Super Booster V - Secondary Mutation Power: Bug Report




Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
If this IS WAI its a bad design choice because what you are displaying here is an intermediate calculation that may have no relation to the final end value, especially for powers that have end reduction in them. It is also obviously not necessary to display them this way considering that global recharge works the same way as end reduction and mez duration and IT is displayed as a simple percentage value with no 'extra' calculations performed on it.

So, I would still say its a bug - all the values that work as divisors should display in the same way AND should display in a way that makes sense to the general user. I mean, I consider myself fairly comfortable with running numbers for this game in my head and it didn't occur to me what was going on with the end reduction number until you pointed it out.
It was done that way specifically because most people still don't know how things like endurance reduction and especially mez resistance work. The problem is that at the beginning of time the devs starting calling everything "percentages" that aren't percentages, and that creates confusion. "50%" end reduce isn't 50% of anything in particular: its just a number: 0.5. What it *does* is reduce endurance consumption by 33%. That percentage means something.

Its not that its an intermediate calculation, its that its a representation of the *final* calculation. And when Real Numbers was being created, it was explicitly *changed* to do it that way to be less ambiguous: its not doing it by accident.

Speed buffs are in a grey area: some people think of them in terms of recharge reduction, some people think of them as activity acceleration. A "50%" speed buff reduces recharge duration by 33%. Or it increases activity by 50%. Neither mental model is clearly overwhelmingly more common. But in the case of things like Mez Resistance, one of those two mental models is overwhelmingly far more common, and its the one that runs *contrary* to expressing those numbers as percentages. So from a user interface design perspective, its better to either show the numbers as calculated percentages, or remove the percent sign altogether and use absolute numbers. Of the two, the former is more understandable to the masses than the latter in my experience because it matches their mental model far more often.

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Feature Name or Description
Super Booster V - Secondary Mutation (Acute Senses in this instance)
Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): Windows 7 Home Premium x64
User Client (Mac/PC/Linux): PC
Server: Test
Zone: Peregrine Island (doesn't matter has happened elsewhere on others)
Character name: Harry Callaghan Jr.
Time: 10.10am Local GMT+10
Location: n/a
Archetype: n/a
Critter Type: n/a
Level: 50
Bug Description: All of the previously mentioned bugs plus using hasten speeds up the cycling of the activation animation. This is a most annoying bug for flow of movement.
Link to Forum Discussions:n/a



Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP
User Client (Mac/PC/Linux): PC
Emote: none
Server: PTS
Zone: Galaxy City
Character name: Spectral Ghost
Time: 4:60pm
Location: N/A
Archetype: Scrapper
Critter Type:
Level: 50
Bug Description: Mutant Powers: All, I'm not getting any of them and my Scrapper is a mutant..



As mentioned before, animations seem to repeat. However, turning on walk stops this, untill you turn walk off, at which time it resumes.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP
User Client (Mac/PC/Linux): PC
Server: Trainng Room
Zone: Pocket D
Character name: Chaos Ex Machina
Time: 11:00 AM Pacific
Archetype: Mastermind
Level: 50
Bug Description: The buff is proportional to AT modifers, according to both power info and the numbers provided by the power in combat attributes. No other temp power or booster power I know of does that, so I'm reporting this, though it might be intentional.

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