Alpha slots, purp prices and other I19 speculation

Adeon Hawkwood



I think one of the most popular Alpha slot tree is going to be Spiritual, which gives you at its peak a 45% rech bonus, 30% of which can exceed ED caps. This is going to make hitting perma-Hasten (AM, IW, PA, whatever) a lot easier for 50s. I wonder if this will cause a decrease in demand for purples? Similarly for LotG +7.5s.

Another branch gives you +def, about 12.6% at the peak that can exceed ED caps. If ppl find that branch attractive, we may see some lowering demand for the popular (and expensive) +def sets as well, like Kin Combat.

There's also a branch that gives you +end redux, which should be popular for I19 w/the free Fitness pool that will inevitably lead to more toggles run, not to mention fewer slots for... well, end redux. Because of this, I don't think there'll be much impact on the Miracle & Numina uniques.

+Acc, +Dam, +Status effects are all pretty meh, but I think the three bonuses listed above will have the heaviest impacts on the market as far as demand goes. +Dam resist will be popular too, but I don't see that affecting IO demand in any significant way.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
I think one of the most popular Alpha slot tree is going to be Spiritual, which gives you at its peak a 45% rech bonus, 30% of which can exceed ED caps. This is going to make hitting perma-Hasten (AM, IW, PA, whatever) a lot easier for 50s. I wonder if this will cause a decrease in demand for purples? Similarly for LotG +7.5s.
Maybe. On the other hand you'll need a significant quantity of recharge from IOs and Purples/LotG are often the most slot efficient way to get them. The increased supply of purples from people playing their 50s more should increase supply though. For LotGs in particular I think with Inherent Fitness a lot of people will end up taking Concealment or Leadership powers to fit in more of them.

Another branch gives you +def, about 12.6% at the peak that can exceed ED caps. If ppl find that branch attractive, we may see some lowering demand for the popular (and expensive) +def sets as well, like Kin Combat.
Honestly I don't think so. I did the math and for a Shield Defense Tank using the defense Alpha Enhancement would add approximately 2% defense (about 3% if he has Weave). Now obviously that isn't insignificant but it's still going to take significant IO'ing to hit the soft cap. Not to mention defense sets are also very popular with powersets that have little or no inherent defense and thus can't benefit from the +defense Alpha enhancement.

+Acc, +Dam, +Status effects are all pretty meh, but I think the three bonuses listed above will have the heaviest impacts on the market as far as demand goes. +Dam resist will be popular too, but I don't see that affecting IO demand in any significant way.
I think the +Damage tree will be popular in some circles. For a Blaster/Scrapper/Tank/Brute/Stalker with a solid attack chain +Dam could be more useful than +Recharge. Recharge is mostly useful if you need to tighten your attack change or if you have powerful abilities on long timers. Also the damage tree has one with Damage and Endurance reduction which I can definitely see being popular.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Honestly I don't think so. I did the math and for a Shield Defense Tank using the defense Alpha Enhancement would add approximately 2% defense (about 3% if he has Weave).
Arg, yeah, I made a silly mistake of thinking the bonuses were more like globals instead of enhancement bonuses. Yeah, so a typical SD tank w/CJ + Weave will only get around 2.85%, which like you say is hardly chump change, but isn't going to replace that many IO bonuses. Might replace that PvP IO though.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



{+Acc, +Dam, +Status effects are all pretty meh}

My 50 tanks are already soft-capped, like probably most of the people going after the incarnate stuff (I am projecting this, anyway).... But my tanks are going to be all over anything that gives them more damage!

I don't farm per se, but I do bump my foe size up to /x8, so I can get more drops. If I, who abhors the drudgery of farming, reacts to the prospect of doing more damage with great enthusiasm, imagine how the legions of farming tanks are going to react?



I shouldn't say meh. They're just not as sexy as +rech or +def. Esp not for marketeering purposes--you just don't see IOs in demand for the +dam aspects. The +6 to hit Kismet IO is very affordable compared to other expensive uniques.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
I think one of the most popular Alpha slot tree is going to be Spiritual, which gives you at its peak a 45% rech bonus, 30% of which can exceed ED caps. This is going to make hitting perma-Hasten (AM, IW, PA, whatever) a lot easier for 50s. I wonder if this will cause a decrease in demand for purples? Similarly for LotG +7.5s.

Another branch gives you +def, about 12.6% at the peak that can exceed ED caps. If ppl find that branch attractive, we may see some lowering demand for the popular (and expensive) +def sets as well, like Kin Combat.

There's also a branch that gives you +end redux, which should be popular for I19 w/the free Fitness pool that will inevitably lead to more toggles run, not to mention fewer slots for... well, end redux. Because of this, I don't think there'll be much impact on the Miracle & Numina uniques.

+Acc, +Dam, +Status effects are all pretty meh, but I think the three bonuses listed above will have the heaviest impacts on the market as far as demand goes. +Dam resist will be popular too, but I don't see that affecting IO demand in any significant way.
+Damage seems to me to be the big winner in the Alpha-slot comparison. It won't always be the best option; if you're playing a character with a low base-damage AT mod and/or a character with craploads of +damage already (like a Brute), then you'll probably benefit more from something else.

But more damage is always good, and damage is one of the hardest things to wring out of IO bonuses. Recharge, endurance management, and even ToHit/Accuracy can all be supplemented pretty well already through IO investment.

Happily, given that +damage bonuses from IOs are so hard to stack to any significant number, I don't think the +damage Alpha slot power will affect the market much.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Well the thing to keep in mind there is that the effect of the Alpha Slot enhancement verus Set bonuses on a build is not identical for all types.

Assuming we convert the non-ED bonuses from each type into Tiny set bonuses as a value scale (just considering the non-ED bonuses).
Damage: 30 set bonuses
Defense: ~7.2 set bonuses (assuming it grants 3% to either all positions or all non-psionic types)
Recharge: 12 set bonuses

Defense and Recharge are popular set bonuses because it's easy to build them up into something worth having. Damage bonuses are much lower scale which makes them harder to build up to significant levels. For a character who is already getting sufficient Defense ro Recharge through set bonuses a Damage bonus looks very tempting.



My dark armor characters are already begging to be played with the endred/resist...

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



I think the recharge will be most popular because as it has been said many times, you can pop reds, purples, or blues to fix those holes; but there isn't a recharge insperation.

I don't think the alpha slot or the increase in lv 50 players will make much of a change in the market price of purples, if anything it may just slow their inflation.

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



What you have to remember is that incarnate abilities do NOT exemp down. So someone who relies on Incarnate abilities instead of Purples or low-level sets will find their playstyle hugely hampered if they go to do a lower-level TF or flashback or do anything else that puts them under level 50.

However, let's look at the math. One of the incarnate rares offers like +30% recharge, right? That's equivalent to FIFTEEN purples (the +10% recharge bonus is often the 5th bonus, multiplied by three sets...). If it's significantly easier to achieve the "Rare" incarnate shard than it is to get fifteen purples*, they MAY fall out of favor, and therefore go down in price.

*: Yes, it's "easy" to make 2 billion inf in a few days several times over and just buy the stuff you want. However, it's not like a majority of the playerbase possesses that amount of market savvy or interest in doing so.

Overall, i think people will still grab purples AND plop the incarnate abilities on top, so i don't think we'll see much fluctuation.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
What you have to remember is that incarnate abilities do NOT exemp down.

Overall, i think people will still grab purples AND plop the incarnate abilities on top, so i don't think we'll see much fluctuation.
Maybe, people that never cared about purples, will get an alpha slot and see an improvement, miss it when exmp'ed and look to add purples to their build.

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



purples will be going down in price whether demand drops or not, just because everyone and their mother will be playing their 50's to the bone grinding for Incarnate stuff. That's gonna generate a lot of purple supply.

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My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
What you have to remember is that incarnate abilities do NOT exemp down. So someone who relies on Incarnate abilities instead of Purples or low-level sets will find their playstyle hugely hampered if they go to do a lower-level TF or flashback or do anything else that puts them under level 50.
That's a good point, and another reason that I believe the Alpha +damage bonus will be most popular. If your build is predicated on high DEF or high recharge on this-or-that power, then you're best served by getting those bonuses before Alpha is considered.

However, let's look at the math. One of the incarnate rares offers like +30% recharge, right? That's equivalent to FIFTEEN purples (the +10% recharge bonus is often the 5th bonus, multiplied by three sets...).
Or four LoTGs.

If it's significantly easier to achieve the "Rare" incarnate shard than it is to get fifteen purples*, they MAY fall out of favor, and therefore go down in price.
As Nethergoat points out, purple prices will likely fall from an increase in supply. I don't foresee any other significant factors to influence purple prices.

The corollary is that mid-level-range non-purple IOs may fall in supply. Again.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



My one guess this time centers around low level Regen Tissue + Regens. I didn't buy a lot of them but enough at a low enough cost I should be ok.

Enjoy your day please.



I have a lot of builds with their eyes on the Cardiac lines. I do plenty of damage, and have plenty of mitigation, but I have characters who cannot sustain my maximum pace indefinitely. I fully expect Cardiac to change that completely. I have an excellent sample of what it will really do in practice - Secondary Mutation: Pain Tolerance offers a 30% endurance discount for 20 minutes. My most end hungry characters function essentially without endurance bounds under the effect of that power, and even my most aggressively end reduction slotted characters would net at least 30% reduction from the Rare version of this incarnate ability.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I expect the week between the i19 release and the date of the second free respec to be a "respec frenzy" that will spike demand.



One other thing I thought of is that we might see a drop in the supply of Pool C/D recipes. Assuming it works like the GR beta top level TFs will give you a choice of merits or an Incarnate component which could lead to a decrease in the number of merits being generated.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
One other thing I thought of is that we might see a drop in the supply of Pool C/D recipes. Assuming it works like the GR beta top level TFs will give you a choice of merits or an Incarnate component which could lead to a decrease in the number of merits being generated.
Pursuing components also will attract folks from the Morality/Alignment path, further depressing the C/D supply to some degree.

Repeat Offenders



Because the alpha slot is the new thing, and it involves playing level 50 characters, I anticipate the demand and supply for purples will both go up. But because the alpha slot requires making hard choices about what to improve, and purples give good numbers all around (except for end reduction), and they don't go away when you exemp, I imagine that purples will continue to increase in price.

Mostly because people will be playing their 50s a whole lot more. And they'll want to improve them. And that will mean more players wanting purples.