Champions Drop Ship Challenge
Team Marvelous reporting for duty! Can't wait as I missed last years!!!
[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]
I'll be there once again, with bells on. Not much else perhaps, but definitely bells. I'm looking forward to it!
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
Not A Rikti Spy will try to make an appearance.
He is busy, though. There are so many Not-spy related activities he has to participate in.
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
I can be there and lead a team as well. Good chance I will be on one of my blasters.
Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643
Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.
Star Strider Captain Anonymouse reporting for duty.
Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion
"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."
I'll be bringing my crew with me.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
I'll try my best to be there. I'll help lead a team if I can make it in time.
Rawr! Still out of town. Can't make it. Missed this last year too. *Sniff, sniff*
I wish I could be here for this. It's a real shame, because I love chasing after Rikti, especially on my 50 blaster. I still haven't been able to show up for one of these. I gotta cross my fingers and hope that someone decides this is worth doing next year and that I'm able to make it.
Good luck to everyone this weekend! Kick some Dropship butt.
Champion: Feride Edain, Level 50 Vigilante Blaster; Quicksilver Cure, Level 33 Controller; Silent Gemini, Level 44 Tanker; Aisa Moirai, Level 19 Villain Dominator
Virtue: Aurora's Blaze, Level 50 Peacebringer; Atrytone, Level 50 Tanker
Ok Peeps:
I know everyone is curious what prizes are going to be given away so here we go...
1 Billion to the costume contest (1st = 500 Mil, 2nd = 300 Mil & 3rd = 200 Mil)
1 x full set of Armageddons (All 6 given as 1 prize)
1 x full set of level 50 Obliteration's (All 6 given as 1 prize)
1 x full set of level 35 Kinetic Combats (All 5 given as 1 prize)
4 x level 50 Numina +/+'s
1 x level 40 Miracle +
1 x level 25 Miracle +
4 x level 50 LOTG +'s
1 x level 25 LOTG +
1 x 1 Billion Influence
4 x 500 Million Influence
4 x 250 Million Influence
Ok, so now that the fun part is over some important things...
In order to win a prize during Phase 1 you must defeat a Drop Ship. We will go down the list 1 to 18, first to last and have you call out a number between 1 and 18. You will win the corresponding prize that we have randomly numbered. Just so no one calls funny business 1 person outside of our Super Group's has the list and will verify the drawing. Should anyone from our SG's get a kill shot we will add it to the raffle and will be given away during the Mother Ship Raid as part of the kill shot on U'kon Gr'ai.
Any questions please let me know.
@Fanged Knight

I'm also giving away 350 million infamy or influence to whomever nails the kill shot on U'Kon Gr'ai, so the U'Kon Gr'ai kill shot will be worth at least 350 million.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
This sounds like a blast but alas I have no 50's yet on Champion. My Stone/SS tank is only 37 so no way I will make 50 by tomorrow...we need another round of free server transfers.
The Revenants and Vengeance Imperium-Triumph, Champion & now flavoring Justice!
Tanker Tuesdays & Brutal Thursdays. If you like fun, look'em up!
Shhh! Rangle is plotting.
This sounds like a blast but alas I have no 50's yet on Champion. My Stone/SS tank is only 37 so no way I will make 50 by tomorrow...we need another round of free server transfers.
oh, i think it'll be ok.. rather you bring that than have to miss it all together

I'm trying to get an idea how fast the ships go down (die), or how many times you have to "leap-frog" the ship?
If it takes awhile to kill one, or if we have to essentially chase/leap-frog a ship half way across the zone, then I'm wondering if I should bring my Kin to help with movement?
If the drop ships die pretty quickly (leap-frogging once or twice) then ill just bring a sonic blaster..
sounds like they go down as fast as Pylons?
perma jump is ---> /up 1
perma jump is ---> /up 1
Here are some pictures I took during the event.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Fabulous event Cherry, ty for running it.
Thanks for comin' out and supportin' our event, all. Was a lot of fun.
Also, thanks to Mod08 for comin' out and helpin'.
1 thing has to be said though...
Spell check often?
Edit: Those are some great screenies, Amy.
Great event, lots of fun. Thanks for organizing and hosting to Cherry, Fanged, Celestial Lord and all the team leaders.
Ima Mankiller@Ima
Dee's Facebook SG & Coalition Site
The Phoenix Phalanx,The Phoenix Phalanx Elite and Dark Phoenix Phalanx
Big shout out to everyone that showed up...
Even bigger shout out to those that donated money, enhancements and their time to pull this off...
Biggest thanks goes to the one and only Cherry-2000 for starting this awesome idea last year on our server and organizing it again this year...
Hope everyone had fun and enjoys their winnings...
Now you must excuse me I need to start hurting the markets again and fill my piggy bank back up...
Keep it hairy Peeps!!!

Had a blast thanks Cherry, Fanged, Celestial, and others for supporting this event!! Can't wait till next year.
Hey Champion, it’s time…
What time is that you ask?
It’s time for us to join together as Champions and take out the Rikti’s Drop Ships!
When do we plan on doing this? This Saturday, June 19th, at 8:30 P.M. eastern.
This year, it’s going to be a veritable Riktipalooza of events! There will be three events in total, culminating with us taking the fight to them! Loads of Influence and IOs to be won, and a Special Guest will be on hand to pass out Gold Titles… What will your Gold Title say?
The Details:
Now for some minor details:
Please use your level 50 hero characters, I cannot stress this enough!
Clearly, this is going to require all team members to have flight. There are jet packs available for purchase in Firebase Zulu, or you can also buy one for $5 bucks from the NCSoft store… the mini booster pack.
We need team leaders! I’m calling out supergroups to organize teams for this event. If you wish to be a team leader, please post here/send me a pm/send me an in game tell with your global so I can reach you for further details. Same goes for supergroups that plan on attending.
Basically, a team lead will fill the team and wait for the pre-set Event channel to announce a zone. You'll take your team there and head to the path of the assigned targeter Fiya Knight (global @Fanged Knight) Please have all team members add him to friends so they can keep on target.. Keep an eye on the /Request channel for recaps and signals.
I need volunteer team leaders to: show up early! We need to get teams formed prior to the raid and give a basic outline of what to do & who to target off of. Please give the maps linked here - - a good once over so even if you and your team loses sight of the targeter, you're still aware of ship paths for the random invasions. We will call out what squadron color path to follow. Team Leads: We will be using our Ventrilo server, for our Ventrilo server information, please send me a tell at @Cherry-2000.
Here is some basic information & strategy on the Drop Ships (considered a GM, and do reward merits!)
Drop Ships deal an initial energy blast of approx. 900 points damage to a level 50 (try to keep above the ship)
They enter a zone in two waves. Each wave flies in two separate routes. Approximately 9 ships stream in through each route for an approximate total of 36 ships per Invasion in one zone.
The key to success is damage and debuffers. Leapfrog tactics will be needed. A team would have to get in their initial round of hits, and then race ahead of the ship to get another shot off. Each team doing so creates a "gauntlet" from which the ship eventually wears down and explodes.
If you have any questions, please send me a pm/tell/global @cherry-2000.