Earth/Rad question

Bin Man



Hi guys, i will keep this short.

I wanted a toon that will debuff enemies a great deal, i figured the -defence earth control brings will sync nicely with radiation emission.

What i wanted to know is if you think there are better combo's out there. I want to be able to Hold AV's and the sort as well, its really going to be built for TF's but i might also try soloing GM's with it.



Originally Posted by Bin Man View Post
What i wanted to know is if you think there are better combo's out there. I want to be able to Hold AV's and the sort as well, its really going to be built for TF's but i might also try soloing GM's with it.
I'm sure the experts will come out soon with some good advice, but here's my 2cents. Awhile ago I ran a Earth/Rad into the 20s and found the damage output not good enough for me...I wasn't able to solo much. You could probably proc out your attacks or wait for your pet, but I think this toon is more of a solid controller/supporter.

GLHF sir.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Earth/Rad is my favorite controller for providing all purpose team AoE control. I know a little bit about it since I wrote a guide on the combo (linked in my sig . . . but not updated with IO sets yet).

However, the one controller that can stack the most controls is Earth/TA . . . that extra single target hold of Ice Arrow and the ranged AoE hold of EM Pulse Arrow allows it to stack more holds that Earth/Rad. Earth/TA has a more control, with the holds mentioned above, a ranged 50% effective sleep, a knockdown that can be lit for damage. TA also has a little bit more Resistance Debuff (30% from two powers vs 22.5% from one in Rad).

Earth/Rad is more flexible, with a heal, a team buff, a rez and the toggle ranged debuffs. Rad is a lot less "clicky" than TA. Rad has better ToHit Debuff. Rad has better a Recharge debuff and Regen debuff.

As for the post above complaining about damage . . . uh, Earth/Rad trades is huge amount of AoE control for low damage. It is well known for having very low damage such that it is very, very, very slow to solo. If you didn't like the low damage for Earth, you may want to avoid Ice and Elec control, too.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
As for the post above complaining about damage . . . uh, Earth/Rad trades is huge amount of AoE control for low damage. It is well known for having very low damage such that it is very, very, very slow to solo. If you didn't like the low damage for Earth, you may want to avoid Ice and Elec control, too.
from the OP: "but i might also try soloing GM's with it."
from me: "Awhile ago I ran a Earth/Rad into the 20s and found the damage output not good enough for me...I wasn't able to solo much."

Sorry if anyone mistook what I was trying to say. It wasn't my intention to complain about the damage output, it just wasn't for me and I wanted to address one of the OP's requirements.

You're right about not liking the low damage on Ice & Elec control, thats why I went with with Doms for these sets with hard hitting secondaries.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Once you get Rocky and the APP damage powers, you CAN solo without it being unbearably slow . . . but that is only late in the build. However, you are correct to suggest that Earth/Rad is not a set for taking on Giant Monsters. Try an Ill/Rad instead.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Once you get Rocky and the APP damage powers, you CAN solo without it being unbearably slow . . . but that is only late in the build. However, you are correct to suggest that Earth/Rad is not a set for taking on Giant Monsters. Try an Ill/Rad instead.
Yeah, the same thing I was trying to convey in my original post. Not to take away from Ill/Rads, but as far as soloing GMs/AVs...I just run my Ill/Cold troller or Mind/Fire Dom if I feel like going that route.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Hrm thanks for your support guys, i think i am going to roll both an ill/rad controller and try out an earth/ta which seems really fun!



Originally Posted by Bin Man View Post
Hrm thanks for your support guys, i think i am going to roll both an ill/rad controller and try out an earth/ta which seems really fun!
Have fun brother

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Once you get Rocky and the APP damage powers, you CAN solo without it being unbearably slow . . . but that is only late in the build. However, you are correct to suggest that Earth/Rad is not a set for taking on Giant Monsters. Try an Ill/Rad instead.
I beg to differ; Earth/rad IS a build to solo GM and AVs.

I have soloed Eochai, Kraken, Baddage, Paladin and Adamastor with my Earth/Rad, without temp powers, other than seldom shots of Veteran Attacks (they cost too much end to sustain these fights); only inspiration and accolades.

I have also soloed The Clockworking King (AV lvl45; I was exemplar at lvl45), lvl 50 AV Nightstar, Siege, Battle Maiden, Black Swan, Bobcat, Neuron, Chimera, Mother Mayhem, Malaise, Ghost Widow and lvl51 AV Dominatrix. No temp power, just accolades and inspirations.

