[Union]Gladiators Returns!
I didn't participate in the last season but I'd be interested in trying out this time.
Keep me posted.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

Hmm...a month to get Von Schaden up to at least the mid 40s....
/e knuckles
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Whee Gladiators! Baked Potato from Series One is stoked to see how it goes.
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
Sounds great, I enjoyed the last round of these so it's just a matter of choosing my contender this time around.
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
Jake has a lot of frustration to work out at the moment. I think he will be signing up properly for this, rather than just making a couple of 'guest appearances'.
And Claire (or rather, Lightning Kiss) would love it. Especially if she got to play up the whole mysterious masked wrestler thing...
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
Glad to see there's interest, I'm hoping this will be a big and fun event that will go on for a month or so. I plan to record matches and probably fun interviews/'backstage' pieces. Details are being ironed out and there will be more promo work upcoming.
I welcome input/help from all and I hope people are looking forward to this
Always love a little IC PvP, so I'd be very happy to join in.
With Dante and Wolfram already stating their interest too, I think a Militia team may be entering the Team events too.
Originally Posted by The Handbook Profile
Exhibition Matches
Exhibition matches will occur throughout the series. Who knows what grudges will be brought to ring and what big star names might show up to show their skill! |

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
With Dante and Wolfram already stating their interest too, I think a Militia team may be entering the Team events too.

Hmm another series? Sounds fun.
Lady Arete would be up for another run.
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
Awesome, some work has been started on fielding at least one Corp team so between SGs and individual competitors meeting and getting to know each other IC and hopefully forming teams to give it a shot we should hopefully have a good team competition
![]() |
Of course, we also have some villains that have known some cage fights in their time. I notice that the Team League is not a starred event. We'd love to be able to field a villain team as well, but are aware of the issues if both teams ended up drawing against each other at a stage. What's the official rules on such things? We'd planned to simply have one team withdraw due to urgent outside events in such a situation, but we don't want to mess anything up.
The current plan to allow for variety and for a player to be on a few teams with different characters is;
A team is a pool of 8 characters, but only 4 enter a match this allows wiggling room for people not being present or chopping and changing of the team for tactical reasons.
The team title will be decided on a points basis rather than a knockout league. Whilst the other events are ongoing the team league is open - any team can challenge any other team but a referee (and camera crew!) need to be there for the match to count. Current proposed scoring will be: Decisive Win (doubling enemy defeats) 5 points, Winning 3 points, Drawing 2 points, Losing 1 point. The two teams with the highest scores face off for one last fight in the last week to determine the overall winner.
As with all the rules we're still smoothig out the edges to make this fun and fair for all
Sounds great. We have more than the 4 needed to fight, but may have to grab an extra body or two for the full 8 pool. (Players that is, with all the altitis sufferers, there's way more than 8 possible characters for any team )
Promotion work continues with the uploading of a video blog featuring one of the hosts for the upcoming season!
For more about this video and to post your (IC) response, see the Kapow! Blog
(Will add something more indepth later!)
Working on the timings for an exact launch date, I've had the flu since New Years which threw planning out a smidge. Signups are still there though - keep filling it that form so we have an idea of numbers and can start forecasting how many weeks it'll likely run over ^^
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
8 is the maximum pool - you can have a team of the bare minimum of 4 it just wouldn't allow substitutions and the like if a member didn't show ^^
Shall change the wording later to say a team is a pool of up to 8.
You want me to sign up for Gladiators...
But! My character is ICly uber powerful and I don't want them to be beaten by any of -your- characters!
ICly speaking, especially in the Pure league, powers are curtailed for the protection of the audience, etc. And you know, winning in an arena is not the same as being able to beat the snot out of them in the street. And you know, everyone has bad days and everyone has good days.
Also, characters like Director 11, Manticore, etc are natural humans, use the same IC excuse that you use when you faceplant against them. Also, Squirrel Girl beat Thanos.
But! My character would have no reason to enter! They're far too cool to do anything for fun!
For the selfish: There's prize money, there's fame.
For the professionals: There's a chance to train and fight with the best. As well as learn weaknesses, etc.
For the heroic: It's also partially for charity.
For the insane: Why the hell not?
But! I don't have a PvP build! And those cost gazillions of infs! And I struggle to pay for tailoring!
You -can- sink gazillions of inf into a PvP build, but you really don't have to.
Saying that, by far the cheapest and easiest option for the PvP neophyte is to enter the Pure league. Just follow these easy steps:
Grab your favourite level 50. Jump on your second build, pick powers based solely on their PvP performance, and then fill 'em up with SOs and/or 'vanilla'basic IOs.
But! I never play the game past level 20! I love Atlas Park! Don't make me leave!
That's great! We have a level 20 league too.
But! All my characters only have support powers! They have two attacks, and one of those is Brawl!
