computer running WinXP with a quirk




OK I just got a new(er) mobo and cpu. I have had a few versions of XP in use in my house and just decided to use XP instead of getting a new OS (Win7).

A problem occurs when I completely exit the game then try to run the game again. The Updater runs. Then I would click next to start running the game and nothing happens. I finally found what is happening: upon exiting the game, the game is still taking up resources as if it is still running in the background (but it isn't). Pushing ctrl + alt + del brings up the Task Manager and lo and behold, there it lists CoH as still running, usually upwards of 900k MB mem usage. I can end task or end process from the Task Manager screen but does anyone know a way to stop this from happening?

I've heard from a family friend that is an IT guy that this happens fairly often with XP but this is the first time I have heard of it. And I have installed and reinstalled Xp numerous times on numerous motherboards. Any chance anyone knows a quick or easy fix?



I used to have the same thing happen a long time ago as well.

Make sure you get service pack 3 and any other Windows Updates. IIRC, the reason some programs hung on XP was usually some kind of networking tool or conflict.

I couldn't even shut down my computer sometimes until I opened the Task Manager and stopped the process. When attempting to shut down, I would even get a message about a dummy_dns_disolver, and notice coh was actually still running as well until I cancelled it.

No, it wasn't tied to a virus. This was happeneing on a freshly installed system. I guess that was part of the problem though. It was TOO fresh, and not updated. Running all the updates stopped any problems like that for me. I still use XP today.

I hope that works for you. It's worth a shot anyway.



Nope. Have all the updates- even installed optional ones. Still same issue. Maybe I'll just reinstall- no big deal really.



_dummy_dns_resolver does not stop running easily. Sometimes, especially since Issue 17, you have to force a process kill on City of Heroes to get it to shut down.

It will eventually stop running, but it might take several minutes. I don't know why; I suspect poor programming.



Well, I did figure out what was going on.... WinXP was running CoH/V in compatibility mode for Win98. DOH!!



Originally Posted by Mr_Body View Post
OK I just got a new(er) mobo and cpu. I have had a few versions of XP in use in my house and just decided to use XP instead of getting a new OS (Win7).

A problem occurs when I completely exit the game then try to run the game again. The Updater runs. Then I would click next to start running the game and nothing happens. I finally found what is happening: upon exiting the game, the game is still taking up resources as if it is still running in the background (but it isn't). Pushing ctrl + alt + del brings up the Task Manager and lo and behold, there it lists CoH as still running, usually upwards of 900k MB mem usage. I can end task or end process from the Task Manager screen but does anyone know a way to stop this from happening?

I've heard from a family friend that is an IT guy that this happens fairly often with XP but this is the first time I have heard of it. And I have installed and reinstalled Xp numerous times on numerous motherboards. Any chance anyone knows a quick or easy fix?
I sometimes (though rarely) see this happen with the Firefox web browser. I quit out of it completely, but Task Manager will show it still running (and sucking up CPU cycles) til I end-task it. Never seen it happen with any other app or game, though (including CoH).


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