So Praetorians!




Interesting Rotten very interesting. I have rl issues with GR so I doubt I will have any praetorians but if I do, they will be Loyalist. As I don't support terrorism in any disguise. I have been given GR as a late birthday gift from the wife. I am glad it offers 4 new Powersets, Several new costume sets, some quality of life game improvements side switching tip missions and 1 month of playtime. So as least for me it offers some addtional things I like and will use. There is no real hero path to follow in my opinion that is the big key statement here and not subject to debate. so that said:

My Praetorian is a reroll of Spec Op's Sable as a Loyalist Powers Division Powers/Responsiblity arc PPD. Sable's gun bunny rp story easily fits in.


Hoping for GR success.

Update to post If you really are interested or care please troll all my post on the forums in dealing with GR or ask Golden Girl about our discussions.

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



The Resistance Wardens I been told are the most "HERO" as you can get. The Crusaders are more of the Terrorists types.

Another possibility AV is pick and choose your missions avoid the ones that are more to the Hero angle and avoid the ones that are more villain.

Edit to add this idea

Praetoria also has the Underground it's posible to do a "Sewer Team" type thing to gain levels. But then the whole idea of Praetoria is the Shades of Grey stories. What are you willing to do to a.) Stop a tyrant or b.) Protect the Empire.



My friends and I were playing the Pretorian counter part to Longbow, Crossbow, complete with blue black uniforms to contrast the red white ones of Longbow even before Going Rogue. Currently we're in the process of reconning the group to be more in line with the new Pretoria and it's extreamist ways and less a group of Tyrant's thugs.....this is rather difficult for me because my main is Mastermind.....who command's I'll probably make a new MM wtih Robots or something since Pretoria seems to love robots what with the Clockwork and everything.



Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
Interesting Rotten very interesting. I have rl issues with GR so I doubt I will have any praetorians but if I do, they will be Loyalist. As I don't support terrorism in any disguise. I have been given GR as a late birthday gift from the wife. I am glad it offers 4 new Powersets, Several new costume sets, some quality of life game improvements side switching tip missions and 1 month of playtime. So as least for me it offers some addtional things I like and will use. There is no real hero path to follow in my opinion that is the big key statement here and not subject to debate. so that said:

My Praetorian is a reroll of Spec Op's Sable as a Loyalist Powers Division Powers/Responsiblity arc PPD. Sable's gun bunny rp story easily fits in.


Hoping for GR success.
You do know that, as far as GR is concerned, it's the Loyalists who are the REAL evil? I'll draw a parallel for you.

Nazi occupied France, World War 2. The Loyalists are the occupation forces and the collaborators. The resistance are, well, the French Resistance!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



You know..... someone should make an all clockwork SG. I think it would be sort of a cool RP thing to play a bunch of Hack/Modded clockworks fighting for there own liberation. You could make a lot of the powers fit into the idea of Mods or Upgrades to there frames.

hmmm I might have to make standard Clockwork (white/blue standard costume options) I wonder how many Clockwork XYZ or XYZ Clockwork names are open still on virtue?



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
You do know that, as far as GR is concerned, it's the Loyalists who are the REAL evil? I'll draw a parallel for you.

Nazi occupied France, World War 2. The Loyalists are the occupation forces and the collaborators. The resistance are, well, the French Resistance!
As with that situation..not every German Soldier was a die hard SS Officer...and so not every Loyalist is an evil sonofagun.

Infact quite a few of the Resistance Crusader arcs are downright evil...most of the Loyalist Power arcs are just selfish.



Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
Interesting Rotten very interesting. I have rl issues with GR so I doubt I will have any praetorians but if I do, they will be Loyalist. As I don't support terrorism in any disguise. I have been given GR as a late birthday gift from the wife. I am glad it offers 4 new Powersets, Several new costume sets, some quality of life game improvements side switching tip missions and 1 month of playtime. So as least for me it offers some addtional things I like and will use. There is no real hero path to follow in my opinion that is the big key statement here and not subject to debate. so that said:

My Praetorian is a reroll of Spec Op's Sable as a Loyalist Powers Division Powers/Responsiblity arc PPD. Sable's gun bunny rp story easily fits in.


Hoping for GR success.
I've got Resistance Warden and Loyalist Responsibility characters going currently at the moment. So far, I've found these to be the most 'hero' like and least Terrorist. In fact, as a Resistance Warden, I've stopped Crusaders from committing terrorist acts, and fought hard to prevent them committing atrocities. You may find this intriguing should you try out the Praetoria content.