Bacon, New Global, and Baby...
So we have a new hero in the making or a conniving villain with some cunning plans to take over the world?
Grats on the news.
Home server: Guardian
My 50s: 3 scrappers, 2 tankers, 1 blaster, 1 defender, 1 controller, 1 warshade, 1 stalker, 1 brute, 1 corruptor, 1 widow, 1 dominator, 1 mastermind (on Liberty)

Current project

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Congratulations on your successful venture into the character creation process. While not nearly as detailed and customizable as the City of Heroes process, I hope that your newest project will give you a lifetime of enjoyment.
Congratulations CapnKrunk and Wife!
global handle: @Celtic Coders 1, @Celtic Coders 2
gratz dude and dudette! it's a truly life changing experience.
i just started teaching my daughter to drive [be afraid, very afraid because she isn't] and she's started dating [shudder]. her older brother dropped out of college to decide what he wants to do [and now lives with dad]. seems like i just finished changing diapers though.
'i used to have superpowers until my therapists took them away' random bumper sticker
please excuse the small print. arthritis makes it difficult to use the shift keys.
lol @MorrGan yes they do grow up fast my wife has 2 kids from her previous marriage and when i met the youngest kid he was only 2 and now hes 6 time flies so fast. Also i want to thank the rest of you for congratz to us (the wife and i) Guardian server is my second family and Lots O' Love to ya's <.< >.> >=) noms Pepsi! im soo excited cant wait!
*one tiny pepsiman hops on pregnant belly*
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
>=) clicks on big battle drone and equips locks onto Pepsi clicks attack button! muhahaha -
Gratz on the future super powered one!
" I've said it before, I'll say it again, some of those "Recipe found" messages should be brown." Ullikummis
O_O DUDE!!! you didnt tell me you were gonna be a daddy!? WTH?! Grats to you and the misses bro
Hello all! It is I, ur Capn.! errm well Krunkthos as some of you awesome gamers may or may not know i changed my global a few weeks back just to let you know also i bring you invisible bacon!! and Me and Wife just found out we are going to have a BABY!! ^_^ its my first one!! i am tsoooooooooooooooooo excited!
anywho i know i havnt been on much lately but i am off work today and tomorrow and hopefully i can play today. miss teaming with everyone and cant wait to see you all in game! "Me And The Capn., Make It Happen! ... hrrrm oops! Everybody Get Krunk! with new global comes great new tag line