A Market Journal: From 0 to Millions




Like one of the previous posters said, I don't want to sift through all of the pages to find out if my guess has already been made. So...913,000,000 if that is already guessed then my guess is 914,000,000



Awesome thread. I started my own little project last night after reading the first few pages. Thanks for starting this.

My guess? Pick a card, any card... 1.25 billion!



What an awesome illustration of just how, with a simple strategy and a little planning you

can make as much influence as you could ever want in this game. I'd like to guess for

951,000,100.00, and congratulate you on making your point so clearly. Great job.



I'll toss 1.3 bil out there



To help people guess and not pick duplicates, I've tabulated all the valid guesses so far. If your guess wasn't on there, it may because:

a) You made more than 1 guess on a single day
b) Someone else had your guess earlier in the thread
c) In the cases of multiple guesses, I only counted the most relevant one in your post (e.g., you made guesses for day 1, 2 and 3 and it was day 3)

If you feel that one of your guesses should've counted, please let me know.

Day 1:
Lillika - 160M
Emberly - 675M
Nethergoat - 76M
Panzerwaffen - 750M
Ironblade - 205M
Ryuuk - 1.2B
Shadow Ravenwolf - 213M
Talbein Vikshus - 440M
Bramphousian - 525M

Oya - 700M
Eva Destruction - 666M
Maggotface - 1B
Chaos Creator - 384M
Lyrik - 667M
Jetpack - 347M
DSorrow - 1.337B
Marka Ragnos - 2B
GhoulSlayer - 1.034B
ChaosExMachina - 500M
Purus - 1.85B
Klaw - 900M
Ironblase - 1.38B
Mortimer NA - 1.478B
FourSpeed 888M
Aluminum Dave - 1.21B
Bright Shadow - 684M
Hestis - 1.42B
WarronPeace 1.25B
Lillika - 996M
Shadow Ravenwolf - 1.778B
Pitho - 1.5B
Talbein Vikshus - 880M
Rowley NA - 1.078B
Maggotface - 1.75B

GhoulSlayer - 1.062B
AllYourBase - 1.15B
Mind Over Matter - 580M
Kitteh - 838M
Voehler - 1.297B
FourSpeed - 1.776B
Derbieshyre - 703B
Mystic Cross - 512M
Gammos - 724M
Bashful Banshee 1.570B
Mortimer NA - 926M
FuriousJade - 872M
Zhang Le - 1.3B

ChaosExMachina - 1.234B
Chaoism - 1.44B
Organica - 1.45B
Mystic Cross - 878M
Demonic Gerbil - 1.111B
Pitho - 640M
Fulmens - 908M
GhoulSlayer - 837M
Enyalios - 871M
Voehler - 772M
Constant Motion - 865M
Chowder - 542M
Its Me Matt - 890M
leChuck12 - 1.001B
Son of Amber - 1.848B

Chaos Creator - 1.338B
Constant Motion 1.125B
WoefulKnight 913M
Eva Destruction 999M
Falke - 1.7B
Lillika - 596M
FourSpeed 1.776B
Boiwonder - 1.688B
Rainbow Avenger - 867M
Bystander - 989M
Pyrox Saberdon - 1.8B
Bionic Flea - 951M
Mystic Cross - 1.192B
Proletarian - 903B
Fulmens - 810M
FuriousJade - 872M
KayMoonPetal - 762M
Katteja - 855M
AgentMountaineer - 821M

Terror1 - 784M
Purus - 967M
Voehler - 862M
Lyrik - 826M
Derbieshyre - 902M
SmilinJoe - 942M
Chaos Creator 1.1B
Bionic Flea - 1.051B
Quasadu - 1.013B
Lord Cyclones - 888M
GhoulSlayer - 914M
Asha'man - 1.25B
malanoma - 1.3B



sry, guess I gotta move my guess up to 952



My day 6: 842 million



The tags on this thread have been interesting: "game is too hard" and "this is too hard *cries*". Let me ask you honestly: is what I've been doing too hard? Is there anything I can do to make it easier for those of you who are having trouble following along with what I'm doing?

This isn't me trying to single out anybody, but I've taken some pains to be as transparent as possible. And if I'm not clear about something, please ask. One of the reasons I'm doing this is to enforce my belief that *anyone* can do the same thing and achieve similar results. The only dumb questions are the ones that are never asked, so please let me know if I can make anything more clear.

I've detailed how I make MA tickets, which recipes I've bid on, what I've done in game, how much time I've spent in game per day, etc. Perhaps the only thing I haven't done is reveal every price points on what I list things at and what price everything has sold. I'm keeping some of the listing prices private only because an experiment like this is easy to sabotage. However, after this is done, I'd be more than willing to share those too. And the list prices aren't difficult to guess because the methodology I use is essentially the same one I state in the guide in my sig.

Anyways, if there's any detail that's unclear or if you have questions, please feel free to ask or send a PM.

P.S. I'm not in front of my gaming computer right now so early day 6 results will be a little delayed.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
To help people guess and not pick duplicates, I've tabulated all the valid guesses so far. If your guess wasn't on there, it may because:

a) You made more than 1 guess on a single day
b) Someone else had your guess earlier in the thread
c) In the cases of multiple guesses, I only counted the most relevant one in your post (e.g., you made guesses for day 1, 2 and 3 and it was day 3)

If you feel that one of your guesses should've counted, please let me know.