Then I'm sure a Team will love to have you! While hard mezzes might not be effective in PvP, debuffs are really decent.
But seriously... Get some more attacks. You've got to have some in your Epic power pool or something?
But! I have no idea what powers to pick!
I recommend either Super Jump or Super Speed or both.
Focused Accuracy or Tactics are good for seeing Stalkers as well as hitting through Defence armour sets.
Similarly, Stalkers should probably take Stealth to make sure they can still skulk around without looking silly.
Self heals are great, if you can. Even just Aid Self.
For meleers, Taunt or Provoke will reduce the range at which folk can hit you, allowing you to catch up to them and smack them upside the head. A ranged attack will also help, because of Travel Suppression.
Also, things like Web Grenade are very good for sticking guys in place. Basic immobilise powers aren't that effective, but ones that prevent jumping, flying, as well as slowing movement are great.
However, things like big AoEs are obviously going to be much less useful.
But! I have loads of IOs already! I don't wanna enter the Pure league!
That's great! Go for it! But, I'd still advise a respec with consideration for the power picks above.
And also I'd advise you take a look at the following IOs, if you haven't got them already:
Kismet +6%. It's a defence proc, so you can slot it in Combat Jumping or whatever. This is great for actually being able to hit.
Rectified Reticule. Easier to spot stalkers.
Chance to... Whatever. These are all good. A Chance to Hold a badguy for 6 seconds might be meh in PvE, but in PvP that's pretty uber. But also, fast animating attacks with a couple of Chance to damage in them are also great.
But! My character would ICly never have those powers!
If nothing else, magical or technological items. Your character doesn't go dancing without their dancing shoes, and similarly they probably shouldn't enter the arena without some method of moving around it, etc.
I mean they can, but they can't complain afterwards.
But! PvP is weird! All the rules are different!
Yup. You defence will be lower, maybe much lower if you got it all from set bonuses. Your resistance will be higher if you're a squishy. Mezzes can't be protected against, but their durations are much shorter. Etc, etc.
My best advice here would be to get some practice in. Just a couple of matches. Feel free to grab me, @oreso, for it! We can stick Eye of the Tiger on an everything.
But! I hate losing!/Fighting other players is too much for me!/I'm away that week!/I hate you and everything you do!
Fair enough. Those are good reasons.
Any other excuses I've missed?
Otherwise, sign up today!
OMG! How like, totally kewl are these characters?!1
New Contender!
Von Schaden now has a pure-build ready to test out at clawing the oppositiong up. Wether that works out or not is anyones guess
New Contender!
Oh, and Alpha's gonna try and tear up the fight-floor in the All-Stars, given he's my only IO'd out toon and, hey, I had some ok luck with him in PvP before. Why not? Other than injured pride
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
*Takes a deep breath and plunges in*
The Amber Banshee has signed up, there may be more coming just as soon as we can get a team organised.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

Thanks guys ^^
I have also updated the first post with planned launch date and easy link to signup sheet etc
And it has come to my attention that the 29th is the middle of the double XP weekend - yikes!
Are people happy with a launch of the 29th or would they prefer it moved to February 5th?
Gladiators Ready?!
Gladiators starts Saturday 5th of February at 7PM above the monkey cage in Pocket D! We'll be hosting battles in a variety of leagues between metahumans from throughout the cosmos and beyond! All competitors and spectators welcome!
When can I fight?
You can fight your designated opponent, challenge someone, enter the Gauntlet or fight an exhibition/grudge match whenever you and your opponent(s) are free and you can grab a referee to oversee the fight, note the result and record it!
Referees are @Bunny (me) and @oreso, with @Alcione as ‘backup ref’. We can be contacted at any time via tells or ingame email to arrange matches (unless we're already in a match) and we will always get a ref in Pocket D on weekends. On the day of launch @Bunny will be in PD from 6:30 pm (British time) until late(ish) and on Sunday the 6th from 3 pm 'til late(ish). When the refs clock-in during subsequent weekends will depend on demand.
How long will Gladiators go on?
This depends on interest and how quickly we get through stages of the competition. We’ll do our best to keep it on a reasonable time frame whilst still allowing some ’wiggle room’ for people with RL commitments to participate fully. Watch this space for updates on this as time progresses and we get a feel for things.
Who’s my opponent?
Please check below for who your opponents are. Please note that I have left space for people to turn up on the day or sign up late. It would help a lot if people filled in the form however, there’s still time!
Globals of players are provided to help organise times for matches. Do feel free to contact these players yourself.
All-Star League
All-Star League is split into qualifier groups you may challenge anyone in your qualifier group, the idea is for you to fight everyone in your group and the top 2 of each group progress to the next round of competition.
