



good in theory, bad in practice IMHO. What i foresee happening if such an institution were implemented is that the channel would be too bogged down by interpretation of the rules or that hardly anyone would use/join said channel. I dont think it's possible to say "this channel is the official channel of Liberty" but only to have a very select group of folks that dont mind free speech being censored so much.

The way I see it, ALL channels are the official channel of Liberty because it's a channel on Liberty and anyone using that channel is a representative of Liberty. Let's say 1000 people from all other servers suddenly join Liberty for whatever reason (purely hypothetical) and those people all join different channels (any or all of the channels stated above). Each of those people will have their own impressions on who and what Liberty server is all about. Let's say some prude joins a channel that's designed to accomodate jerks and some jerk joines a channel designed to accomodate prudes. Each one will walk away with their own impressions and reasons for hating or loving that channel. But regardless of what happens or how they feel about it, they'll both know it was a channel on Liberty server.

I dont believe in ONE CHANNEL FOR ALL OF LIBERTY because there are too many different kinds of people, so we will end up with all sorts of different channels. At the end of the day, they're all on Liberty and that's what anyone from the outside looking in will see.

*this message brought to you by the power of Capt Morgan and Coca Cola



I don't have a firm set of rules for the mods of SHF to follow. But the channel enjoys the best behavior of all it's subscribers. I know of only two instances of silenced players in its entire history. Why does this work? Respect. I, and all those chosen as Mods, respect everyone and in turn everyone respects us.

When do the Mod sticks come out? (they are rarely more than a strategically placed "ahem" in the chat stream) Behavior warranting a moderator is rare but, to quote Justice Potter Stewart from 1964, "I know it when I see it." The mods are all leaders or core members of their SGs, hence the trust to have them as Mods, and they "know it when they see it", too. When it is time for moderation, it is there, no rules are needed.

I think there is room for as many channels as can be created out there. Darwin's Law will sort them out.



I would have to agree with Infernal here, or everyone could just quit all the channels and join the new and improved "With Chocolate Sprinkles" chat channel open to all but you must change your user name to some flavor of ice cream or the all Bacon channel because Its Bacon, no other reson.


I'm American Valor and I approve of this message.

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



As far as channels go, I think we're lucky to have the mods who monitor them. Even if they all don't do it exactly the same way, I assure you, the worst of them do it better than I could, because I can't stand doing missions with the chat log up.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I honestly think that more mods on LB is what would help. Not saying 4 out of 5 players should be mods but maybe one or two more active players becoming mods. No real regulations to follow other than the golden rule: "Don't be a D-Bag!"

Someone gets offended by what you say... dont say it again. If you are one that enjoys stirring up ant hills, then by all means continue to offend, but do not be surprised when you are silenced.

Where many of us, I included, feel that there is absolutely no way that we could set an official channel for liberty, in the great equilibrium of the world, we can't stop it either. The official channel for Liberty would be the one that the most be people use and see in an official capacity.

In short:

We can not make 1 official channel, because the community as a whole does that.


We need more mods on LB to cover the entire day and night.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Awww man my feedback was removed. Gosh darn it all! I think Moderator 12 is a member of SHF.

I'm just part of LB and it works for me. I don't need to be a part of any of the other stupid chat channels.

A dedicated speed channel would be nice though!



Whatever goes on in the channels really doesn't bother or offend me. I just took the road of the lowest common factor (people that do get offended) and built up a model that would solve the problem.

I just think the more splinter channels we get, the harder it will be for new members to find teams or get in on X TF, mission, etc.



Off server here, but I must say that no matter what server you play on you'll end up running into this exact problem.

It's inevitable that not everyone will agree on what level of moderation a channel needs. Some prefer channels are heavily moderated to promote actual gaming, while others prefer a leisurely atmosphere to randomly chat about "Who won the game" or "How my coffee this morning tastes". Different channels must exist for the different gaming experience tastes that exist.

As nice as it would be to have everyone in one channel the problem is never solved, solution never found.

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



Personally, I don't do a lot of chatting in public channel...

I broadcast for teams and look for teams in LB... but I very seldom carry on a conversation in channel... I always try to give a greeting to arriving players and chime in now and again... but again, conversations are rare since I am gaming and usually on a mission of some sorts or helping out the SG or coalie partners...

I use our channel to communicate events and to say hello to a few people I know personally or who I have come to enjoy teaming with ingame... Our channel is not a 'splinter' by any means, nor do I believe it will ever become a SHF type channel in size or activity... It's simply another means for communication that can not be communicated possibly otherwise... Plus I also promote contests, trivia and other stuff throughout the time I am on as a way to give a diversion...

I believe I have come to be this way because of the stuff discussed in some of the channels does not interest me... I'm a very casual player and do not get into the caps and bonuses (I know, I know... lol). I'm too old for some of the childish (your momma jokes) and I certainly do not discuss political views, sex issues or other non PC concerns...

I would however consider joining an "old geezers love chocolate sprinkles' channel...

Having multiple means to communicate is a good thing... Of course new players are a little lost for the beginning of their careers as a hero/villian but that is to be expected... As a vetern player I always encourage new players I meet along the way to join LB, SHF and Liberty's Channel...

For what it's worth... as a community I think we are all just looking for a common way to communicate without having to read/search multiple channels... We already have that... it's called the 'forums'

Be safe and have fun!



In light of the past few months on liberty, I think this thread has a whole new batch of relevance



HAHA yeah, maybe this thread could be merged with the liberty global stickied thread