memory leak issue/going rogue




I seem to be having a memory leak issue with going rogue.
when the game is going it starts off using 500-600mb of ram and steadily increases in excess of 1gig or more of ram

i will link my dxdiag and hijack this files.

had to zip them and upload to megaupload because it gave me errors pasting them into code wraps.



CoH is just a pack-rat. It hordes every bit of information while you are playing, even if you don't need it. Information about zones you are in, players that are around you, your chat, and many other things just add up over time.

This is nothing new to GR. It's been like this for a very long time. Certain playing habits may cause some people to be affected more than others are. With GR, you are likely in a higher populated area than you usually are, which may be causing the increase in memory usage you are noticing.

Personally, my client usually starts at about 900MB before even moving. After an hour so I'm sure to hit the 1.2GB mark. It takes a few more hours before it finally starts to get unstable at over 1.5GB, and if I stay on even longer, I'm sure to crash when it gets to around 1.8G or so.



Originally Posted by sevenshade View Post

i will link my dxdiag and hijack this files.

had to zip them and upload to megaupload because it gave me errors pasting them into code wraps.
Don't paste them into code tags. Just paste the text as it is on the clipboard into your post. You may have to make two posts depending on the length of your HJT log.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



im sorry, ive spend the last 15 minutes trying to post small sections at a time, part of the dxdiag has symbols that the forum does not like.

i don't know how else to do this but than having the logs in a zipped folder on mega upload



Originally Posted by sevenshade View Post
im sorry, ive spend the last 15 minutes trying to post small sections at a time, part of the dxdiag has symbols that the forum does not like.

i don't know how else to do this but than having the logs in a zipped folder on mega upload



One thing you can do about this other than relog is use the slashcommand /unloadgfx(I think thats it, it has 3 synonymcodes anyway), it locks up the game for a couple seconds and clears the data of things you don't need anymore (like things from another zone you were in, or -5- other zones etc lol) and it'll lower your RAM usage, I have a G15 keyboard and monitor it, sometimes unloadgfx drops my total used ram as much as 15-20%

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online