Epic Powers?




My scrapper is getting to the lvl which epic power sets are available. After reading whats available for scrapper none of them fit my scrapper's concept and with the planned powers i am aiming to have i will only have 1 slot for an undecided power.

Are epic powers essential/valuable or just too good not to take up?



Consider that you've gone 41 levels without an epic power. That should give you an idea of how "necessary" they are. They can help to improve your build, but none of them are by any means required.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Consider that you've gone 41 levels without an epic power. That should give you an idea of how "necessary" they are. They can help to improve your build, but none of them are by any means required.

I mostly use two of the Scrapper ancillaries. Blaze Mastery for characters that want more AoE and wouldn't suffer from redraw, and Body Mastery for those who are endurance heavy.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
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Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
I mostly use two of the Scrapper ancillaries. Blaze Mastery for characters that want more AoE and wouldn't suffer from redraw, and Body Mastery for those who are endurance heavy.
Body mastery's a good choice if none of the other powersets gel with your concept; Conserve Power isn't so hideously overt as, say, tossing fireballs, and can come in handy for a lot of builds.



I've made more than one scrapper who didn't use the Epic Pools. So no, they aren't needed.

However, Conserve Power (or Focused Accuracy) and Physical Perfection are powers that fit easily into pretty much any concept.

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