Be a walking forest fire! i18-compliant guide to Plant/Fire domination
OK, now onto the Pool Powers!!!
Leadership: not too bad of a set, Manuvers gives a 2.2 defense boost, not good enough to waste a power on, but it will stack defense with Stealth from the Concealment pool. Assault is pretty good with a 10.5% damage buff for you and the team, as well as a decent taunt/placate resistance for when fighting those dastardly little
Arachnos Night Widows. Tactics is good too because it gives you and the team a 7% tohit buff that can be slotted with Guissan's synchronized fire control: chance for buildup. That will cause you to get a build up semi-often for extra extra damage. Good if you team a lot. Vengeance is a really good defense, tohit, and damage buff that requires a dead teammate.
Concealment: I took stealth, and lots of Doms do, it's got a higher defense rate than manuvers when slotted out, and will allow you to stealth through theft/defeat boss n' guards missions, If you can resist the urge to put a burning forest on every mob you come into contact with. It also can take a Luck of the Gambler: +recharge io. the defense in Stealth will suppress to about half when you're sighted, so stacking it with Manuvers from Leadership may be an option.
I can't see the other powers being useful though, you're not a corruptor, so you don't need to be buffing others with grant invisibility, invisibility isn't that great cause you can't attack with it toggled, and phase shift is a decent panic button, but you'd have to waste two powers to get it.
Speed: Take Hasten. It's a no-brainer. there's a bunch of long recharge powers in plant control, so hasten plus recharge set bonuses will have them up much more quickly. Superspeed is good if you're in a tight build but need a travel power. I have ninja run so I didn't bother with a travel power. The other powers, flurry and Whirlwind just don't make any sense
to take.
Leaping: This set is awesome for Brutes, but you're a dom, so these powers won't really help you at all.There's a Defense/jumping toggle (Combat Jumping), that also prevents you from being immobilized and can take the Steadfast Pretection: Knockback protection io. this pool also has a decent attack (jump Kick) that's useless to us doms, Super Jump, which is fun, and acrobatics, which provides some knockback protection and it also gives you mag 2 hold protection and some hold resistance.
Flight: Here's a maybe set. You won't need air superiority since you already have a better melee move, hover is good for getting just the right angle on your cone attacks that you'd only be able to pull off from above, fly is a good power and would be as useful as hover, and group fly just pisses people off. so don't turn your team into angry invisible flyers,
just destroy everything for them and they will love you and Bulbasaur.
Teleportation: Again, not really necessary. You won't need teleport foe because your powers have good ranges and radius to reach to the whole group of foes. Teleporting is fun, but you'll have to waste a power on something else to get it, you don't need to be teleporting
teammates unless you're that sort of good samaritan that helps out the team even if that's not your duty as a dom, and team teleport, nah.....
Medicine: Nope. Maybe aid other/aid self if you like to heal. But again, let the corruptors/defenders/controllers/n00b brutes on the team handle that, it's why they roled those, right?
Presence: We don't need taunts, AoE attacks will do that AND cause damage. The fear powers get affected by Domination when it's activated but you probably won't need them, and it would be a really tight build trying to fit it in.
Fitness: Now here is the one that you want and need! Make your choice between swift and Hurdle, then take health and the beloved stamina. This will allow you to pump out more powers for longer.
Fighting: Don't even bother. Boxing and Kick are melee moves, which you have a better one of already since lvl 2, and the toggles are good when you stack them with other toggles that provides resistance/defense. But you don't have any more, so they really won't make a lick of difference. Your best defense is your chaotic offense.
So from that we've learned that other than the fitness pool, there's very little you'll need from the other pools. Now let's take a look at the patron powers.
Mace Mastery: This set has some goodies to add to your leafy, fiery decimation. Some toxic damage from poisonous ray to add to your fly traps' attacks, a good sheild for defense against smashing, lethal, and energy damage, as well as resistance to toxic, another cone attack with smashing and energy damage, a panic button, AND another pet to join your already existing pet in taking agro so you can spam holds and fire.
