Purple Your War Shade (contest)




Heh, I was thinking that too. I was going over my characters wondering which of them might feel less heroic (or less villainous), and the war shade being a little more cruel just seemed to work. Not to mention, a war shade would be more fun redside than one of my scrappers, I think. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Okay, I didn't have any particular plan on how to pick a winner in mind, but we have 8 entrants, and as a gamer I have quite a few 8 sided dice (that have been unused for nearly a year since our current GM has failed to schedule any new games -- but that's another story). I even have a PURPLE 8-sided dice, purple gem with gold letters and blue flecks in it, which I believe I picked up at PAX last year (I was there just a few hours on Saturday to wander around and pick up my ring mistress code, then I went off to one of those aforementioned gaming sessions with several sets of shiny new dice. ^_^)

So... in a minute here I'm going to roll three times to determine my winner and two runners up!

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



(Strange how I feel kind of bad the moment I roll the dice -- because up until that point, anyone could win, but once the die is cast I feel bad for the seven who aren't the big winner....)

I rolled for the #1 winner first, then 2nd and 3rd place, but of course I want to announce things in reverse order. ^_^

Anyway! Coming in at #3, for which the reward is 5 pieces of a purple damage set (Hectacomb or Armageddon, whichever one is not claimed by the #2 winner)... we have...

Third Place = Astral Shadows!

(Late2Party, who was fashionably late to the contest but not too late!)

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



And with no further delay, here's our 2nd place runner up:

Second Place = StarShrike!

(Valorin, who gets a choice of 5 pieces Hectacomb or 5 pieces Armageddon)

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Congrats to both of you! Sorry you missed out on the grand prize, but even 1 purple set ought to help out a little! ^_^

PM me on the forums or contact me in-game @shinobu or @shinobu valentine. I'll need to know what server you're on, I'll need to know which set StarShrike wants, and I'll need to figure out the best way to get the prizes to you. (My play time is usually after 4 PM PST to about 9 or 10 PM PST, but I'm on weekends as well.)

Now, I have no idea if anyone's going to even read this within the next hour, but I'm going to try and be a bit cruel and inject a little suspense, even if it's only in my own mind. I'm going to take my evening walk before I announce the winner, in an hour or so. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Congrats to both of you! Sorry you missed out on the grand prize, but even 1 purple set ought to help out a little! ^_^

PM me on the forums or contact me in-game @shinobu or @shinobu valentine. I'll need to know what server you're on, I'll need to know which set StarShrike wants, and I'll need to figure out the best way to get the prizes to you. (My play time is usually after 4 PM PST to about 9 or 10 PM PST, but I'm on weekends as well.)

Now, I have no idea if anyone's going to even read this within the next hour, but I'm going to try and be a bit cruel and inject a little suspense, even if it's only in my own mind. I'm going to take my evening walk before I announce the winner, in an hour or so. ^_^
Jerk! how am I supposed to post congrats to $winner when you haven't announced them :-p

Congrats to the two runner-ups anyways



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Jerk! how am I supposed to post congrats to $winner when you haven't announced them :-p

Congrats to the two runner-ups anyways
HEHE how do you think I feel not knowing what I've won?

Thanks Organica, My 1st purple set ever!



Yeah okay, that's all the suspense I'm good for. ^_^

First Place = Defying the Curse

(Dechs Kaison! Congratulations!)

It's probably a good thing I did this completely randomly, too. I had no favorite but I might not have selected the author of a warshade guide on my own. But after all, it's a guide on how to play the warshade you've got, not how to purple one out. Just because you can afford to purple your shade doesn't mean you know what to do with it. But I think Dechs does know what to do. ^_^ (Probably better than I do with mine.)

Thanks to everyone who entered! I wish I could afford to purple out eight War Shades, I thought everyone deserved to win.

Again, Dechs, PM me or contact me in game @shinobu or @shinobu Valentine.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Certainly a fitting winner! Congrats Dechs! You are now the proud owner of one BadA__ MFing Warshade



Gratz Dechs. You also win my traps/sonic defender next time I see you putting together a TF (disclaimer when I have time )



Grats Dechs, I think you deserve it. You post some great stuff here.



What a fun night! My friend MG came on and we decided to run the new Tina arc, but as soon as the team started forming I got tells from Dechs and Late2Party. It turned out both of them were on Virtue (very convenient!) so I arranged to meet up with Dechs / Defying the Curse by logging into my other account (since my main account was the mission holder for the Tina arc the team was running).

As Dechs had said before, he's already got a pretty good build. He very generously passed up on the five Luck of the Gambler +7.5% defense IOs, the Performance Shifter, the three hami IOs and also the Expedient Reinforcement set. That still meant I handed him 27 purple IOs and a numina unique, heh.

I met with Late2Party / Astral Shadows and handed over two of the Luck of the Gambler IOs and one of the Hami IOs. Then I went back to my team (which had completed 2 1/2 missions without much help from me). Not long after, Valorin / StarShrike came online and sent a tell. He also happened to be on Virtue (you guys made this pretty easy for me) so I handed over a Hectecomb set (5 pieces), three Luck of the Gambler +7.5% IOs, the Performance Shifter proc, two hamiOs, and the four pieces of the Expedient Reinforcement set. Then Astral Shadows and I met in Ouroboros (Astral was in the middle of a Numina TF, I was in the middle of the Tina arc still and headed back from Skyway to Peregrine Island) and I handed over the 5 pcs of Armageddon.

