- Please use your level 50 hero characters, I cannot stress this enough!
- Clearly, this is going to require all team members to have flight. There are jet packs available for purchase in Firebase Zulu, or you can also buy one for $5 bucks from the NCSoft store… the mini booster pack.
- We need team leaders! I’m calling out supergroups to organize teams for this event. If you wish to be a team leader, please post here/send me a pm/send me an in game tell with your global so I can reach you for further details. Same goes for supergroups that plan on attending.
- Drop Ships deal an initial energy blast of approx. 900 points damage to a level 50 (try to keep above the ship)
- They enter a zone in two waves. Each wave flies in two separate routes. Approximately 9 ships stream in through each route for an approximate total of 36 ships per Invasion in one zone.
- The key to success is damage and debuffers. Leapfrog tactics will be needed. A team would have to get in their initial round of hits, and then race ahead of the ship to get another shot off. Each team doing so creates a "gauntlet" from which the ship eventually wears down and explodes.