Day 1:
Lillika - 160M
Emberly - 675M
Nethergoat - 76M
Panzerwaffen - 750M
Ironblade - 205M
Ryuuk - 1.2B
Shadow Ravenwolf - 213M
Talbein Vikshus - 440M
Bramphousian - 525M

Oya - 700M
Eva Destruction - 666M
Maggotface - 1B
Chaos Creator - 384M
Lyrik - 667M
Jetpack - 347M
DSorrow - 1.337B
Marka Ragnos - 2B
GhoulSlayer - 1.034B
ChaosExMachina - 500M
Purus - 1.85B
Klaw - 900M
Ironblase - 1.38B
Mortimer NA - 1.478B
FourSpeed 888M
Aluminum Dave - 1.21B
Bright Shadow - 684M
Hestis - 1.42B
WarronPeace 1.25B
Lillika - 996M
Shadow Ravenwolf - 1.778B
Pitho - 1.5B
Bionic Flea 927,386,415
Talbein Vikshus - 880M
Rowley NA - 1.078B
Maggotface - 1.75B

GhoulSlayer - 1.062B
AllYourBase - 1.15B
Mind Over Matter - 580M
Kitteh - 838M
Voehler - 1.297B
FourSpeed - 1.776B
Derbieshyre - 703B
Mystic Cross - 512M
Gammos - 724M
Bashful Banshee 1.570B
Mortimer NA - 926M
FuriousJade - 872M
Zhang Le - 1.3B

ChaosExMachina - 1.234B
Chaoism - 1.44B
Organica - 1.45B
Mystic Cross - 878M
Demonic Gerbil - 1.111B
Pitho - 640M
Fulmens - 908M
GhoulSlayer - 837M
Enyalios - 871M
Voehler - 772M
Constant Motion - 865M
Chowder - 542M
Its Me Matt - 890M
leChuck12 - 1.001B
Son of Amber - 1.848B

Chaos Creator - 1.338B
Constant Motion 1.125B
WoefulKnight 913M
Eva Destruction 999M
Falke - 1.7B
Lillika - 596M
FourSpeed 1.776B
Boiwonder - 1.688B
Rainbow Avenger - 867M
Bystander - 989M
Pyrox Saberdon - 1.8B
Bionic Flea - 951M
Mystic Cross - 1.192B
Proletarian - 903B
Fulmens - 810M
FuriousJade - 872M
KayMoonPetal - 762M
Katteja - 855M
AgentMountaineer - 821M

Terror1 - 784M
Purus - 967M
Voehler - 862M
Lyrik - 826M
Derbieshyre - 902M
SmilinJoe - 942M
Chaos Creator 1.1B
Bionic Flea - 1.051B
Quasadu - 1.013M
Lord Cyclones - 888M
GhoulSlayer - 914M
Asha'man - 1.25B
malanoma - 1.3B
You missed my day 2 guess, which I inserted above. No one had guessed 927M before or after.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
The tags on this thread have been interesting: "game is too hard" and "this is too hard *cries*".
I'm sensing some sarcasm in those tags...


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'm sensing some sarcasm in those tags...

That's my hope. But if those are a desperate call for help, I just wanted to let them know that my door is open.



My only guess -

932 million.

Worth a shot.



1.314 billion at completion.

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.




Spines/ D A lvl 50 Scrap, stone/wm lvl 50 tank, Kat/reg lvl 50 Scrap
Grav/Kin lvl 50 Cont, Fire/Enegry lvl 50 Blast
Warshade lvl 50, PB lvl 39, nightwidow lvl 50, crab lvl 42
plant/thorns lvl 50 dom, ice/fire lvl 40 dom, grav/nrg lvl 41 dom



I'll have to up my guess a bit as well. I wager 911 million. An emergency of wealth. A fire sale.

Veridian Dynamics. Mistakes. We all make them. But sometimes mistakes lead to great discoveries. Mistakes are how we learn and grow... so we can do amazing things.
When you think about it, shouldn't you be thanking us for making mistakes? Veridian Dynamics. We're sorry. You're welcome.



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
You missed my day 2 guess, which I inserted above. No one had guessed 927M before or after.
I must have missed that one. I have you down for 927M.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Quasadu - 1.013M
That should either be a , or a B


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Day 6 - Starting inf: 626,004,416, Current inf: 644,273,216

Starting off a little slow for day 6 and over night sales only resulted in the sale of 3 IOs (two of which are pictured). I'm hoping that sales picks up this afternoon. I also adjusted some prices lower in the hopes of shedding some of my inventory glut. While sales weren't that hot over night, 18M isn't bad considering that I was sleeping when that amount was made.

EDIT: Serendipities never fail to amaze me on how well they sell. This has been a niche of mine for a long time, and I can honestly state that I've made hundreds of millions from selling these. Best yet, I used to be able to buy stacks of 30 for 1000 inf each and craft with lowball bid salvage. I think there's a lot of other players who know about this now, but there are other niches that are just as strong.



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
That should either be a , or a B
Thanks. That was a typo.




This has been a great thread, Fury. It would have been interesting to see it done redside, but with the merger coming there isn't much need.

I've been told that sometimes my lucidity is frightening.
Your logic is no match for concentrated stupid. - Organica
Current MAs:
Stop the catgirl rampage! #66361



Originally Posted by NightMission View Post

This has been a great thread, Fury. It would have been interesting to see it done redside, but with the merger coming there isn't much need.
Redside, as it is currently, would've been different. There would be no activity for sometimes days punctuated with huge spikes of income...at least it's how it is for me. Also, what works blue side doesn't always work on red. I'm constantly surprised at how cheap stuff like Obliterations are red side, but how expensive even cheapo melee damage IOs are. I used to make some rather good infamy selling of all things, Bruising Blow on redside. Those are almost throw away IOs on blue.

I think the market merger will be great to increase availability on both sides. Redside marketeering definitely exercises your patience.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Redside marketeering definitely exercises your patience.
The truthiness, it burns!

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