New Leverage Tonight
Thanks for reminding me about this.
On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3
SOOO glad they replay this during the week
Featuring the return of KAOS!
Woo, Wil Wheaton!
I dunno, it was somehow a little fluffier than usual. But still good fun.
And Sophie's gift to Nate? Hard not to be spoiler-ish, but there's only one thing it could've been. Amirite?
Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.
Actually, Sophies gift to Nate had to have been her telling him her real name.
My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
Doh... >_< -_-;
My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
Eliot as Santa, Parker as an Elf.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet