An attempt to re-insert myself into RP.
So what's the point of this thread? Easy. I want to find joy in Virtue's claim to fame again. I want to find a good RP group or niche that will get to know me as well as my characters and reintroduce me to what used to be the main reason I play: roleplay. If anyone asks, I'd be happy to post up a list of my main characters and give quick bits of info on them.
To give you a sample of what I bring to the table, here's the old wiki file for my Human Paladin in World of Warcraft, Gospel Lightfaith. Everything there was written and/or planned by me with the exception of a handful of stories.
I'm not sure *exactly* what you're looking for, but I'm new to the server, I have 20+ years of roleplaying experience (including Superheroes/Villains Unlimited, D&D, Iron/Jadeclaw, Deadlands, and a host of other traditional RPG's), and at 10+ years in online MMO's/MUD's/FFRP Forums and what-have-you. While I'm new to COH and all that it implies, I'm certainly no stranger to quality RP.
-I freeform RP. No rules, no WoD junk (those guys irritate me), no hit rolls, just flowing RP. Decisions on the fly. No governing body.
-I RP just about anything. I have such a wide variety of characters and each of their stories is different, with only a few knowing explicit information of one or two others.
-I'm all for open-zone RP. If you're gonna be a gamblin' man or bookie, why sit in the D? Go to St. Martial and spend some time sipping margaritas on a rooftop in Double Down while you write the papers for your 'family.' Military? Hang out in the troubled parts of Nerva or survey Grandville from it's outlying islands. (Be more creative, is the bullet point you should take away from this presentation)
-Don't freaking godmode. I know your character can shoot lightning from their eyes, mine can light people on fire with his breath! Equal opportunity fights and decisions.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

I don't like sitting around for hours in Pocket D or a Base just talking or shooting IC small-talk around unless it's followed a good mission romp or a nice, XP-earning team.
We should form a club.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
-I freeform RP. No rules, no WoD junk (those guys irritate me), no hit rolls, just flowing RP. Decisions on the fly. No governing body.
I RP just about anything. I have such a wide variety of characters and each of their stories is different, with only a few knowing explicit information of one or two others. |
I'm all for open-zone RP. If you're gonna be a gamblin' man or bookie, why sit in the D? Go to St. Martial and spend some time sipping margaritas on a rooftop in Double Down while you write the papers for your 'family.' Military? Hang out in the troubled parts of Nerva or survey Grandville from it's outlying islands. (Be more creative, is the bullet point you should take away from this presentation) |
Don't freaking godmode. I know your character can shoot lightning from their eyes, mine can light people on fire with his breath! Equal opportunity fights and decisions. |

While there are times that RP dictates a bit of in-base discussion, I much prefer to be out doing stuff that superheroes should do, especially when playing my main, Hero Prime.
I was part of the Green Dragon Inn RP community for 4 years -- all we knew back then was Free-form, since that was all the internet chatrooms we used seemed to be able to do. I ran a very complex and entertaining storyline that spanned two years (real time); it was all FFRP.

Personally, I never have my characters know one another, save on perhaps basis of reputation. They'll never actually have an opportunity to interact in-game, so there's no real point in having their storylines merge and/or intersect.
Considering I don't even know what the RP hotspots are for COH yet, I suppose I'll just have to RP wherever I find myself! (Which is what I usually do anyway, but that's beside the point!) I agree, though, get outside the box sometimes, you never know what (or who) you might find.
The other big place for a lot of RP cliques tends to be the SG/VG base. The biggest problem I had with my previous active VG (I won't name names publicly but I'm sure anyone on this forum knows them; they're notorious for godmoding and making life frustrating in general) was that they would do an AE arc and then sit in their base for hours on end, just standing around and presenting their characters into awkward situations for laughs. Sometimes they wouldn't do an arc, they'd just retire to the base for a "meeting" that only concerned about 10 people max and left the rest of the VG twiddling their thumbs and waiting to go actually do something. Not my cup of tea.
I think every RP'er anywhere hates godmoders. In all honesty, I don't think any of my characters has ever straight-up "won" a fight. >.> Not that they're weak or that they're pushovers; they fight to a stalemate and the villain runs off to "live and fight another day". It happens all the time in the comics, so it makes sense. *lol*
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I'll freaking do it. I'll buy us jackets!
You're not alone!
*chuckles* While there are times that RP dictates a bit of in-base discussion, I much prefer to be out doing stuff that superheroes should do, especially when playing my main, Hero Prime. |
My villain main is a demon overlord named Nalrok Ath'Zim. Visually, he's your basic big demon; horns, wings, plated leather, a few chains, spiked belt. Here, this should help.
Here are his level 50 Brute and level 38 MM incarnations, in order:

