Illusion...for Masterminds!




Everyone talks about proliferating Illusion to Doms but it seems to me, with very little modification it could work as a Mastermind primary. Expand on the pets to make them more well rounded and make adjustments on the attacks. I think it could work and be more interesting than just a port over to Doms. Good idea?



Sure the devs could make an Illusion set for Masterminds but it won't be a control set when they get thru with it. Be much easier to give Dominators Illusion Control.



I'd rather have pirates or clowns for my MMs than illusions.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Hy-Beams View Post
Everyone talks about proliferating Illusion to Doms but it seems to me, with very little modification it could work as a Mastermind primary. Expand on the pets to make them more well rounded and make adjustments on the attacks. I think it could work and be more interesting than just a port over to Doms. Good idea?
By the time they finished doing everything they'd need to to Illusion to have it work for a Mastermind, it wouldn't be Illusion. Which isn't a bad thing in my book, TBH, but still. (And no, I don't want Ill doms. Love doms, hate Illusion.)

Looking at MM sets, we have:
3 pet tiers
2 upgrades
2 Single Target, 1 AOE/Cone attack (generally)
1 "other" power of some sort

Looking at Illusion, we have:
1 invulnerable, temporary set of pets
1 placeable AOE fear "pet"
1 normal pet
2 invisibilities
2 ST controls
1 PBAOE control
1 ST attack

On top of it, most of this does "illusory" damage if it does damage at all, which means the enemy heals back part of the damage.

Things that would come over mostly unchanged:
Phantasm. Not sure if they'd let it keep the decoy or not - given it doesn't do damage, and it's thematic, sure. Some of the Controller's control would probably be ported over to it, putting it more in line with, say, the Oni.

Spectral Wounds. Straight up attack.

Possibly keeping Spectral Terror as the "Utility" power. Likely with modification. It's not (IMHO) as good as Gang War or Soul Extraction, and you'd probably get some argument one way or the other comparing it with Serum or Smoke Flash. I'd guess they'd modify it somehow, possibly to keep it mobile and increase the recharge. (Straight control... I'd call unlikely.) Runner up: invisibility. (Rank, to me: useless.)

Rework guaranteed: PA.

They're not keeping that invulnerability, obviously, plus they need an upgrade path. By the time they'd finish working on it, you probably wouldn't recognize it as PA.

Two more attacks. Yeah, "nobody takes them" - unless they prove useful and/or otherwise interesting, such as the Thugs pistols (pre-DP) or the DS whip.
A tier 2 pet set. The Tier1s, if they keep PA like PA, are going to be a mix of range and melee already (so keeping them alive... sounds like it'd be three arsonists.) The Tier2 would probably be leaning more heavily towards buffing (more like ProBots as opposed to Jounin.)
Upgrade paths.

Like I said, by the time they finished, it wouldn't be Illusion. (Though it might be more interesting to me than Ill is, TBH.)



Never will be for MM but maybe Dominators....Ill for Doms have been asked...

End of thread