A question for other CoX Vets




Heck, I've only played sporadically, month here, month there since my daughter was born nearly 3 years ago (OMG, was it really that long ago?) and I can still completely bypass rooms on some maps because I know nothing's in them. Again, as others have said occasionally the game will throw you a curve ball, but not often.



Kinda learned it, without thinking about it over the past years

Also kinda know where the glowies are located



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Especially on the TFs I run all the time, yes, I know where everything ends up.
Yup, and I know all the zone shortcuts as well during a TF to the point where that combined with my memorization of all the maps, I can usually have a clicky (glowie) mission done before most of the rest of the team even gets to the zone where the mission is...

Even a rescue mission like the the Kings Row rescue mission in the Manticore TF I can usually have done before anyone zones into the map. It's just that automatic by now....XD


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
How many of you have memorized the spawn points for most mission maps? Not because you have deliberately gone out of your way to do so, but because you have simply ran them so many times.

I can also find the objectives on pretty much any map without consciously thinking about it.


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Oh so its not just me that remembers these kind of things hehe



While I have memorized some of the spawn points, I haven't done so conciously.
Instead, I focus more on:
"Say, where do they usually put the glowies on this map..."
"Okay, the elevator is usually *that way*, so the final room is *over there*...."

I don't mind the much-maligned layer cake room. I just go counter clockwise to the top and work my way down.



I remember most instances by heart, but even then I still go out of my way to visit every room and every corner. I like being thorough, I guess.

There aren't as many maps as there seem to be, but there are more maps than people think. Especially in the blue labs, there are many maps that look and feel the same, but actually aren't. There are different "sizes" of maps to the same basic layout. For instance, one size will have a dead end at one point, but the larger map with the exact same corridors will have a large "destructible lab" room at that dead end. Or one cave map will be simple, one will be the exact same but with a jail on the side and another will be the exact same, but with a portal room on the other side, instead. It's like they took one basic layout and made three or four pre-fab maps on it.

The reason so many of us remember so many of the maps is because we've not had new maps for YEARS. I'm not even talking about new tilesets or tileset pieces. I'm talking about new layouts. Have you noticed that there are some rooms you ALWAYS enter from one side and never from the other? For instance, that huge CoT cavern with the rope bridges over the chasm below and the winding platform path down the side wall. You ALWAYS enter this room from the entrance that has the exit rope bridge to the left and the "portal" rope bridge to the right. You never, ever enter from the other side, because all layouts that have it put that entrance to the side you're coming from.

I know almost all map layouts at this point. And I should, it's been six years running the same tilesets over and over. When they added new ones years ago, I was honestly LOST several times. And this isn't because the new tilesets were confusing, it's just that I was so used to knowing where everything was that it was disorientating to see something new. This is how i SHOULD be. Come on, guys! Make more tilesets! Is it honestly that hard to reshuffle the pieces you already have into more pre-fab maps? This is something that should be randomly generated at run-time, and we have a handful of prefabs? Really. At least go out and make, like, 20 new layouts per tileset. I know that Standard Code Rant obviously applies, but I don't see why this should be so difficult.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
There aren't as many maps as there seem to be, but there are more maps than people think.
I agree with everything you said, Sam, but the piece I quoted just kinda jumped out at me. Sounds like something Yogi Berra would say.

"Nobody goes there anymore; it's too crowded."

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