Now, personality-wise, he's not your stereotypical Demon Lord from The (Evil Place Name Here). He won't mock you, he won't laugh derisively as he sneers at you, and he most certainly won't (nor has he ever) uttered a sentence with the words "foolish" and "mortal" in it. The closest he's ever come to a remark of that nature was back when Solrac played; he called Solrac an 'impudent wretch.' Nalrok prefers to be polite and, rather than boast his strengths and accomplishments, he takes in what others have to say about themselves. He's more concerned with making strong allies and friends than running around and smashing apart the planet for his own amusement. Now, this doesn't mean he's not one evil son-of-a-b**ch. He'll kill anyone who tries to kill him and enjoy it. One of his favorite things is to plow his fist into his opponent's ribcage and rot them from the inside out with nether energies. He'll laugh, or chuckle, or even grin with excitement as he does it. Like any demon, he'll occasionally fly into an uncontrollable rage (Frenzy alignment power helps here) and won't stop tearing people's faces off until there's no one left but his allies.
(Hell, one time he actually ((with permission)) killed a character by picking them up by the shoulders and tearing them down the middle. Holy crap.)
*pant* Monologue complete on that one. My point, as I seem to have failed to make yet, is that my main villain isn't the type to sit in a black-stone throne and brood about how evil he is; he likes to meet evil people and considers every slaughter both a personal victory and a small vacation from reading his gargantuan library of tomes left by his bloodline.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

One major roadblock I always see people set for themselves when it comes to RP is that the expect RP to come to them; that people should approach them and initiate RP. You can't sit on your laurels, have that kind of expectation, and anticipate results.
It's a lot like going to a business party and expecting to make some network contacts by standing in the corner and waiting for people to introduce themselves to you. Sure, you might get one or two, but you'd get a whole lot more if you put YOURSELF out there, rather than wallflowering.
On the same token, established groups of RP'ers need to play outside the zone every once in a while. RP with someone who is new or if you happen to see someone wallflowering, approach them. Don't ignore them because they aren't part of your elite group of Super Special RP Friends.
I think this is one of the mentalities that makes a lot of RP communities crash and burn. They become to insular and dependent upon each other to survive, so when one group or one person leaves the game, takes a hiatus, or otherwise changes the status quo, everything for that community takes a nosedive.
So take a chance on people, in general, whether you're a "noob" or a "veteran" -- at the end of the day, we're all the same thing on the other side of this keyboard: gamers who like having fun. So go make some with somebody new.
Some of them know each other because they are each other. |
Having two characters that are "best friends" (like I've seen elsewhere); it just doesn't make sense. You'd never see them together, so how can they be "best friends"? Or to have two characters that are romantically involved... who are never seen together, ever. The list goes on and on of people having these intricate (and sometimes intimate) relationships with their own characters -- when those characters would never have the opportunity to interact in-game. To me, it just breaks the quality of the RP.
Well, I can tell you right now that (for some bass-ackwards reason) Pocket D is a veritable Courtyard Commons for RP. Every RPer type will wind up there unless they make a conscious choice to avoid it. |
I tend to size up how text fights are going to go based on level and character appearance; my level 27 Dual Blades/Willpower roughneck named Streetrazor isn't about to give a Level 50 Super Strength/Shield guy named Ironsmash any business and want to talk about it later. Best example was some level 6 'incubus' running around Port Oakes blathering off RP, and ended up getting in my 50 Dark/Dark Brute's face. That ended swiftly. |
... also my global is @Insane V. I want to be global friends with all of you who've posted so far.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Well, I have no idea where that is yet, so... I'll settle for RPing in Atlas City? XD |
Also, the Good vs. Evil Edition includes a power that lets you teleport to Pocket D.
Just about every roleplayer has an opinion of Pocket D, and they're all pretty much justifiable. Pocket D is the closest approximation to a tavern scene on Virtue. Similar in a few ways to the Jester back on Earthen Ring, but actually a lot better overall.
I encourage you to give it a try.
I'll give it a look-see, if I can figure out how to get there. XD I'm still learning. Day Two so far, but it's been fun.