Leviathan Mastery: Same deal, a cone attack, panic button (2 actually) a shield for resistance to Smashing, Lethal and Cold damage, and a coralax pet to hang out with Bulbasaur.
Mu Mastery: This one is the most useful to your arsenal. A resistance shield to smashing, lethal, and energy damage, an endurance sucker that you won't need since taking consume earlier, bal lightning which is an awesome targetted AoE, a zappy Mu pet, AND Power Surge, which is a good panic button/godmode to hit right after domination. This is the one I took at first, before hero APPs were available.
Soul Mastery: This one is the one I was going to take if Mu didn't work out, and I still might. Psionic damage from the pet Fort seer you get, a PBAoE power that boosts your damage and tohit, a sheild that resists smashing, lethal, negative, and toxic damage, and a targetted AoE attack that does negative damage. Oh, and an endurance refill that you again
won't need.
APP Powers!!!!
With the release of i18, us Doms now have access to the hero APP pools!!! I held off on posting this guide until i18 so I could just include them the first time
Lets check it out:
Fire Mastery: Here's the one I switched from the Mu pool to, and why? Because this is the only pool that will benefit from Embrace of Fire in the biggest way.
-Fire Shield is a good resistance to smashing and lethal damage, very good resistance to
fire damage, and even a good resistance to cold.
-Rain of fire is the perfect add-on for your burning jungle of death, if you've never used
it before, it's a targetted AoE attack with mad damage (especially with a set of posi blast
under the hood), and great radius.
-Fire ball is also going to fit nicely into your attack chain, that is if there's anything alive by the time it's firball's turn to be casted. Another targetted AoE attack, but just one big burst instead of Rain's DoT.
-Rise of the Phoenix is just perfect for us squishy types! Self rez/Fire damage/mezz PBAoE attack, can't get any better than that.
-Melt Armor I didn't have room for, but would have taken if I could have. It's radius isn't as good as the defender/corruptor versions, but it's a really nice resistance and defense debuff to kill a boss quickly, but the recharge on it is murder.
Ice Mastery: If there was no Embrace of fire, I'd go with this one instead easily.
-Sleet is a sweet Targetted AoE Debuff/attack that drops Resistance and Defense and does DoT, perfect for helping all your destruction.
-Ice Storm is like the ice version of Rain of Fire, so the extra part is that it slows as it damages. very useful to you if you take it.
-Frozen Armor is a good toggle buff. Defense to smashing/lethal/fire/cold damage. Moreso Cold than Fire, kind of the opposite of fire Shield.
-Hibernate is a good panic button if you can activate it before you wind up wishing you took rise of the Phoenix
-Hoarfrost will pump up your maximum hit points for a while which is a good survival tool too.
Primal Forces Mastery: I can't see this fitting in well, but if you like it, go for it.
-Energy Transfer is a crazy strong move that does damage to you as well.
-Conserve Power is a sweet tool for all the powers you'll be casting, less end = more pumping out damage.
-Temp Invulnerability is a toggle that resists smashing/lethal damage
-Energy torrent is a cone attack that with a decent knockdown chance. not good for keeping mobs in the jungle.
-Explosive Blast is kind of like fireball, same deal, targetted AoE that bursts on impact, but has knockback instead of fire damage/DoT. Will also knock mobs away from your jungle, potentially.
Psionic Mastery: I've never tried anything Psi before, so if you've played around with it you may be more familiar with this set than I.
-Link Minds is a team buff that will buff you and your team's Tohit, Defense, and Psi resistance. If anything, this seems like the best move in this APP set imo.
-Indomitable Will buffs your mezz resistance and gives good efense to psi damage.
-Mind over Body is a toggle that give resistance to smashing/lethal/psi damage
-Psionic Tornado is a pretty cool-looking Targetted AoE attack that knocks opponents into the air, and does decent damage too. But I like my victims to be trapped all together in one little burning bundle. Scattering them around
hinders that, just ask any brute, they can relate I'm sure.