And then my team finished up the Tina arc. I really like how they've updated it!

A very fun evening for me and for the three winners involved I hope too!

Oh, and Dechs promised not only a writeup and picture at some point on his new War Shade build, but also maybe a video. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Congrats, Dechs!

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Congrats to all the winners! Great contest, Organica. Class all the way. :-)



Originally Posted by Wildlight View Post
Congrats to all the winners! Great contest, Organica. Class all the way. :-)

Too True!

Also, thank you Dechs. Those lotg's went into use immediately during that numina.



I want to take the time to thank you again for holding this extremely selfless contest. I slotted everything up that night (thank you, freespec), but did not get a chance to play it. My warshade is about to do the fall from grace, so he will do that now filled with massive amounts of extra purple.

Originally Posted by Organica View Post
As Dechs had said before, he's already got a pretty good build.
Yes. Prior to last night, my warshade had everything that he needed to be awesome. Now, with everything I could ever want, this character is a verifiable beast.

Originally Posted by Organica View Post
He very generously passed up on the five Luck of the Gambler +7.5% defense IOs, the Performance Shifter, the three hami IOs and also the Expedient Reinforcement set.
I have to admit, I was very tempted by the LotGs. They are worth a ton and useful to much more than just my warshade. Sure, I had "won" the contest and they were "mine," but I just couldn't take them. I knew that if you split them 3 and 2 with the runners up, even third place would end up getting more recharge out of the LotGs than out of his one purple set.

The other IOs I also had, and I won't use the hami-Os. I have crap Acc/dmg IOs in my "one slot wonders" and it's more enhancement than I ever use in them anyway. I figure that, if nothing else, it would help fund the runner up.

Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Oh, and Dechs promised not only a writeup and picture at some point on his new War Shade build, but also maybe a video. ^_^
Does this count as a writeup? I'll get that screenshot when I get home from work today. I hit printscreen in the enhancements window last nigh, but the game didn't take the shot. I have a third party program to use, so I'll do that tonight.

The video will take more time. I've got to get footage, edit it up real nice, and add some decent music. I had a lot of fun making the Dark Armor video, this will be twice as fun.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
II have to admit, I was very tempted by the LotGs. They are worth a ton and useful to much more than just my warshade. Sure, I had "won" the contest and they were "mine," but I just couldn't take them. I knew that if you split them 3 and 2 with the runners up, even third place would end up getting more recharge out of the LotGs than out of his one purple set.

The other IOs I also had, and I won't use the hami-Os. I have crap Acc/dmg IOs in my "one slot wonders" and it's more enhancement than I ever use in them anyway. I figure that, if nothing else, it would help fund the runner up.
Well, thanks for passing on what you couldn't use- it's much appreciated. Before last night, Starshrike was outfitted with SOs and some common IOs with maybe 3 pieces of the Stupefy set. This morning, he's rocking a purple set, one LotG (I didn't have other powers that can slot them... yet), the two Hami-Os and the recharge intensive pet set- which is significantly more awesome than he was.

I'll probably make a post here with my planned build so smarter minds than mine can help me get the most out of this stuff. Just playing around in Mids last night, I was able to get to ~89% global recharge just adding a few (hopefully) cheap sets plus two Posi Blasts (which I know are going to hurt, but hey- it can't all be cheap ).

Funny that we're all on the same server. I totally want to see Defying the Curse in action sometime.



Darn it, Organica...now you've got me all dreamwishy about gussying up my warshade when I'm trying to concentrate on Praetoria! I get distracted way too easily...ooo shiny!



Just came across this thread. All I can say is "Wow!" Super-cool move on your part, Organica! I would +rep you if I could. And pure class on your part, Dechs, turning down the stuff you don't need. This is why I love the CoX community.

Congrats, Dechs! I remember following your "Journey of a New Warshade" thread. I had a lot of fun posting in that thread and got a lot of great information from it, too. Glad to see you are still enjoying your 'shade. Have fun raining (even more) massive purple death on your foes!

...in CoH racing to 50 is like trying to race to the end of your vacation. -Arcanaville

Debt barely slows down levelling these days. It's just a little bar that measures how much Awesome you've generated recently. (If you're not getting debt, you're just not trying to generate Awesome hard enough.) -Kelenar



Hey guys, popping back in here with an update. There's a ton of awesome in Praetoria, which is very distracting when you're trying to catch some good footage of purple doom. Also, the tip missions. Good Lord, the tip missions. These are the things I wanted for my villain since day one. Wow, are they fun.

I did, however, take my warshade to vigilante, and I gotta say that the purples helped. I met up with Valorin for one of the tip missions, which we stormed through on +0/x8 difficulty. The freaks are heavy on stuns and most of the spawns were +1, which made it annoying. Valorin definitely has a handle on his warshadey-ness, that much I can say for sure.

I have to admit, I don't notice the set bonuses as much. Before the purples, I had a tiny overlap of Eclipse. Now it overlaps a little bit more. What I do notice are the procs. They fire often and are very potent when they do. I'm amazed by how much of a difference they make.

Thanks again, Organica.

Oh, and for that picture of the build that took me too long to get uploaded:

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Cool. ^_^

I took Squiddy Kitty vigilante as well.

We need to do an all-WS ITF or something similar.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid