Apex Battle Maiden makes me sad




Did for the first time today.

Team setup was:
2 Tankers, Invuln and Stone
2 Stalkers, both something/SR
Defender, I think Rad/Rad
Dominator, Mind/Psy
Two Scrappers, my Kat/Inv and a Spines/Regen.

We did it with no problems other than some deaths. I held the aggro of BM at some point and didn't notice her hitting that often. Somewhat more often than what regular AVs do, but nothing gamebreaking. For clarity's sake, I was S/L soft capped.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
I think it has to do with what Positron said, the more powerful you become the harder the content.
While I agree with the premise, the increase in power from the alpha slot is not proportional to auto-hit un-resistable damage that can 2 to 3 shot the absolute toughest characters in the game.

I'm fine with it in what this particular scenario seems to be, a rigged encounter to force you to keep moving (even though the game's attacks root you to the floor, which is a separate gripe) - if it's a single instance of this situation to make a dramatic, unconventional TF, then I'm all for it. Different and unconventionally challenging is fun.

However I do hope that constant unresistable (or nearly un-resistable) DEF busting tactics do not become the norm, simply because the IO system provides no other valuable means of increasing personal survival.

Originally Posted by concreteshift View Post
These encounters are going to be designed to push experienced to the max. Most TFs/SFs in CoH are rather easy, pedestrian even. If you played any high level raids in other MMOs, they are punishing and require massive amounts of coordination between players.
Those MMOs require specific builds and specific raid set ups. CoH just isn't that kind of game, and I really doubt that the current player base is ready or willing to adopt that level of raid organization.

Originally Posted by concreteshift View Post
I believe the days are gone now where a single scrapper/brute/dom is going to be able to stand toe to toe with an end level encounter on a high level raid.
In effect the already most powerful combination of stacked force multipliers only becomes more attractive.



Did Apex with a night widow (me), crab (melee-flavor), two brutes (fire/fire and DM/invuln), two peacebringers (one human, one tri), a blasters, and a scrapper (MA/SR). No "real" support. Three of us relied mainly on defense as our defense. We beat her pretty good once we got the hang of it.

Most of our deaths came from people taking a while to get the hang of dodging the death patches in the BM fight. Once people got the hang of avoiding the patches and started listening about ignoring the adds, she went down pretty handily. The biggest problem was her tendency to stand in death patches and switch to ranged mode.

Now something interesting is that we can 'back in to' her ToHit Buff level if we do some math. Remember that the tohit formula is:

End ToHit = (Attack Accuracy) * (Rank Buff) * (Level Buff) * (1 + Accuracy Enhancement) * [ Base ToHit + ToHit Buffs - ToHit Debuffs - (Defense - Defense Debuffs) ]

For level 54 AV Battle Maiden using a broadsword, her end tohit is going to look like this:

End ToHit = (1.05) * (1.5) * (1.4) * (1 + 0) * (0.5 + (ToHit Buffs - ToHit Debuffs) - (Defense - Defense Debuffs))

That comes out to 110.25% without any buffs, debuffs, or defense in the equation.

For someone who's soft capped, with no tohit buff, her chance to hit should come out to 11.025%. Ie, 1/10th as often.

If we take the first poster at face value who said she had a 90% chance to hit him while softcapped, we want to solve for X here.

0.9 = (1.05) * (1.5) * (1.4) * (1 + 0) * (0.5 + (X) - (0.45)). That ends up being about a 35% tohit buff if I'm doing my math right here.

But I didn't see her having a 90% hit rate, and I think if it really is at that level against a soft-capped character, then everyone has the right to complain (because this in fact does affect the buff/debuff classes, in some ways even more strongly than melees - tohit debuffs are resisted both by AV resistances and the purple patch, and the majority of buffs available are to defense, not resistance).

A 47% hit rate against a softcapped character, meanwhile, implies a tohit buff of about 15%. That's a bit more realistic, though it still means that she's hitting roughly three times as often as a 'normal' level 54 AV should.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."