-World of confusion is a PBAoE toggle that does a little damage. I've never used it before myself, but I've heard that it doesn't effect that many mobs. Pretty fun to watch and highly used by mental controllers/doms, but the World of confusion for those sets may be different, not sure.
Well that's about it. Lotsa choices out there to help you be a walking forest fire, but the most important part is to have fun, and this set delivers.
Nice guide. However personally I've found PROCs in AOE Holds to be a waste of time mostly due to the time they take to recharge. Procs in Fly Trap (Achilles Heel for one) and Creepers will give you a much better overall proc rate.
Best slotting for AOE Holds is as many Acc/Recharge/Hold IOs as possible as soon as possible. It makes the power very useful and lets you get away with just 4 slotting it and still be beating the traditional SO 6 slotting.
Also Embrace of Fire is a absolute must for 3 slotting with Recharge, the damage bonus is provides is pretty immense nowadays.
Oh, and Psi Tornado is Knock-Up, not knockback. This makes it somewhat useful, although a Planty tends to be immobing everything anyway. More useful for a Domi who has immobs with no -knockback in them or one who doesn't use AOE immobs much probably. The Forced Feedback proc also can go in here and it's fairly nice if you've the spare slot.
Ditto with Energy Torrent, it does knockdown, not knockback which makes it far more palatable. Both still pale in comparision to the Fire and Ice APPs though for domis.
And Melt Armour is pretty much poop on a stick thanks to the silly-long recharge, mediocre debuff levels and terrible AOE.
Hey thanks! A couple of the powers I haven't played with enough such as psi tornado, etc.
I'll also edit EoF and the slotting, totally forgot that mine recharges fast with 1 rech io from the set bonus recharges on the go, and update the KB to KD. thanks again for the input!
Concealment: I took stealth, and lots of Doms do, it's got a higher defense rate than manuvers when slotted out, and will allow you to stealth through theft/defeat boss n' guards missions, If you can resist the urge to put a burning forest on every mob you come into contact with. I can't see the other powers being useful though, you're not a corr, so you
don't need to be buffing others with grant invisibility, invisibility isn't that great cause you can't attack with it toggled, and phase shift is a decent panic button, but you'd have to waste two powers to get it. Presence: We don't need taunts, AoE attacks will do that AND cause damage. And we don't need fear powers either, debuffing is for debuffers, and we are not debuffers, we're DOMS!!! all we do is WRECK STUFF! -Frozen Armor is a good toggle buff. Resists smashing/lethal/fire/cold damage. Moreso Cold than Fire, kind of the opposite of fire Shield. -World of confusion is a PBAoE attack that does a little damage, but the fun part is that it makes everyone affected turn on each other!!! Pretty fun to watch and highly used by mental controllers/doms. |
Fear isn't a debuff, it's a control, and dominators even get the double mag from domination on these powers. So Invoke Panic is suddenly a base 10.4 second 15' PBAoE fear power than works on bosses. The end cost is astronomical and doms usually have much better options available, but still, slotted up properly it's a lot better than people make out.
Frozen Armour gives defence to smashing and lethal, resistance to cold and fire.
World of Confusion is a toggle aura which at best confuses minions for 3 seconds out of 4. At the moment it seems to still have controller overpower rather than domination set-up, so this may change to affect lieutenants in domination at a later date.
Set slotting suggestions seem to be missing a lot of the recharge options: Decimations in ranged attacks, Crushing Impact in melee ones, Doctored Wounds in Spirit Tree and Basilisk's Gaze in holds. LoTG +recharges in defence powers are another possiblity, one getting increasingly more available with the new merit options.
Other than those minor points, nice guide.
where can i read more on these APP powers? What level do you get them etc... I haven't seen a char builder with them yet.
where can i read more on these APP powers? What level do you get them etc... I haven't seen a char builder with them yet.
