Barron may be MIA for a while
Oh man Envee, I am so sorry to hear this. I sincerely hope this works out for you and Baron. GOOD LUCK to you both.
I hope all goes well. Real life is more important than this game.

I used to be in Active duty Army. Depending on your location, what job he winds up with in the NG, and various other things, he might wind up seeing a lot of deployment time. OR he might not, like I said there's numerous factors to this.
As for basic and AIT, so long as he's healthy, he should make it through all that just fine. If he's not in shape but still heatlhy, he should consider it a decent workout program with lodging, food and clothing. With a camping trip in there. Plus he'll get to fire weapons that normal people only see on TV. I HIGHLY recommend he keep himself hydrated during his training and his service time - going through basic during the summer is gonna be hell on anyone's body.
Make sure he knows to study up, don't volunteer for anything (all though Drill Sergeants will pick "volunteers"...), and try avoiding doing anything downright stupid. Depending on other factors, he may think about doing certain things such as Airborne/Air Assault, EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal), Infantry...well there's a LOT of things he can get into that may or may not put him in harm's way faster than other things. If he decides to end his career early make sure he gets a physical before parting ways.
He'll also need to get used to acronyms. A LOT of acronyms. Yes, even joke acronyms. And switch over to 24 hour time-keeping.
Military life, even NG and reserves, isn't for everyone. If he's good at following orders and has any sort of leadership qualities, things may work out leading into a career. As long as he doesn't go psychotic or attempt to do anything stupid and/or criminal, everything will work out. Also, he'll need to take advantage of every opportunity, because they're quite abundant. Finally, no - I wouldn't recommend military service to anyone, but we still need a military, and the military still requires people to fill its ranks. So, all the best to the both of you!
Hey Envee,
I've had quite a few friends, in-game and RL, be hit with the economy situation and I feel for you. It looks like you guys have a direction so wish you the best.
So does he wanna play a blaster or tank?
"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner
Good luck to the both of you!
@Jimmy Amp
Currently working on:
Jimmy Crush - Kin/Regen Scrapper
"Life writes the best scripts."
As some of you know my hubby Barron and I have had some financial ups and downs this past year, and we almost became homeless at one piont. We have talked for some time on ways to pull our family out of the slump we have been in. Over 4th of July weekend we met with a National Guard Recruiter, we discussed the jobs, the training, and the financial aid for schooling. We decided that this is a good fit for our family, and my hubby will be going into the guard "most likely" the begining of 2011, however he may leave sooner.
I am very nervous about him being gone for Basic and his AIT, but I have many friends to rely on while he is gone. I plan to post weekly updates on here for those of you who know me and Barron. I am going to be doing everything I can to keep busy during the 18 to 21 weeks he will be gone.
I will post an update as soon as I know his ship date for Basic, I will also be attending his graduation from Basic and AIT, so I will post pics shortly after those events. We hope that the National Guard will be a "beacon in the night" for our family, if any of you have been in the Guard or are currently in the guard now please contact me, I would love all the inside info I can get to help me stay calm and informed ! Also for those of you who know Barron, please feel free to send him a PM or talk to him in game, I know he would like some support from friends on this matter