Request: Alternate method of unlocking fusion generator/dimensional vortex




Okay I'm sure I'll get told "no", "lrn2pvp", "move to a high pop server". But here goes.

As a base builder on a low-pop server with less than zero interest in PVP (and a circle of friends with even less interest than me), could we come up with an alternate way to unlock the Fusion Generator/Dimensional Vortex please?

Yes, I know that no base really NEEDS this.

The request isn't based on need. It's based on aesthetic want.

Currently nobody in my SG goes to PVP zones for anything more than badges, temp powers, and and day job bonuses.

Moreover, even if they were so inclined, due to general lack of interest, my main server's PVP zones are a wasteland.

I'm sorry if you disagree with me, but PVP in CoH is a miserable failure. And continuing to tie base items in some half-hearted attempt to "drive" base builders to PVP is equally pointless.

Yes, this is an "I want shiny" post. But I'm willing to work towards it. Just not some PVP objective. I simply don't want to have to buy multiple accounts just so I can take the alts into PVP to rack up the kills.

And, even were I to somehow drum up enough interest, it'd cease the moment I achieved the objective. Then basebuilders down the line are still stuck with the same predicament.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Okay I'm sure I'll get told "no", "lrn2pvp", "move to a high pop server". But here goes.

As a base builder on a low-pop server with less than zero interest in PVP (and a circle of friends with even less interest than me), could we come up with an alternate way to unlock the Fusion Generator/Dimensional Vortex please?

Yes, I know that no base really NEEDS this.

The request isn't based on need. It's based on aesthetic want.

Currently nobody in my SG goes to PVP zones for anything more than badges, temp powers, and and day job bonuses.

Moreover, even if they were so inclined, due to general lack of interest, my main server's PVP zones are a wasteland.

I'm sorry if you disagree with me, but PVP in CoH is a miserable failure. And continuing to tie base items in some half-hearted attempt to "drive" base builders to PVP is equally pointless.

Yes, this is an "I want shiny" post. But I'm willing to work towards it. Just not some PVP objective. I simply don't want to have to buy multiple accounts just so I can take the alts into PVP to rack up the kills.

And, even were I to somehow drum up enough interest, it'd cease the moment I achieved the objective. Then basebuilders down the line are still stuck with the same predicament.
I'll /sign this because I'd LOVE a dimensional vortex.
Though on the plus side, if this doesn't work out, do what I plan to do and gather a group of your friends, find a corner in a PVP zone and farm each other, just watch other for other PVPers. It's like if you stay in a zone too long they will suddenly realize two people who are not interested in actual PVP are there and will descend on you like vultures.
Also, if you do it in RV, you can get your Arachnos or Longbow mechs.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Just set up an untimed arena match with some of your sg members (I think that's possible...), like 5v5. Have one side just kill the other. EACH KILL that anyone gets will count as a tick towards your badge. So if you have five on five, each member of the one team would "only" need 50 kills. Assuming the other side just afks and doesn't resist, you can rack those kills up in under an hour.

Granted, this requires 10 sg members, 5 of whom are willing to just sit and die a lot, or 5 sg members and 5 random people willing to stand around and die a lot...

And it doesn't solve the problem of not wanting to engage in PvP...

Which server are you on? I'm sure a few base builders sympathize and are willing to roll some alts and kill an hour (while they get killed) to help you get your badge. I'd certainly be game for that.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Just set up an untimed arena match...*SNIP*
Arena matches expressly are NOT counted.

Though this could be wrong. As it's talking about hero vs hero and villain vs villain which is impossible to do outside of confuse in Zones.

Granted, this requires 10 sg members, 5 of whom are willing to just sit and die a lot, or 5 sg members and 5 random people willing to stand around and die a lot...
My SG is fairly small. There are about 5 active players in it and I'm the main prestige bot.

And it doesn't solve the problem of not wanting to engage in PvP...
Which server are you on? I'm sure a few base builders sympathize and are willing to roll some alts and kill an hour (while they get killed) to help you get your badge. I'd certainly be game for that.

