MoLRSF or MoBarracuda
I'm interested in this, I have 2 brutes and a stalker in range, and only one of those has the regular LRSF and Barracuda badges, let alone Mo.
MOLRSF will be tough but the MOBarracuda is pretty easy. I'm available to help if needed.
Okay thanks for the replies so far all
I can start the LRSF so that's no worries there.
As far as the Barracuda being would you (not you specifically just saying) make it 'easier' Fitz?
When I tried it with no debuffers it didn't go so well; but I'm assuming it is easier if there are at least 1-2 debuffers (not so much Reichsman being hard just all the ambushes that kill squishies).
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Yeah I'm not saying bring no debuffers to either. They're critical to completing both. What I meant is it's easier to complete the BSF with no deaths than it is to do the LRSF with no deaths.
The ideal lineup for the BSF would be:
Night Dawn's stalker
For the BSF just keep it simple and stupid. Have one brute or tank taunt Reichsman with an emp or kin on him for heals, CM and/or ID and have the other 6 clear the ambushes completely.
If you really want to the badge it's worth taking the extra 15 minutes or so needed to clear all the ambushes.
I heard they changed it slightly, I'm not sure what those changes are, but it's what I heard.
Ah okay.
When we did the MoBarracuda, we were all trying to take down Reichsman (granted at this point it didn't matter because we died against Numina (should have pulled, but we didn't)). We had our two tankers (1 brute, 1 tanker) survive pretty much the entire time but everyone else died eventually. Once all the ambushes were gone we took Reichsman down.
That wouldn't have been a bad idea....have a tanker just taunt Reichs while the other take out the ambushes...I wasn't sure how many ambushes came/how that all worked out.
I've read somewhere that supposedly if you taunt/take Reichsman to the SE corner of the map that ambushes don't come down there....any truth to that? *shrugs*
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
It used to take about 20 minutes to get rid of all the ambushes.
I'm not sure about pulling him to the SE corner to stop them from coming.
Either way it's just council and defeating them is easy. Heck, it's better than the heroside respecs where you have to run around in a hamster ball for 30 minutes.
I know that Fitz can be a bit of a clown on the forums, and in game. However, let me assure you, this guy can play his toons well, and when we attempted the MoStatesman, he was all business, no play. I didn't actually know it was Fitz until the tf was over.
I have since gotten MoStatesman, but if there were any toon I wanted an Mo on, I wouldn't hesitate a moment to ask Fitz for his help.
So, yeah, I'd say he can make it easier. How he does it, I could care less, just so long as he does.
And the silly comments before and after, well, just think of Andy Kaufman... a lot of people never quite knew when he was serious or kidding either.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Oh we should've gotten the MOSTF then. Stupid game.
And I think I'm better than Andy Kaufman. He's dead, I'm not. At least I think he's dead. It could be another gimmick.
Thanks for the kind words Ukaserex! I almost appreciate 'em. It's just short of appreciating them actually. Very very close. If appreciation were a mile marker you'd be 9/10ths of the way there.
I would love to join either on my Emp, she's a vigilante. I'll be around so if you need/want me, I'm there.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Ah okay.
When we did the MoBarracuda, we were all trying to take down Reichsman (granted at this point it didn't matter because we died against Numina (should have pulled, but we didn't)). We had our two tankers (1 brute, 1 tanker) survive pretty much the entire time but everyone else died eventually. Once all the ambushes were gone we took Reichsman down. That wouldn't have been a bad idea....have a tanker just taunt Reichs while the other take out the ambushes...I wasn't sure how many ambushes came/how that all worked out. I've read somewhere that supposedly if you taunt/take Reichsman to the SE corner of the map that ambushes don't come down there....any truth to that? *shrugs* |
I was the brute on that run, eventually after the ambushes kept killing all the squishies off, I gave up on Reichs and started clearing the ambushes up. The tank eventually died while he was solo against Reichsman. Once everyone got back we finished clearing the ambushes and then finished Reichsman off.
Having a stalker, or whichever hero AT gets that ability, means we can insta-kill all the ambushers if they start to build up. I can bring either my ss/inv brute, the same one from that last MoBarra attempt, or my stalker.
Oh yeah, I remember that run, we got a little overzealous and started charging things, which caught up with us on Numina and her LB friends.
I was the brute on that run, eventually after the ambushes kept killing all the squishies off, I gave up on Reichs and started clearing the ambushes up. The tank eventually died while he was solo against Reichsman. Once everyone got back we finished clearing the ambushes and then finished Reichsman off. Having a stalker, or whichever hero AT gets that ability, means we can insta-kill all the ambushers if they start to build up. I can bring either my ss/inv brute, the same one from that last MoBarra attempt, or my stalker. |
Yeah I know that may have been an issue. Since we were almost all hero ATs, I know I didn't know how hero ATs correlated to the villy ATs in this SF....Defenders get the MM temp power of stopping Reichs' "godmode" power...beyond that I'm not sure what others got. I think you (the tanker) said you got the brute one (+regen/end ?).
I know someone used the Corruptor temp power (the dust devil one)....but of course without having the Dominator temp power/hold used first dust devils did nothing.
Now that I know a good strategy for MoBarra, I do think it'd be easy (easier) now...just have the tanker/brute hold of Reichs while everyone takes out ambushes, then smash 'em!