Thanks |
Mids has them, but possibly not particularly accurately as yet; a lot of the damage numbers seem off compared to in game numbers - which is wrong I haven't had chance to check.
Nice. One nitpick:
Leaping: This set is awesome for Brutes, but you're a dom, so these powers won't really help you at all.There's a Defense/jumping toggle, a decent attack that's useless to us doms, Super Jump, which is fun, and acrobatics, which provides some knockback protection if you want it that bad. |
Thanks again for the input guys! I'll make those changes, totally forgot about the def suppression of stealth too.
EDIT: ok, adjustments made!
Also, Acrobatics not only provides knockback protection, it also gives you mag 2 hold protection and some hold resistance. Which is very very helpful if you are a squishy with a few toggles on.
Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker
also good to know! Thanks Kanga!
Nice guide. However personally I've found PROCs in AOE Holds to be a waste of time mostly due to the time they take to recharge. Procs in Fly Trap (Achilles Heel for one) and Creepers will give you a much better overall proc rate.
for Vines drop a Unbreakable Constraint: Chance for Smashing Damage. When it does go off, Vines will have some smashing damage. Keep in mind that the procs have a chance to go off on 1 to all affected by the power. The same holds true for slotting Gravitational Anchor: Chance for Hold in Roots.
Unbreakable Constraint has a 33% chance of hitting the targets. Gravitational Anchor has a 25% chance of holding. And because you're slotting into AoE's, these have a chance to hit all targets affected by the power, which when they go off is extremely useful and are definitely worth their prices on the market.
Overall, this is a very good guide. Oddly enough before APPs, I took Mu Mastery on my plant/fire and then respeced into Fire Mastery. If I wasn't already in love with Rise of the Phoenix or Fire Mastery wasn't an option, I'd also recommend Ice Mastery as an APP choice.
Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."
"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."
You should also mention that Carrion Creepers scream in triumph as they kill things.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

"it makes a sickening CRACK sound"
close enough?
And thanks, stormy. I'll be working on my second one soon. Glad there's folks to point out stuff I missed, good ol' internet.
I appreciate your guide a ton.
I had to burn all of my Vet respecs, pool together my inf and spend a ton of it, pull some IOs out of some lightly used toons, and spend 6 Hero merits, but I was able to figure out how to get Permadom on my Plant /Fire, Ignes Silvarum, at Lvl 35 without gimping the build.
At 73.8% recharge, it's a little tight. Doable, but tight. I have to remember to hit the Domination button as soon as it's up.
The difference with Permadom is AMAZING! I loved my Plant/Fire and saw it's potential, but I was a squishy aggro magnet. I died a lot in the teens and twenties. Carrion Creepers was a game changer, and with the crazy recharge in my Permadom build, it's ready for every spawn. Not to mention it is now crazy easy to stack tons of Mag on a Boss or EB.
I ran an ITF with Ignes at 35. It was the best ITF I ever ran with a Squishy toon. The Cims may be hold resistant, but they ain't resistant to Perma-Dominated Confusion! The ITF went extremely well. I only died once, due to a PEBCAK error that was totally my fault.
I'm wondering exactly how much more vicious Ignes will be when I get Fireball and Rain of Fire from the Epic pool! I might not even need the Fly Trap for damage then!
Ignes was supposed to be my secondary Dom, behind my Mind/Energy. That script is completely flipped now! Ignes may now be my favorite CoX character ever! Kudos to you and your guide! I never would have considered a Plant/Fire before reading it!
Hey thanks Julio!
Once you get the Fire APP, you get the "I'm cheating" feeling. Having everything just held there while pouring on buckets of fire is just amazing. I still keep Fly trap around though, need someone to high-five after burning down a +0/x5 spawn
I'm just a hair away from acheiving perma-dom as well, but I haven't used mine in a little while now (lots more alts thanks to GR). and let's not forget about the new Frenzy villain alignment power, instant full dom bar! W00t!
