A super-secret Hobbit announcement may be coming Aug. 21
We can only hope, my Lord.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
This is such a super-secret Hobbit announcement that the press is publishing the announcement that we will hear something by a specified date of Aug 21st!
Wow, that is really Super-Secret!
This is the kind of pointless news story we really don't need. An announcement that an announcement may be coming soon. It's like all the so and so may be cast in this movie or that. Perfectly valid for a site that needs stories to drive traffic but this isn't one of those.
I would love it if you could stick to confirmed news stories and not the speculation ones.
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Tempus unum hominem manet
Something odd is up at Weta Workshop, that New Zealand special effects and prop company best known for helping Peter Jackson bring his Lord of the Rings trilogy to life. Something that's getting us excited. Could it mean that The Hobbit is finally back on track?
According to The Noldor Blog, the Weta Cave, a mini-museum the company runs, has just closed to the public for its annual refurbishing. But what's the big deal, if this happens every year?
The big deal is this:
♦ The closing will last five days, rather than the two days it was closed last year.
♦ Lord of the Rings/Hobbit-related sets and props are currently being taken out of storage, and there is "a certain urgency about it."
♦ The Weta Cave will also be closed for a "secret" private function on Aug. 21, a Saturday.
♦ All of the contacts of this Wellington, New Zealand, Lord of The Rings tour guide "seem to think an announcement is imminent."
Now, all of this could be coincidental, and that private function in two weeks could merely be the expensive birthday party of some Rings fan with deep pockets. But it's enough to make us start dreaming that the problems holding up The Hobbit are on the verge of being resolved.
What do you think?
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