Purple Your War Shade (contest)




I think I missed it, but Lord Omi would love to get something too!


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
I think I missed it, but Lord Omi would love to get something too!
Yeeeeeeah I missed it. Aww crap.

Oh well. Dechs, very good job on the ws build by the way, I can say from experience now that the way to play a warshade will henceforth be known as the Dechs way to play.

Well done sir, well done.


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



I just saw this today and first I want to say congrats to the 3 winners and then thanks to Organica for doing this. We have the best people in CoH and the Kheldian community.



I just wanted to say that I finally got all the pieces I needed to get Starshrike his +recharge build. ~86% global recharge with hasten down (and it's only down for a few seconds... awesome). I teamed with him a bit over the weekend and eclipse was near permanent (mainly because I would be hanging out in Nova or Dwarf when hasten came up, so I lost a few seconds here and there).

On a team with a tank/brute to absorb the alpha and the mezes, I really felt like an unstoppable engine of destruction. I wouldn't have had the motivation to do the marketeering to finish up the build without the contest, so thanks! I think I spent maybe $100 million influence for the "rest of the build"- so it was relatively cheap for those out there who want to get something similar (minus two Hami-Os, 3 LotG +recharge, and 1 purple melee set). If there's interest, I can post it when I get home.



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
If you feel you qualify, then feel free to enter. Mostly I'd want to avoid handing out first prize to someone who already farms or markets a lot and has plenty of their own cash on hand, you know. As I said, "casual" is subjective. I know I don't qualify, I play too much.
Damn. Melcor needs some lovin. Edit: Ooops, too late anyway. Gratz, Dechs!

Be well, people of CoH.



Eight entries... eight people on a team.

Perhaps too much to suggest coordinating an all-Warshade ITF (or *TF of choice) for those who entered, perhaps with pics?

Just wond'rin'.