Group 1 “Plum Blossom”
1. Hitmark (@Longier)
2. Techbot ALPHA (@Techbot ALPHA)
3. Storm (@Thunderar)
4. WarpLocke (@Wolfram)
5. The Amber Banshee (@Dante)
Group 2 “Ill Wind”
1. Drew Firstblood (@Ammon)
2. CX-1237 (@CX)
3. Colonel Amanda Reynolds (@Longier)
4. Lucius Macbain (@oreso)
5. ShadowSlicer (@Obfuscate)
Group 3 “Bearer of Aegis”
1. Lady Arete (@Lady Arete)
2. Thingamewhatzit (@Nychus)
3. Ray Hammerfall (@Sniper Three)
4. Dismal (@Night)
5. Alexia Moore (@Alexia Morgan)
Group 4 “Ruin”
1. Iron Anderson (@Kiken)
2. Hella Hardcore (@Bunny)
3. Elizabeth Bathory (@Elizabeth Bathory)
4. Common Sense (@Pearsh)
5. Discontent (@Alcione)
Qualifying matches are expected to take 2 – 3 weeks to organise and complete. Any late signups/people turning up in the first two weeks of competition will be given slots in these groups, so please keep an eye for updates on additions to your qualifier group.
Pure League
Competitors are split into two qualifying groups. These groups will function as the qualifying stage of All-Star does with the top 2 of both groups progressing to the next stage.
Group 1 “The Prestidigitator”
1. Silvas (@Black Knight)
2. Von Schaden (@Techbot ALPHA)
3. Pious Hunter (Character is out of action)
4. Unbeweglich (@TheOrrery)
5. Sewer Waste (@Beet)
Group 2 “Mystic Maiden”
1. Boarder (@Alcione)
2. Double Edged (@Pearsh)
3. Alphaea (@oreso)
4. Tarana (@Elizabeth Bathory)
As with the All-Star league we will put late signups/arrivals on the day into these groups, but would prefer to be notified in advance of people planning to join. There's plenty of opportunity here for people to jump in with a quickly respeced second (or third) SO build!
Best Newcomer
The newcomers have 2 – 3 weeks to challenge one another and prove themselves, the two that perform best will be put through to the final stage of this competition.
Group 1 "Glacia"
• La Zorra (@Wolfram)
• Summoner Witch (@Alexia Morgan)
• Foreboding (@Cactus Brawler)
• Doctor Shock N Awe (@TheSpareHand)
Group 1 "Glacia"
• Kiya Papu (@Iynx)
• Carl (@oreso)
• Fairy Cake (@Bunny)
• Tac Team (@Nychus)
• Guardian Vixen (@Alexia Morgan)
This competition also welcomes more signups and will take on all newcomers arriving on the day. By far the cheapest competition to enter, just grab a level 20 and go!
NB: The top two in all qualifying groups will be determined using the following points system: 3 for a Win. 2 for a Draw. 1 for a Loss. If a competitor is unable to challenge everyone in their group they will be awarded an extra 1 point for each match they were unable to arrange.
Team League
Teams are invited to challenge one another to earn points. The Scoring system is as follows: Decisive Win, doubling the opponent's defeats: 5 points! Win: 3 points! Draw: 2 points! Lose: 1 point!
On the second to last week the Team League will enter the Heat Stage! The teams that have played the most matches cannot compete for this week, and the other teams have this week to catch up until they've played the same number! If there is still a discrepency, any team that has played less matches will be graced with 1 point per missing match.
The two teams with the highest scores at the end of the Heat Stage will face off for one last fight in the last week to determine the overall winner and who is left with second place!
Registered Teams:
Team Hardcore (@Bunny)
The Nighthunters (@TheOrrery/@Thunderar)
The Corporation (@Bunny/@Techbot ALPHA/@CX/@Pearsh)
The Foundry (@Bunny/@oreso/@Alcione/@Q.)
Cadre/unnamed mercs team(@Dante/@Romanov/@Wolfram/@Ammon/@Dipster)
Gladiators (Still not a full team - @Lady Arete/@Elizabeth Bathory)
Gladiators Gauntlet
Once the show starts Gladiators can enter the Gauntlet whenever they wish! Just contact @Bunny or @oreso.
But please note, as other matches are being run on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and this will steal the refs' attention, we'd prefer to run them at other times.
Can I help at all?
Yes, yes you can, you awesome person you!
I am currently collecting OOC prizefunds, from in-game inf and items to anything you can think of that would make a nifty prize. If anyone wants to donate it’ll be gratefully received.
I’m also happy to take any footage you have of the action taking place. Just record a demo file and send it to me. I would especially love it if one or two people could record their Gauntlet runs in this fashion as I won’t be able to go in with people for fairness sake (I don’t want to accidentally agro anything for people!)
And that’s all for now, please keep an eye here and on the Handbook pages for updates!
Have reservations over joining in IC-PVP? Read this post by @oreso. And don't be afraid to voice concerns, we're working to make this as enjoyable as possible for everyone!
((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
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