Things You Have Screamed At Your Monitor...




I've never screamed anything at my monitor... I've never been the type to hurl a controller in a fit either.


Recently I have noticed a tendency to be annoyed and actually speak to the monitor. My phrases usually come out mockingly and sarcastic.

"Really?! Are you serious? I stare at the load screen for over 6 minutes. Get up to make a drink, come back and your still loading... Really?" *Eyeroll*

Or mocking my tower.

"Oh come on... you can't be serious? It takes you how long to let me leave the hospital? Wow, what a lovely black screen I get to look at here..."

Yeah, I hate my antique rig but at least it still lets me solo. Albeit rather frustratingly at times.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



This is a trick... the OP is trying to get me banned... >.> <.<

Typically, I don't yell much, as my computer is in the living room and well, people abound and dislike me shouting randomly at my screen while they watch TV...

My most used and yelled phrase at the screen is, and i know, it's lame and overused, but it's "DOH!" or some such veration of exasberation, ususally at my own stupidy or inaptedatude. I do, a great many stupid things when i play games, for as long as i've played them, (darn near 30 years) you'd think i'd be GOOD at them by now, but in general, i'm not. As my sig says, I haven't learned to do it well (games) but i still enjoy playing dispite how poorly i do.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I've never screamed anything at my monitor... I've never been the type to hurl a controller in a fit either.


Recently I have noticed a tendency to be annoyed and actually speak to the monitor. My phrases usually come out mockingly and sarcastic.

"Really?! Are you serious? I stare at the load screen for over 6 minutes. Get up to make a drink, come back and your still loading... Really?" *Eyeroll*

Or mocking my tower.

"Oh come on... you can't be serious? It takes you how long to let me leave the hospital? Wow, what a lovely black screen I get to look at here..."

Yeah, I hate my antique rig but at least it still lets me solo. Albeit rather frustratingly at times.
That kind of sounds like me at WORK with my office computer. It's going on 10 or 11 years old, still runs the old Windows 2000 OS, and frankly should have been upgraded years ago. But i fought too keep it a few year back when they wanted to upgrade me... this computer, dispite being old and slow, never, *NEVER* crashes. It's rock solid.

But, it's slow.. and yeah, i've talked to it. Mine are more like pep talks. "You can do it... you can DO it!" (In my really bad Rob Stiner voice... yes, I'm a dork, I made peace with that long ago.) or "come on girl, you got this..."

Sadly, this year i'll be forced to upgrade. Alot of stuff that's critical to my work are dropping Win 2000 support this year, and well... i'll be sad but i'll need a new rig.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by TameDragon View Post
Taking the alpha on an MM....then the pets go the wrong way...


All the while spamming pet macros, guys over here- *faceplant*

Gotta love it when pets don't follow the MM...



"Stay means stay. It does not mean run over to Mary McComber and punch her in the face whenever you feel like it. It does not mean run in circles after firing off your lasers. It means STAY."

"Really, Siege? Really? The evil orbital lasers, I get. But do you have to heal yourself for 1/4 of your total health EVERY time you get down to 20%? Why couldn't you just pop Unstoppable like Citadel."

"You miserable piece of junk. The next time you run up and smack anything in the face before it sets off the poison trap and the trip mine I've carefully laid in its path and stand there and brawl three feet away from them, I'm dismissing you and replacing you with a cuisinart!"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The thing I've found myself yelling at my screen the most recently has been along the lines of "Stop ****** missing!!!" and "Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit or you're dead!" For some reason, the game is adamant about giving me 96 and 97 to-hit rolls. Only not when I actually have proof of it. The moment I fired up HeroStats, I suddenly stopped missing altogether. Then when I turned it off, within a day I was back to seemingly intentionally missing my biggest attacks and forcing streakbreaker after streakbreaker.
oh the 1 that gets me is when ur hitting away with no problems at all, then pop a small acc insp coz u've filled up ur insp slots, then lo and behold you miss the next 3 attacks in a row - "hey he popped a yellow, he must have not missed since the last yellow he popped, better make him miss a few times just incase"



Originally Posted by Aerospark View Post
"You miserable piece of junk. The next time you run up and smack anything in the face before it sets off the poison trap and the trip mine I've carefully laid in its path and stand there and brawl three feet away from them, I'm dismissing you and replacing you with a cuisinart!"
WAY better than what I said. Bravo.

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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Sadly I can't repeat alot of what I scream on this forum either cause it would be starred out or was just unintelligable...



Recently? with all of the mapserves and Disconnects the thing I seem to be yelling most is..

"OH no Don't you dare crash on me I am NOT doing this whole D*** mission over again. I swear I will drop it and move on if I............ Awwww S*** I crashed!"

Others include...

"I swear I checked power sets before we started. Don't you KNOW how to use those healing powers? Why am I face down on the floor AGAIN?"

"OMG where are all these guys coming from?" .. used mainly in Praetoria during ambushed.. used a LOT (lol)

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon