New tanker here--interested in Ice armor
I've always wanted to play a tank but for some reason was turned off to it due to the high damage allure of scrappers. Then I moved to redside and well...GR allows me to play redside with the new awesome blue ATs.
Now, here's the issue. I can't decide what secondary to pair with ice. I was thinking either SS, or fire. While SS of course has great damage with footstomp, fire has some great aoe and single target damage. I don't think I'll need to worry about the mitigation of footstomp with what fire has to offer either. What would be the better all around one to go with then? Both seem to be alluring. I imagine fire would do better damage especially with fire damage being less resisted than smashing? Any help would be great. |
/SS is very single target focused until you reach 38 and get Foot Stomp but it does offer some mitigation. Still, mitigation isn't really where /SS shines either, it just has more than Fire. For mitigation the best choices are Stone Melee, Ice Melee and to an extent Dark Melee.
Now does your Ice tanker need mitigation? Frankly I don't know for sure; I'm working on an Ice/Elec tanker but since he's not yet past level 14 I can't say how he'll end up. I'd imagine once you get close to the soft cap you'll be fine, that's my plan with that tank but so far I'm working on second hand information.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
I can't decide what secondary to pair with ice. I was thinking either SS, or fire. While SS of course has great damage with footstomp, fire has some great aoe and single target damage. I don't think I'll need to worry about the mitigation of footstomp with what fire has to offer either.
I'm tempted by Ice/Elec (but instead I rolled Stone/ instead of Ice/ as I've already got 2 Ice/ tankers.) purely for teleporting in with Lighting Rod, and combining EA and Thunder Strike for mitigation that way.
Ice Armour itself has a good strong End Drain in Energy Absorption, Ice/Elec would syngerise for end drain, while Ice/KM would synergise for -dmg debuffs.
Ice/Ice syngersies for concepts and -recharge.
Ice/Fire offers two PBAoE DoTs, and one PBAoE, things like Ice/Fire, Fire/Ice and Fire/SS generally make good farming tanks.
Out of Ice/Fire or Ice/SS, I'd personally go for Ice/Fire as it looks better and dishes out better AoE damage, if you're going Ice/SS you might end up investing a lot to get Rage working for you and soft-capping without relying on a full 10 EA proc (If you're going maintank against AVs like recluse.)
Actually, I decided ice/fire just for concept and looks as well. Heh. I was tooling around with ice/elec, and while it does have some great damage with aoe capabilities it lacks single target damage which kinda turns me off.
I've an IO'ed ice/fire tank at 50, and it rocks. Softcapped, ice armor alone has plenty of survival tools to handle most situations. It takes some pretty extreme circumstances to give my tank pause.
Fire melee takes some time to grow into its potential, but the aoe and st damage it offers helps end fights more quickly, which is mitigation all its own. ice/'s ability to take and keep aggro means you'll always have a good pack around you to nuke, team or solo.
I definetly reccomend soft-cap s/l/e/n, and enough recharge for perma-hoarfrost. Even more than that is good, too; with hasten up, i can build-up/FSC/combustion/incin/FSC all within build-up's duration. Very very nice damage, and the recharge benefits energy absorption as well, extra def and practically infinite endo.
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Any one of half a dozen alts!
ice/fire is good if you can build up some defense bonuses with IOs.
Ice/Stone is also a popular choice for the non-IO crowd due to the extra mitigation that fault brings. It also feels very smashy if you don't mind the mallets and the lack of AoE.
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
I rolled up an Ice/Dark over the weekend; let me just say that the -ToHit in /Dark is fantastic. I love Dark Melee, and pairing it with such a high-defense armor has made it even more fun for me.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

/SS. Rage and Footstomp and Icicles oh my.
Plus, Energy Absorption synergizes great with the energy-hungry Raging SSer.
That said.
If I wasn't /SS, I'd be /Fire.
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i made an ice armor/energy melee tank for a static team many months ago. I love it. energy absorption is so great when you finally get it. Do you have a cold domination def handy?
That would make it even more insane for ya. I know a player that made an ice/db. was neat watching him play it. and fire or SS would work well too. Even ice melee works well with ice armor. who woulda thunk it?
I've always wanted to play a tank but for some reason was turned off to it due to the high damage allure of scrappers. Then I moved to redside and well...GR allows me to play redside with the new awesome blue ATs.
Now, here's the issue.
I can't decide what secondary to pair with ice. I was thinking either SS, or fire. While SS of course has great damage with footstomp, fire has some great aoe and single target damage. I don't think I'll need to worry about the mitigation of footstomp with what fire has to offer either.
What would be the better all around one to go with then? Both seem to be alluring. I imagine fire would do better damage especially with fire damage being less resisted than smashing?
Any help would be great.