The toughest were Siege, Bobcat and Ghost Widow. The two formers can kill Stoney very quick, and make it hard to heal him fast enough. The later can hold stoney, terrorize him, make him intangible, so she turns on you periodically; which is not good.

I have yet to come up with a good stategy to overcome Marauder's recovery and Diabolique bag of tricks.

Here are screenshots of the fight with Ghost Widow:

Well slotted, Stoney is a very decent tank, if you can heal him fast enough with Radiant Aura. He does good single target damages as well. Lingering radiation coupled with Enervating field are AVs nightmare and Volcanic Gasses, once perma, does nice DoT and make sure the AV is held everytime the PToD are down. RI and EQ, when well slotted, can minimize a bit the incoming damages.

Lynx Nordique: lvl50 Claws/Regen Scrapper, Physique 101: lvl50 Kin/Nrg Defender
Feu Radieux: lvl50 Fire/Rad Controller, Rocheuse: lvl50 Earth/Rad controller, Madame Kyoto: lvl50 Katana/Regen scrapper, Hivernale: lvl50 Ice/Kin Controller, Leve du Jour: lvl50 Earth/Kin controller



Congrats on doing so . . . but I bet you have an amazingly expensive build. Earth Control is a very low damage control set. Sure, with a lot of expensive IOs you may be able to get the build to do some things that the set is not "naturally inclined" to do.

A lot of folks have successfully taken Illusion/Rad controllers and Illusion/Cold controllers up against AVs and GMs. Very, very few have taken Earth/Rads up to the same tasks. It is to your credit that you were able to do so.

But when advising somebody new to the powersets, I'm not sure it is a good idea to recommend Earth/Rad as an AV killer when so few people have actually accomplished it.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Congrats on doing so . . . but I bet you have an amazingly expensive build. Earth Control is a very low damage control set. Sure, with a lot of expensive IOs you may be able to get the build to do some things that the set is not "naturally inclined" to do.

But when advising somebody new to the powersets, I'm not sure it is a good idea to recommend Earth/Rad as an AV killer when so few people have actually accomplished it.
Earth/rad is naturally inclined for AV fights, since it can beat the AVs and GMs regen and it has a nice "tank" as a pet. I do have a very good IOed out build, mostly for recharge, end recovery and accuracy, but I don't have damage processors and very limited damage increase capabilities from the IOs. Now, with the incarnate capabilities, you don't necessary need super expensive builds to do these things.

When advising somebody new to the powerset, why just tell him or her; "yeah you can do decent things with it", when you know you can tell him or her; "Given the time and efforts, yeah you can solo AVs and GMs!" It's always better to level the field higher than lower.

Lynx Nordique: lvl50 Claws/Regen Scrapper, Physique 101: lvl50 Kin/Nrg Defender
Feu Radieux: lvl50 Fire/Rad Controller, Rocheuse: lvl50 Earth/Rad controller, Madame Kyoto: lvl50 Katana/Regen scrapper, Hivernale: lvl50 Ice/Kin Controller, Leve du Jour: lvl50 Earth/Kin controller



The very last troller I made (that I kept past teens) was earth/rad. Was very reluctant to try earth, as I hate, HATE the big rock graphics which keep you from seeing what is held, what isn't, where everyone is, where YOU are, and so on. (REALLY, REALLY hate those things!) But I love trollers, and had tried everything else, so gave it a try.

Turned out to be my favorite troller ever. Why? Best team controls ever! An earth/rad troller just OWNS any room, period. Some form of AoE control is always up, because instead of the standard 1 AoE, you get, what, four? I don't have my build out, so let me try to be more accurate: you get AT LEAST four AoE controls that I can think of off the top of my head. THEN you add stuff like a slow, a heal, and a bunch of glorious debuffs.

As for the horrible rock graphics, turns out that these are only the immobilizes. As one who utterly loathes immobs, it was not a tough call to pass on that obnoxious AoE immobilize. As an aside: this is further reinforced by the fact that immobs destroy the knockdown effect - and thus the entire power! - of almost every earth trollers favorite control, earthquake.

On damage: if you want damage output, make a scrapper or a blaster. Otherwise, it's all pretty sucky damage till the epics, imo. Sometimes there is the occasional, single power in a troller primary set that actually does some damage. One. ONE! I do not consider this grounds to alert the media and proceed to solo GMs. Until you get the epics, the only way to provide real, serious dps for your team is by keeping the actual damage doers alive. 'Course, once you get the epics that all changes, and you utterly rule the CoX world, just like all trollers do.