Just to LOL



I was curious... If I put the chance to STUN proc in speed boost... would I have a chane to stun my teammates? Just an amusing idea.

T. Hayes
@The Cleansing



If memory serves, yes it would. I slotted it into Stamina once just for the lulz, though I can't remember if it worked. Dunno' if they fixed it or not, either.



i'm pretty sure its flagged only to affect critters in PvE zones. What happens in PvP however is anybodies guess.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by Tidbit Jr. View Post
If memory serves, yes it would. I slotted it into Stamina once just for the lulz, though I can't remember if it worked. Dunno' if they fixed it or not, either.
I've no idea if it's been fixed yet, but I think I remember there was a guy that did just this and roleplayed it as having a heart condition. Brilliant, in its own way.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
I've no idea if it's been fixed yet, but I think I remember there was a guy that did just this and roleplayed it as having a heart condition. Brilliant, in its own way.
It's one of the few uses for that proc - a Mag 1 Stun is otherwise only useful against Underling-class enemies, like Rikti Monkies.

Yes, the proc won't even stun a minion. It's that bad.



Originally Posted by Kazuo_Kiriyama View Post
I was curious... If I put the chance to STUN proc in speed boost... would I have a chane to stun my teammates? Just an amusing idea.
Not anymore, but it used to.