Global: @Writerholic -- For those interested. Be gentle with me, though, I'm new to COH and am still trying to figure things out. x_x
Well, I'm not from H-town proper, more of an outlying suburb, but it's the closest major metropolis that people would associate with. XD
Now in that situation, I can understand, when a character is an alt of another character. However, the situations I'm talking about are like so:
Having two characters that are "best friends" (like I've seen elsewhere); it just doesn't make sense. You'd never see them together, so how can they be "best friends"? Or to have two characters that are romantically involved... who are never seen together, ever. The list goes on and on of people having these intricate (and sometimes intimate) relationships with their own characters -- when those characters would never have the opportunity to interact in-game. To me, it just breaks the quality of the RP. |
Well, I have no idea where that is yet, so... I'll settle for RPing in Atlas City? XD
I tend to agree, but I'm sure there are those who would argue that Character Story trumps Character Level (an argument I've heard *many* times in the past). That's a different debate for a different day, though.
Most common entry-points for new players are via Kings Row (generally between levels 6 and 8, but accessible at level 1), Port Oakes for villains and Studio 55 for Praetorians (through a manhole just underneath a staircase.)
Also, the Good vs. Evil Edition includes a power that lets you teleport to Pocket D. Just about every roleplayer has an opinion of Pocket D, and they're all pretty much justifiable. Pocket D is the closest approximation to a tavern scene on Virtue. Similar in a few ways to the Jester back on Earthen Ring, but actually a lot better overall. I encourage you to give it a try. |
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Have I told you I'm still madly in love with you and have subsequently stalked you to another game? <3 |

I'm originally from North Harris. Know where Tomball is? I was 30 minutes Southeast. Moved since then.

More open-zone RP would be good for the game; it'd also give this new influx of GR-purchase players a good idea of what Virtue's about! |

I'm not saying you should never ever go there. I'm saying that unless you're a DJ, active clubber, or a party animal you shouldn't park your character there for every RP event they have. Also avoid the catgirls. |

I suppose I should list specifics of what I used to do.
-I freeform RP. No rules, no WoD junk (those guys irritate me), no hit rolls, just flowing RP. Decisions on the fly. No governing body. -I RP just about anything. I have such a wide variety of characters and each of their stories is different, with only a few knowing explicit information of one or two others. -I'm all for open-zone RP. If you're gonna be a gamblin' man or bookie, why sit in the D? Go to St. Martial and spend some time sipping margaritas on a rooftop in Double Down while you write the papers for your 'family.' Military? Hang out in the troubled parts of Nerva or survey Grandville from it's outlying islands. (Be more creative, is the bullet point you should take away from this presentation) -Don't freaking godmode. I know your character can shoot lightning from their eyes, mine can light people on fire with his breath! Equal opportunity fights and decisions. |
((grabs her lunch now has time to expound on her original cryptic statement))
I'm a hardcore roleplayer, I weave description with prose, I'm active in game, forums and anywhere else I can find RP. I've been a storyteller forever and I've been an MMOrp'er for about 8 years now. I like cinimatic rp and realism. I dont back down from graphic rp and although I have been called an rp elitist I dont think having standards is a bad thing. I havent found a supergroup I'm wiling to try out yet and although I was going to make a proper sg of my own all of that energy has gone into returning to my art. I will rp where ever you find me as long as I'm not punching something in the face and I try to go to events if they are going on when I'm logged in. I rp very rarely during the week days but more regularly on the weekend. I rp with friends in all sorts of systems and games and I'm always looking for more.
A word on catgirls they are generally portrayed as being extremely slutastic and drama queens someones slave and the running joke is they give you herpes. Sorry Tala

