Stealth IO's not working?




Not sure if this is a change or if something is broken.

I have 2 characters with stealth IO's. One has Super Speed and the other Super Jump. When I activate the power the stealth kicks in as normal, but when I de-activate the stealth turns off as well. The IO text still says 120 seconds in instant use powers. The combat numbers show the stealth ending when I turn off the travel power. Neither character is in a PvP zone.

Did I miss something?

Stone Pharoah:Tanker Lvl 50 Stone/SS
Robospike:Mastermind Lvl 50 Robotics/FF/Mu
Static Burn:Blaster Lvl 50 Fire/Electric/Munitions
Hidden Burn:Tanker Lvl 50 Fire/Dark
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Yes. They changed how these kind of procs work. They now turn off as soon as you turn off the toggle power they're in, like sprint, and no longer give you 120 seconds of stealth after you stop running.

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Originally Posted by Pharoahs_Advisor View Post
The IO text still says 120 seconds in instant use powers.
A Toggle is NOT an instant use power. A Click is an instant use power. And as WHF said, it was a fix that occured with i18.



Ah! I thought it was something I was misunderstanding. I think the change is good but must have missed it in the release notes.

Just out of interest which running or jumping travel powers are instant use? Where can I put these IO's if I wanted the longer effect?

Stone Pharoah:Tanker Lvl 50 Stone/SS
Robospike:Mastermind Lvl 50 Robotics/FF/Mu
Static Burn:Blaster Lvl 50 Fire/Electric/Munitions
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A Passive Power is always on (if you're the right level and haven't exemplared below it). A Proc120 in a Passive Power will be always on if the Passive Power is on.

A Toggle Power turns on when you click it and stays on. A Proc120 in a Toggle Power will go on with the power is toggled on and will now immediately toggle off when the power is toggled off.

A Click Power goes off with one click and immediately starts to recharge. A Proc120 in a click power will go off and continue to work for 120 seconds after the click.

The Proc120 Special IOs are the Stealth IOs for travel powers; the +Recover and +Regen IOs from the Health IO Sets; and the +6% Acc (really, ToHit) from the Kismet Set.

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Sorry, let me rephrase the question. I mostly knew how they worked already?

Why have a PROC 120 designed for travel powers that are now never going to get the 120 second over run?

Why are there stealth IO's that only fit in toggle powers when a toggle is never going to use the 120 second duration part of the IO?

Is TP the only travel power that you can add stealth to for more than the duration of the power activation?

I will repeat I amnot against the change, I just don't understand the need to have a 120 second PROC that never PROC's. Am I alone in thinking it is redundant, or am I missing some part of the information? Why not change the IO to a standard PROC?

Stone Pharoah:Tanker Lvl 50 Stone/SS
Robospike:Mastermind Lvl 50 Robotics/FF/Mu
Static Burn:Blaster Lvl 50 Fire/Electric/Munitions
Hidden Burn:Tanker Lvl 50 Fire/Dark
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Originally Posted by Pharoahs_Advisor View Post
Sorry, let me rephrase the question. I mostly knew how they worked already?

Why have a PROC 120 designed for travel powers that are now never going to get the 120 second over run?

Why are there stealth IO's that only fit in toggle powers when a toggle is never going to use the 120 second duration part of the IO?

Is TP the only travel power that you can add stealth to for more than the duration of the power activation?

I will repeat I amnot against the change, I just don't understand the need to have a 120 second PROC that never PROC's. Am I alone in thinking it is redundant, or am I missing some part of the information? Why not change the IO to a standard PROC?
Well, the runspeed and jumping stealth IOs can go in a few clicks too, speed boost, inertial reduction, accelerate metabolism can all take the stealth IOs, might be more, it's pretty early for me to be doing any thinking here



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Well, the runspeed and jumping stealth IOs can go in a few clicks too, speed boost, inertial reduction, accelerate metabolism can all take the stealth IOs, might be more, it's pretty early for me to be doing any thinking here
I see. Thank you. I have not tried a Kin or Rad so was not aware of the ability to slot run/jump IO's in those powers. Sense is restored.

Stone Pharoah:Tanker Lvl 50 Stone/SS
Robospike:Mastermind Lvl 50 Robotics/FF/Mu
Static Burn:Blaster Lvl 50 Fire/Electric/Munitions
Hidden Burn:Tanker Lvl 50 Fire/Dark
More on the way...



Originally Posted by Pharoahs_Advisor View Post
I see. Thank you. I have not tried a Kin or Rad so was not aware of the ability to slot run/jump IO's in those powers. Sense is restored.
Also keep in mind the Devs are inventing new powers and sets in an on going fashion. Just because something doesn't exist today doesn't mean it never will.

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I liked how the procs worked. That 120s was a boon for characters fighting Malta or doing certain missions. Sure some people would click the travel power a lot to maintain stealth but it wore off during combat anyway.

Using procs meant not needing to take Stealth (which still has the movement penalty btw). Some of my squishies were lucky and got procs but will now suffer (sort of). Maybe allow run IOs in Stealth to neutralize the penalty.

Freebird stealth may have to have it's meriit cost reduced. Either that or remove travel IO's from Sprint (Jump/Run). Us flyers need some compensation. :P



Is there a duration on it as long as its turned on? I clicked SS then Run ( which has the Stealth IO ) and was promptly shot at by a malta Sapper in the next room. I ran , waited 2 to 3 minutes then clicked run on and ran up to an engineer , he summoned the turret and started to shoot at me.... very strange




When IO's launched I quickly grabbed a stealth IO and put it in fly, thinking I'd just replace the pool power with it.

I was quickly turned off from the IO when I realized I'd be stealthed even after turning fly off... So I dumped it without looking back.

Might have to reconsider now.

Was this in the patch notes and I missed it?

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Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Pretty sure it happened back in I17.
Nope, it's a brand new change with i18/GR. The sole advantage I can see is in escort missions; the loss of the 120 second stealth carryover does substantially limit the benefits of the Stealth procs.

I don't like the change myself but I'll adapt. It's annoying, but not really game changing for me.

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