Finishing off Element-themed Support sets: Earth and Electric Domination Sets




Pretty much what the title says. We have Fire domination and cold domination to go with those blast sets. We have dark blast and dark miasma. Radiation and rad blast. Time to make some sets to go with electic blast/ control and earth control! Obviously the numbers may not be fully balanced, but it's not like I'm a Dev =P

Electric Domination

Alternating Current Targeted AoE heal: You sap some of a foe's endurance, and in return, you and any nearby allies regain a small amount of HP.

Disruption Target foe has his attack speed and endurance recovery reduced by a small, but still significant amount for 30 seconds.

Synaptic Jumpstart Frees a target ally from Hold, Disorient, Confusion and Fear effects, and provides 10mag resistance against such effects for 1 minute.

Static Field A PBAoE field of electricity around the user, stretching out 15 feet. Any enemies entering the field take minor damage, have a 10% ToHit debuff, and have a small chance of being overwhelmed by electric energy and running away in fear.

Disruption Target foe's attacks cost 100% more endurance to use, have 15% chance less to hit, do 30% less damage and have 30% less of any alternate effect, lasting 10 seconds. At least a 3 minute recharge. Basically a reverse "Power build-up"

Electromagnetic Shield An ally shield which forces away most things that come near it. Gives 12.5% defense against Smashing/Lethal, 20% vs Energy, and gives the target ally 15% resistance against end-drain effects. Lasts 3 minutes.

Rolling Brownout Toggle. Will do minor DoT to a foe, and have a random chance of either draining away some endurance, stunning the target for a few seconds, reducing their Resistance by a small amount, or any combination of the three! When one of these effects successfully goes off, it may "chain" to other nearby enemies as well. However, this will cost additional endurance on behalf of the user.

Power-Charge Gives target ally +50% recharge speed, +250% regen, +400% recovery, +25% damage to all their attacks, and +25% effectiveness to any other or secondary effects of their powers (Mez, Debuff, Heal, etc). Lasts 75 seconds, recharges in 4 minutes.

Power Overload Using himself and any nearby teammates (not allies or pets or friendly players, but teammates) as "conduits", the caster will direct a huge amount of disruptive energy at a group of foes. The blast will have a very detrimental effect on the foes, not only damaging them and reducing their endurance, but debuffing their Regen, Recovery, and Recharge rates as well for 60 seconds. The amount of damage, end drain, and debuff would be determined by the Team's average current stats, divided by half.

So Damage would = ([Player 1 HP + Player 2 HP + ...]/# of players)/2
End drain would = ([Player 1 End + Player 2 End +...])/# of players)/2

Regen Debuff, Recovery debuff, and Recharge debuff would work the same way. So this power would be much more powerful on a team with 7 IO'd Tanks at full strength than 7 Controllers who're almost dead. Also, teammates must be within 60 feet of the caster to be counted for the effect.

This power is not without its drawbacks however. Everyone will have some endurance sapped, and the caster has a chance of getting caught in a feedback loop, taking 1/3rd of the damage AND debuff he inflicted on the enemies, and will probably be knocked back as well. The power would also have a very long recharge, and possibly be unenhanceble for recharge, just to prevent it from being used casually.


Earth Domination

Sand Blast You pressurize the earth under your opponent's feet, making it crack open and shoot dust into their faces, causing them to go blind for a moment. AoE effect, all foes -Perception and ToHit for 20 seconds.

Soothing Gemstone Summons a gemstone that will radiate a protective aura, granting +10% Positional defense and +100% regeneration to all allies in its 20 foot range. Due to its fragility, it can be targeted and destroyed!

Epidirtmal Layer You create microscopic bits of stone which graft onto your allies' skin, under their clothing. The result is that they are slightly more protected from attacks, but there's no visible sign of this, other than the target's skin appearing slightly darker. +10% res vs smash/lethal.

Dermal Detriment Basically the reverse of the above: You force pebbles and shrapnel to assault a foe's body, which weakens them and makes them more vulnerable to further attacks. -10% res vs all but toxic and psionics for 30 seconds

Protective Mud You cover an ally in specially ionized soil, which protects them from elemental attacks. +10% res vs Fire, Cold, and Energy attacks

Gaia's Gift Mother Earth knows all. Using this ability allows you to bring up the Combat Attribute monitor for the selected target (foe OR friend!). Long recharge.

Desert Storm Targeted AoE: Call up a flurry of sand in the selected area. Any foes caught inside will take minor DoT, and, being unable to tell friend from foe, may lash out wildly at anyone who comes near (Chance to confuse). Also, -runspeed and -perception.

Circle of Life Drains the lifeforce of near-by enemies, and infuses it into any fallen allies within 80 feet of you, allowing them to recover from defeat. Enemies are slowed down, with their defenses reduced for 30 seconds. Resurrected allies have 30 seconds of XP debt protection, and the amount of HP and End recovered is proportional to the number of foes affected.

