that an arch blaster is ok for PVP.

arch/ment blaster built right (good luck) could be good for pvp and farming, MAYBE.

Hopefully someone who knows better than me will see this and answer.



I have seen and fought against a certain arch/MM blaster in the arena and I can attest they can be effective with a good player and build.



Originally Posted by Dr_Dositheus View Post
I have seen and fought against a certain arch/MM blaster in the arena and I can attest they can be effective with a good player and build.
I have a Archery/MM blaster with delusions of PvP. I'd love to see that build?

OMG! How like, totally kewl are these characters?!1



Fire/Regen scrapper would prolly work for both. FSC will be up often and perform well for aoe when farming and as we all know, /Regen is unbetable.

Fire/Psi dom is good for farming and "I" find it capable in PvP as well. Far from the best dom choice, but still quite fun to PvP with. ymmv.



Regen is jokingly invincible in pvp, but it's just "alright" PvE, and especially horrible for farming. I can soft cap everything to S/L except regen. Even the soft cap on electric armor is fine. Regen has the most difficulty with the RWZ challenge IMO as well.

As for the OP, a shield tank can be alright. Shield/fire or Shield/SS tank. But you'll farm at half the speed an ele/shield/blaze scrap would with perma hasten. I really wouldn't suggest trying to make a toon do both, even with seperate builds.

but...SS/Fire brute maybe sure.

and Arch/MM? yep. Phillipine Eagles or something is a very good one i know on freedom.


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