I love my main which is Earth/Fire Dom. Be a walking Volcano! and my plant/storm splatroller is fun, i may have to try this.
My Plant/Fire dom is probably my favorite out of a rather large stable of characters.
This is a solid guide, however, I would like to make an argument for Combat Jumping.
As has already been pointed out, you can slot a Karma -KB here (as well as Kismet +tohit, unbounded leap +stealth, and LotG +rech), but that really isn't as important as the boon it is to properly positioning yourself.
In a set where two of your most awesome powers are cones (SoC and Fire Breath), your orientation to the group is of great importance if you wish to use these powers effectively (less so with seeds, but it still matters).
I have been playing this game a looong time, and I have still not found a more effective tool for quickly changing positions around a mob than CJ. Granted, I only could fit this into my build because he's a ninja runner, but still, I would pick CJ over Stealth everyday and twice on Sunday.
Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Well here I go with my first guide, I hope it helps those who want to tame the beast that is a plant/fire Dominator. We'll be talking about the sets, the individual powers, patron powers, APP powers, and pool powers you can use, and maybe a little slotting advice to top things off. My thanks to Zombie man for the help getting a guide started, and Saint Nicster for the new city of data link so i could tell you readers about cast times and ranges and the like. Any and all critiques/comments are greatly appreciated. I do PVE 100% of the time so I have no idea how plant/fire works out in PVP.

So let's start with a look at the Primary powers:
Entangle (lv1)
cast time: 1.2 sec
Rch time: 4 sec
Range: 80ft
Pretty much any dom you take will give you a choice between a single-target immobilize, and a single-target hold. Most take the hold since enemies can still hit you when immob'd. Not to mention that you get a targetted AoE immob next level anyway.
Strangler (lv1)
Cast time: 2.7 sec
Rch time: 8 sec
Range: 80ft
Now this one will serve you better as you take down the snakes in the first few levels. It holds the foe, they can't move, they just stand there and struggle for a few seconds while you burn them alive. Later on when you get vines, this hold will stack with it to help you hold the boss that's in the crowd that you cast this on. Also, it does some DoT while the
foe is held. I'd reccommend 2 dam, 2 acc, and 2 hold for slotting. For some nice set bonuses in later levels, I'd reccommend either Basiisk's Gaze for the nice recharge bonus, or Lockdown, but if you're going for straight damage, go for Devastation or Thunderstrike.
Roots: (lv2)
Cast time: 1.67 sec
Rch time: 8 sec
Range: 80 ft.
Radius: 30 ft.
This power is better than Entangle, as previously mentioned, immobilizes more foes, does some DoT, but is rather dangerous to use when solo. It will make the enemies unable to run up to you, but if they have ranged attacks, then your squishy little dom butt is toast. Now on a team, it's more successful because the Brute will taking the aggro for their fury bar,
allowing you to spam your roots until the foes drop. For slotting, I'd reccommend 2 acc, 2 dam, and 2 immob. For recipe sets, I'd reccommend either Trap of the Hunter for the accuracy boost, or Enfeebled Operation for the recharge bonus. But if you're going for as much damage
as possible, try to stick a set of Positron's Blast in there instead.
Spore Burst: (lv6)
Cast time: 1.37 sec
Rch time:45 sec
Range: 70 ft
Radius: 25 ft
The only sleep power in the set, most Dominator powersets do have at least one. They are useful, situationally. I didn't take this move because I found it a waste when I'm just going to wake the mobs up anyway with roots right after I hit them with Spore. You might have a different idea in mind, strategically, but I built mine for straight-up damage.
If you do take it, it will help you pseudo-stealth through theft missions, and is invaluable when on an RSF (Recluse's Strike Force) for putting the Freedom Phalanx to sleep so your crew can take them out one at a time. Other than that, I find it skippable. for slotting, I'd reccomend 2 accuracy, and 2 sleep. For recipe sets, I'd reccommend Call of the Sandman,
it seems to have the most beneficial bonuses.