Mud Men This ability will call up 1-3 lumbering monstrosities. Thy are very weak and are incapable of hurting anything they might manage to hit, but their fearsomeness will cause most enemies to ignore you and your allies in favor of dispatching these creatures. In other words, they have strong taunt auras, but only 5% ToHit and floored damage capability. They can take a few hits before dying, but cannot be buffed.


WHEW, that took waaay too long to type! Anyway, just brainstorming, i don't actually expect this to come to fruition, but hey, ya never know!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Sounds interesting, though I'd think a revive power would make sense (I so want a power to shock my teammates back to life) and I'm not really sure of the point of Gaia's gift if all it's going to do is let you see the states of you're target. Doesn't really seem worth a power pick, especially since there's a temp power that does that.



Nice ideas in general, although I think some of the powers can't work as you intend. (And also some of the names... but that's immaterial.)

And I haven't heard about an Earth Blast set yet. Although I think it would be awesome, if it doesn't come out slow as heck...


Electric Domination -

Okay, just to be clear, Static Field isn't supposed to be a toggle, right? It's more like an alternate form of Caltrops, or the Burn Patches, right? An area of denial power more than anything else? If so, sounds good. A toggle area of denial power would be too much, I think... (Or it would cost a huge amount of End to run...)

Disruption... yeah... First, I don't want to think about the coding that would need to be done for a power to increase the Endurance cost of a targets powers. An Endurance Recovery Debuff, with an Endurance Draining aspect, should work just fine, I would think. Furthermore, I think you are really off on your values. There ARE 'Reverse Power Build Up' powers in the game already - Benumb from Cold Domination being the easiest one to see. It lasts for 30 seconds, and has a 2 minute base recharge. Of course, it is also the tier 7 power in that set. Balancing the number will be a tricky affair...

Rolling Brownout - Just go ahead and make this a chaining click power. Minor damage, minor Endurance Drain, Mag 2 stun (50% chance), and instead of a resistance debuff, how about a -Recharge and -To Hit?

Power Overload - I like the name, but am not loving the idea. I kinda feel like this should be a two step power, significantly sapping the target, while causing an AoE Energy Explosion around it... but that may be too powerful for a support set...

Earth Domination -

I think this one is better designed over all. I really like the pocket tanks as the tier 9.

Just to clarify, again... the Soothing Gemstone is supposed to be a placed buff generator (like Triage Beacon or Tree of Life), not a mobile one, right?

Also, Gaia's Gift isn't going to fly. Maybe replace it with a Rez? Here's an idea... replace it with an AoE rez! It would be nice to see another one of those...

That's all I can think of off the top of my head...


Hey, won't we need an actual 'Energy' Support set, to compliment Energy Blast, too?

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
Disruption... yeah... First, I don't want to think about the coding that would need to be done for a power to increase the Endurance cost of a targets powers.
I don't know if it would necessarily be too hard. Conserve Power and Energize already reduce the endurance cost of all powers, I'm guessing it would basically be a matter of applying a Conserve Power with negative buff values to an enemy. Of course knowing how loopy some of the established code in the game is, it's also possible that attempting to do that would instead force the target's powers to become sentient and try to take over the world, so there's definitely margin for error.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
Sounds interesting, though I'd think a revive power would make sense (I so want a power to shock my teammates back to life) and I'm not really sure of the point of Gaia's gift if all it's going to do is let you see the states of you're target. Doesn't really seem worth a power pick, especially since there's a temp power that does that.
There's also temp powers which revive allies


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
There's also temp powers which revive allies
Ally rez powers often have a greater effect than just rezzing, such as a powerful enemy stun, damage, buffs, or they simply restore more HP and End upon rez than the temp power. Your proposed "Gaia's Gift" does nothing more than the temp power does, and honestly, the temp power's kind of useless even in the scope of temp powers. Surveillance, from the blaster epic and arachnos soldier power sets at least pair it with a decent resist/defence debuff. Honestly, I can't think of a situation where I would not rather pick anything else over Gaia's Gift, since it's a power with almost no gameplay use and can be substituted with a temp power for far less investment.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



I think I sprained something reading the name "Epidirtmal Layer".

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
There's also temp powers which revive allies
I think you miss understood me, I didn't say it wasn't worth the pick because there was a temp power that did the same thing, as far as I can tell, it's not an overly useful ability. The existence of the temp power just makes it make even less sense. If there's some point to it I'm just not seeing, I'd love to know, otherwise give it a buff or debuff effect to represent your character making use of the information.



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
I don't know if it would necessarily be too hard. Conserve Power and Energize already reduce the endurance cost of all powers, I'm guessing it would basically be a matter of applying a Conserve Power with negative buff values to an enemy. Of course knowing how loopy some of the established code in the game is, it's also possible that attempting to do that would instead force the target's powers to become sentient and try to take over the world, so there's definitely margin for error.
Correct, end efficiency can be buffed and debuffed.

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I can't imagine an Electric Domination set with a combat rez power called "Defibrillation". I just can't.