But yes, hopefully MoLRSF this Sat. at 1/2pm EST....
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
No temp powers needed. Just go with enough damage and 2 debuffers and you're golden.
The stalker power is nice but you won't get all the ambushes with it.
Now an MOLRSF, I doubt a PUG team will be able to do it but if I'm around and I see it posted up in LB I'll help out with it.
I know that Fitz can be a bit of a clown on the forums, and in game. However, let me assure you, this guy can play his toons well, and when we attempted the MoStatesman, he was all business, no play. I didn't actually know it was Fitz until the tf was over.
I have since gotten MoStatesman, but if there were any toon I wanted an Mo on, I wouldn't hesitate a moment to ask Fitz for his help. So, yeah, I'd say he can make it easier. How he does it, I could care less, just so long as he does. And the silly comments before and after, well, just think of Andy Kaufman... a lot of people never quite knew when he was serious or kidding either. |
[Team] Imperious Rex: Yep. once again, the Robo's Lounge folks showed me how easy this game is. |
Yeah I know that may have been an issue. Since we were almost all hero ATs, I know I didn't know how hero ATs correlated to the villy ATs in this SF....Defenders get the MM temp power of stopping Reichs' "godmode" power...beyond that I'm not sure what others got. I think you (the tanker) said you got the brute one (+regen/end ?)...
No temp powers needed. Just go with enough damage and 2 debuffers and you're golden.
The stalker power is nice but you won't get all the ambushes with it. Now an MOLRSF, I doubt a PUG team will be able to do it but if I'm around and I see it posted up in LB I'll help out with it. |
I don't remember our exact team makeup on that last run, but I think we were a bit light on debuff. We did pretty well against Reichsman, and we had enough debuff and damage to kill him, but it took a while. We did well at first, but as the ambushes built up we stayed focused on Reichs, and eventually there were just too many and people started dying.
Based on this thread the list of hero=villain match ups for powers seems to be this, but I can't confirm.
Scrapper: Stalker
Tank: Brute
Blaster: Corruptor
Controller: Dom
Defender: Mastermind
...I don't think anyone I've run it with has gotten the MM power that stops his invincibility, and that seems to be the one most people want. A good team is the main thing....
Scrapper: Stalker Tank: Brute Blaster: Corruptor Controller: Dom Defender: Mastermind |
I had the MM temp power (even mentioned it here in the topic

Edit: Oh and now I have made the connection between Fitz and his toon(s) in game....didn't know he was Crusha

I know my way around LRSF/Barracuda (especially now with the tips/the dry runs) but always welcome more help

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
I had the MM temp power (even mentioned it here in the topic
![]() Edit: Oh and now I have made the connection between Fitz and his toon(s) in game....didn't know he was Crusha ![]() I know my way around LRSF/Barracuda (especially now with the tips/the dry runs) but always welcome more help ![]() |

Ugh....looks like I won't be making it today Friends want to hang out with me....*sigh*....maybe next week.
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Well I'm happy I wont miss them I gotta work the next 2 weeks straight I hate the busy season sometimes but if i can make the next try id be more then happy to help out.

List of my toons
Just a reminder, hopefully I'll be online this Saturday (the 25th) to do a MoLRSF or MoBarracuda run around 1 or 2pm EST.
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
So I've tried (and done) a few attempts at a MoLRSF and MoBarracuda without trying to have the 'perfect' team setup (one run there were no debuffers...only damage and a buffer or two; it was worth a shot
So...the only day I have available is Saturdays (maybe Sundays in 2 weeks but)....
I know there seems to be quite a few people needing both MoLRSF and MoBarracuda so who wants to try it for this coming Saturday the 18th starting at.... 1 or 2 pm EST?
Me: Kin/Rad Defender
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991