I guess. This'll probably have to happen in a few weeks though. Too close to GenCon right now with too much on my plate.

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We've been asking for "non-raid" versions of raid items for a loooong time.
Old Artwork + "non-functional/gated" flag = non-raid raid item
Really, could it possibly be that simple?

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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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I know people on Protector who occasionally set up rep farms for badges (specifically to get the gladiator). I can have them mention next time they're going to be doing this.

It doesn't help the "hate PVP" and "next builders" arguments, but it's a small cooperative step. :P

I'll be setting up a rep farm on Triumph one of these years.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Arena matches expressly are NOT counted.

Though this could be wrong. As it's talking about hero vs hero and villain vs villain which is impossible to do outside of confuse in Zones.

IIRC you can't have an unlimited time arena match anyway, unless things have changed. So I would assume that the easiest way of getting this badge would be to find a nice quiet corner in a reasonably unpopulated PVP zone (Warburg pretty much fits the bill here) and set up some toon(s) to repeatedly kill other toon(s) over and over again.

The quickest method (assuming the kills do NOT have to be on the 10-minutes-per-death reputation timer limit for each toon) would probably be to use an AOE-heavy toon such as a fire blaster, and a bunch of willing victims with their inspiration trays full of tier-1 wakies. AoE --> Wakie --> AoE --> Wakie. Repeat until wakies are all done. Given that you can hit up to 16 people with an AoE like Fireball, you should be able to get the required 250 kills within 16 rounds of doing this if you can round up enough "volunteers" to stand clumped together and get AoE'ed. Judging from the description of the badge, only the damage dealer needs to be in the SG, not the victims.

If the kills required are rep-based, then you'll either need to swap out toons so you're only killing a given toon every ten minutes (if volunteers have more than one Alt, you can get them to stand in one spot and log off and back on again)... or set up a regular "farm".

(And if worst comes to worst, with two accounts and one toon killing another, and only rep kills counting, you can get 250 rep-worthy kills in a few days if you just leave them logged in overnight in a PVP zone whacking each other... that's where being on a low population server has its advantages as you tend to not get disturbed!!)



Originally Posted by Maelwys View Post
The quickest method (assuming the kills do NOT have to be on the 10-minutes-per-death reputation timer limit for each toon)
They don't. The kills to get the Fusion Generator ignore the timer.

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Pvp Zone are better way to earn it then arena, this how we earn it, GO to Warburg with a friend and kill each other over and over again and it's will count. Heroes Vs Heroes and Villian Vs Villian, it will count toward this badge as well, it's free for all.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



We setup a pvp reputation farm awhile back. Got the badge in a few days worth of killing each other. We'd get up to like 10 players all lined up in a row and take turns killing.



THis is not something that I am looking at putting into my base but, we are working on putting together a small community like PERC to take things directly to the devs. I have now made note and when I hear about if the commity is a go it will be one of the first things on the list.
Honestly I am with you why do some of our base items have to be PvP tied in, I say make it easyer to get if you PvP and a little harder to do if you don't...are you all down with this as an idea?



Hey, Hyperstrike:

It looks like you are on Protector Server, same as I am.

I'd like these items for my SG, too, but I can't get a whole lot of enthusiasm drummed up.

I might be ablee to get four or five people together if you want to try and assemble a similar-sized team, and we can meet in Warburg and wail on each other for an hour or two a week.

Just to be clear, most of us feel the same way about PvP in the game as you do; personally, I can barely be convinced even to play villains, let alone play heroes against villains.

But after six years of asking for reasonable concessions from the Devs and getting only flames in response, I can tell you from sad experience that it is highly unlikely they will ever do anything about any issue that does not interest them.

That's life.

Anyway, feel free to contact me at my global, @Dasher, and let me know if you think our SGs can help each other out with this.

Take care


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Yep, I think the OP pretty much covered the subject in a realistic manner. So that leaves us with three options (1) do without, (2) some sort of pvp "farm" arrangement and (3) wait for a change in the requirements to obtain the item. Given the history of the rate of base development change you really only have options (1) and (2) in any near term horizon... but I don't blame ya for raising the issue.

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