Seeds of Confusion (lv8)
Cast time: 1.07 sec
Rch time: 60 sec
Range: 50 ft.
Radius: 50 ft. (60-degree arc)
I could rave about how much I love this power all day, but I'll try to keep it brief. It's going to be a life saver for you, a good opener on a mob when soloing, and it's sweet to see a crowd take their own alpha. Later on, it will most likely become your first move in your attack chain. Soon after I took this power, I ran some paper missions and came across those
Legacy enemies, and learned that you can hit mob pets with this too. Kaolin of earth just summoned an animate stone on you? POOF! now he beats on his master until he defeats him, and then drops himself because he beat his own summoner. In the higher levels I love fighting
longbow. Yes I'm serious, I know how much they're hated, but man it's funny hitting the summoned Singularity from the LB Warden and seeing them all fly back when it turns on them. I've seen it work for any summoned pet except auto-turrets from Malta. Ok that's enough talking it up, try it out yourself, it's a set-defining power. For slotting, I'd reccommend 2 acc, 2 confusion, and 1 range. For recipe sets, I'd reccommend Malaise's Illusions, it has a good damage bonus, a good recharge bonus, and even a decent recovery and confusion duration bonus.
Spirit Tree (lv12)
Cast time: 3.2 sec
Rch time: 200 sec
Range: 20ft
Spirit Tree is a PBAoE heal rooted to the spot that it is summoned. It will tick some HP back to all team members, including you, that stand around it. I dropped this power later because once your dom is helping keep a team steamrollin' through mission after mission, you won't be spending enough time on one group of foes to make it worth it.That're no healer. You're a DOM!!! You destroy!!! For slotting, I'd reccommend 2 heals, and 2 recharge. For recipe sets, I'd reccommend Numina's Convalescence.
Vines (lv18)
Cast time: 3.1 sec
Rch time: 240 sec
Range: 80 ft.
Radius: 20 ft.
Another set-defining power right here. Does no damage, but puts an AoE hold on a group of foes in it's radius, allowing you to hit them with all your fire powers and other plant powers. It definitely HAS to be slotted with accuracy for it to even hold a bunch at a time, otherwise you'll see 8 or 9 "miss" fly up in the air as your enemies laugh and beat the tar
out of you. For slotting I'd reccommend 2 ACC, 1 Hold, 1 recharge, 1 chance for psionic damage from ghost widow's Embrace and 1 chance for psionic damage from Neuronic Shutdown. Well, that's what I went with anyway, on Strangler too actually. Like I said, I built mine for damage damage damage.
Carrion Creepers (lv26)
Cast time: 1.17 sec
Rch time: 360 sec
Range: 80 ft.
Carrion-Freakin'-Creepers!!!! Another set-defining power. This is a location AoE that, when summoned, sprouts up what looks like your roots power from the ground, immobilizing everyone on the patch, as well as a bunch of big wiggly thorny vines that whip everyone in it's range. It takes alpha, it holds your aggro for you, and it fits really well as the power to
fire off right after seeds of confusion. Not only that, but it will follow you aound for 2min doing that same thing on each group you run into. When it's sitting there it makes a sickening CRACK sound each time it immobilizes foes. this power must be taken for your AoE awesomeness and survival purposes. this is the, if not one of, the powers that will help your team steamroll through missions. <3
For slotting, I'd reccommend 2 ACC, 2 DAM, 2 recharge. you won't need to slot it for immob because you have roots already. For recipe sets, I would reccommend Positron's Blast as it's done the most damage for me to date, it gives nice accuracy and recharge and the chance for energy damage in it is nice too.