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
I think the D is a good place to start as well. It'll give you a rough idea of the kind of players that are out there. Make some friends and then before you know it ideas for open-zone RPs out there in the game will start to come to mind.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
Catgirls are... sort of a running joke/meme/thoroughly-beaten dead horse on Virtue. At one point forever ago, there was a rather substantial fraction of catgirls among the population, and complaints about catgirls became commonplace. They continue to this day, despite the fact that they're currently like 3% of characters from what I've seen.
I just hope this isn't an issue of judge first, RP later (meaning never). Katja is a quality character built over years of practice, love, and inspiration.

Well, catgirls are a running joke everywhere, I think. Even back at the peak of Katja's career in the GDI, they were frowned upon, and then came the age of "furries" (furres?) where everyone who played a catgirl (or any kind of anthro) was a closet pervert.
I just hope this isn't an issue of judge first, RP later (meaning never). Katja is a quality character built over years of practice, love, and inspiration. ![]() |
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

The way you avoid being lumped in with the rest of Virtue's crap-content catgirls is by proving yourself. Don't be a catgirl, be a girl who has cat bits. If that makes sense.

>_> That's not what she is, though. She was never human and just happens to have cat-bits. She comes from a race of primal and proud cat-folk known as the Tyberan (my own creation) who are very much a warrior-oriented caste-society. You fight or you die and the strong rule over the weak. It's made her an interesting character (if I do say so myself) -- but I suppose that will all be in the proving, should I get into RPing here on Virtue.
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My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

I roleplay with everyone equally. If I enjoy the RP, then I'll add them to friends and seek them out for more RP. If I don't enjoy it, well, I'll call it a wash and probably not actively seek them out in the future. I won't flat-out avoid them or ignore them should I come across them, they just wouldn't be first on my list to call when I'm in the mood for some RP.
I try to keep in consideration that online RPing is still relatively new to a lot of people. For others, the entire concept of "roleplay" is a foreign idea. So there are a lot of new people out there that just need a guiding hand. However, if you're just going to glove-slap them from the start, well, that leaves a lasting impression -- although, not one you'd be likely to be proud of. It's situations like these where people are snubbed for what are ultimately petty reasons that lead to a server's "bad reputation".
It happens to the best of us. You're a long time RPer, you're involved with several VG/SG-related plots, and then a bunch of drama runs in and takes a big stinky **** all over you and your RP buddies and everything falls apart like a game of Jenga in a windstorm. You spend more time just gaming, trying to get away from all of the crap and hope it blows over.
Then you find out that everyone split off and made their own VGs and you never hear from them again.
This is what happened to me. I used to be really heavy into a lot of RP scenes, and I still try to keep in touch with the people I hung around with (Moone, Col. Drake, the old members of The Order of the Horde) but a few of those players have gone the way of either CO or just plain vanished. Now I have a few 50's and countless 20-45's who are sitting, with full backstories, just waiting to find a new niche. But they haven't, and the cause of that is my life outside the game.
After all the nonsense that happened with the VG's and SG's I was in, I was completely alone in my wish to RP with the exception of (literally) two global friends. My definition of RP is different. I actually like to play the game as well as explore my characters. I don't like sitting around for hours in Pocket D or a Base just talking or shooting IC small-talk around unless it's followed a good mission romp or a nice, XP-earning team. I noticed, unfortunately, that I am in the minority when it comes to this (or at least I feel like I am). I never see RP mission teams more than once a week. It's always sit around and talk, never get up and do. Because of this, my favorite characters have been retired to farming, A-Merit hoarding, or helping out a friend when they can't kick an AV's butt.
So what's the point of this thread? Easy. I want to find joy in Virtue's claim to fame again. I want to find a good RP group or niche that will get to know me as well as my characters and reintroduce me to what used to be the main reason I play: roleplay. If anyone asks, I'd be happy to post up a list of my main characters and give quick bits of info on them.
I expect quite a bit of snark to head my way for this, but I thought I'd at least try to put myself back where I was before the fallout that smashed my favorite RP groups to pieces and left the survivors in self-centered cliques.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."