Fly Trap (lv32)
Cast time: 1.17 sec
Rch time:240 sec
Range: 50 ft
You can't name the dom pets like you can the Mastermind pets, but I call mine Bulbasaur all the time. It's my daughter's fave pokemon, she named it for me lol. Anyway, this little guy is a good fella to have around. He does toxic/lethal damage, and toxic damage is not that resisted against. He's like a mini plant/thorn dom, and does the entangle move, fling thorns, thorny darts, and he bites too! (nomnomnom) Take him because he
is also vital to your survival by distracting enemies, and provides more damage while the seeds make the enemies attack each other and the creeper vines do their work, all the while you're spamming roots and fire moves. Burning jungle of death.For slotting, I'd reccommend 2 ACC, 2 DAM, 1 immob. For recipe sets I'd totally go with Expediant reinforcements for the recharge bonus
Starting to feel like a powerhouse of leafy destruction? Now let's go onto the fire moves.
Flares (lv1)
Cast time: 1 sec
Rch time: 3 sec
Range: 80 ft.
I'd drop it if I could, but we can't so we may as well make use of it.
Flares is the "pew pew pew" of the fiery assault set. It's minor damage, not much else to say about it, except that it does come in handy when there's 2 enemies left, one with a little HP and one with a lot. You don't want to use blaze on the nearly-lifeless one, so you can fire off flares to take out that one last drop of HP they had so they won't be annoying
when you're firing off everything else on the more healthy enemy. For slotting I'd reccommend 2 ACC, 2 DAM, and 1 chance for hold from the Devastation set. For recipe sets I'd reccommend Devastation or possibly Thunderstrike, for a good recharge bonus go with Decimation.
Incinerate (lv2)
Cast Time: 1.67 sec
Rch time: 10 sec
Range: 7ft.
A melee move! Cool! Will you use it much? Probably not! Does that make it useless? NO! Every toon needs at least 1 melee power, even if you're detroying things from afar. Doesn't matter if you're on a team or solo, someone, at some point, will get close enough to you that you'll have this in your backpocket to make them wish they didn't. It's got high damage
(DoT), and rocks when some poor shmuck gets close enough to be wrapped up in a strangler and set afire with incinerate.For slotting, I'd reccommend 2 ACC, 2 DAM. For recipe sets I'd reccommend either the Touch of Death set, or the Mako's Bite set, but a good recharge bonus comes from the Crushing Impact set. More recharge = more hasten/domination.
Fire Breath (lv4)
Cast time: 2.67 sec
Rch time: 16 sec
Range: 40 ft.
Radius: 40ft. (30 degree arc)
Here's a set-defining power from the fiery powers. This will spit out a nice cone of fire, damaging and setting ablaze any enemies within it. It is best used at semi-close range, and works best on a crowd when the guy at the back of the crowd is the one targetted. that way the fire cone, which is rather narow, has to go through all the other guys to reach him,
ensuring maximum enemies having been damaged.For slotting, I'd reccommend 2 DAM, 2 ACC, and 1 Rech. For recipe sets, I'd definitely go for another Positron's blast set for the accuracy and recharge global bonuses
***Strategy Tip****
By the time I had seeds of confusion, I already had an awesome attack chain going on. seeds first, then when they start attacking each other, they'll usually fire their ranged attacks at each other first, then run in for melee moves while their ranged recharges. This is when I'd toss on roots to hold them back to front to back in a cluster while I'd fire breath them
all to ashes, and then flares/fire blast the rest remaining. that was my very first repeatable strategy for this Dom, it might work for you too. OK, back to the powers!
Fire Blast (lv10)
Cast time:1.2 sec
Rch time:8 sec
Range:80 ft.
The better flares! Just as fast-activating, but more damage, and more damage is good damage.This power will come in handy a lot when taking down a runner that all your other holds missed (yes it does happen), and it fits into yourattack chain really well with it's low recharge time. For slotting, I'd reccommend 2 ACC, 2 DAM, and 1 chance for hold from the
devastation set. For recipe sets, I'd reccommend the Devastation set or the thunderstrike set, for a good recharge bonus go with Decimation.
(Why the extra holds, dude? I'm already a dom!)
****Strategy Tip****
Well, be that as it may, if you're in a situation where the mag 2 hold isn't holding the boss, the chance for hold in your flares and fire blast will stack an extra mag onto your already existing holds. So just in case your strangler and your vines didn't cut it, and you panic, and you're furiously throwing all you got at it before it kills you, suddenly they're
wrapped in a ball of electricity, and then you can hold the boss much easier since you now have 2 or 3 holds stacking on the same boss. Not to mention that it will hold all kinds of enemies while you're pummelling fire and creepers on everyone. Back to the powers!
Embrace of Fire (formerly Fiery Embrace) (lv16)
Cast time:.73 sec
Rch time: 180 sec
Your build-up power that affects all your powers a little bit in the damage/accuracy dept. but really boosts your fire powers as well. I'd reccommend slotting 3 recharge in it for as much uptime as possible until you can get enough recharge set bonuses. It does not take Guissan's synchronized fire control: chance for buildup, unfortunately.
Combustion (lv20)
Cast time: 3 sec
Rch time: 17 sec
Radius: 15 ft. (sphere)
Not a bad power, it's a PBAoE atack that lights up all those around you. Now, in order for it to be really successful, you'll need to be in the middle of a crowd, but you're standing outside your makeshift forest of death that you made with the creepers, roots, seeds, and high-fiving Bulbasaur the whole time. You might be feeling frisky and want to run in, use
combustion, and bail out before anyone is the wiser in the heat of the moment (no pun intended). Myself, I like to stand back and throw fire into the mess from a safe distance. Yes, I did build my Dom for Damage mainly, but survivability moreso, and currently my usual difficulty setting is comfortable at +1/x4 with bosses. With my luck, I'm certain that the
one time I choose to get ballsy and run in for a combustion, I'd be done for. So I skipped it, your results may vary. Slotting-wise, I'd go with 2 ACC, 2 DAM, and 2 range. For recipe sets, I'd suggest the Obliteration set for the damage, accuracy, and recharge bonus, or scirroco's Dirvish for the regen bonus, depending on what you want your build to lean
Consume (lv28)
cast time: 2.03 sec
Rch time: 180 sec
Radius: 20 ft (sphere)
Ahh this is a nice utility power. Click, damage, gain end. Your Domination inherent will fill you up nicely, but while you're going off with the domination-empowered moves, you might run out of endurance here and there. That's where this power comes in handy. The only danger is that you need to be close to a foe (a couple of them, actually) for it to fill you
a good amount. If you decided to take combution, you can use it right after. I usually stand next to the crowd I'm killing, not in the middle, and still get a nice boost to the end. Slot it with 1 recharge, and if you want more bang for the buck, maybe an end mod. All versions of this power got a +recovery buff with i18, so you'll fill it up, and recover endurance more quickly for a little while.
Blazing Bolt (lv35)
Cast time: 4.67 sec
interrupt time: 3 sec
Rch time: 20 sec
Range: 150 ft.
The only reason I didn't take this power is that all the other moves are performed at a closer range. It would be handy for pulling, as snipes always are, but it just didn't fit into my build for AoE madness. Go for it if you want and can think of situations where you'll need it, cause it is powerful to use on a boss. My slotting suggestion would be 1
interrupt reduction, 1 ACC since it has good accuracy anyway, and 2 DAM for some OOMF. Recipe set suggestion would be sting of the Manticore, for the chance for toxic damage and damage/recharge/regen bonuses.
Blaze (lv38)
Cast time: 1 sec
Rch time: 12 sec
Range: 40 ft.
And here is the final set-defining power. This baby will be one powerful weapon in your arsenal. it's short range, but can be slotted with range so you can get it to fire off at about the same range as the other ST-fire attacks. Honestly though, when you're in the middle of wiping out whole crowds by yourself, you probably won't even notice the range
change that much, I don't. I'd reccommend slotting with 2 ACC, 2 DAM, 1 range, and 1 chance for hold from the devastation set. For recipe sets, I'd go with the Devastation set or the Thunderstrike set, but again, for a good recharge bonus go with Decimation.